"How To Keep Your Husband Happy, Alcohol & Fishing!" April/May '14 TR ~Updated ~ 1/1

Glad you found out can move on - and that he will get those October paychecks!

Best of luck planning!

Well, we are planned. October has been moved to January with 2 extra days, and we actually qualify for the military discount because of his DoD Common Access Card, so the savings already are making me happy :)

While not what you wanted a trip to the world is great no matter when. We went in January last year and despite some colder temps (but way warmer than the frigid snow of home) the crowds were non existent. I'm sure you will enjoy.

Hope you feel better soon.

Nope, not what I wanted, but things happen for a reason, and we will definitely take advantage of the discounts, cooler weather, and lower crowds.

Feeling a little better already :)
You may want to get a few opinions on the military discount. I'm a dod civilian and also have a cac card but have been told we don't qualify for the military discount because we are not a member of the armed services. While civilians, contractors, and military all have the card it clearly states which category you fall into. Hopefully the rules have changed and I'm mistaken, but I'd want to double and triple check for fear of having the discount revoked at checking.
You may want to get a few opinions on the military discount. I'm a dod civilian and also have a cac card but have been told we don't qualify for the military discount because we are not a member of the armed services. While civilians, contractors, and military all have the card it clearly states which category you fall into. Hopefully the rules have changed and I'm mistaken, but I'd want to double and triple check for fear of having the discount revoked at checking.

I did just that.
I called and had the CM double check the requirements and she read it to me word for word "Active Duty, Retired, Disabled, DoD with an Active CAC"

She said that this discount is somehow different than the one that they normally run and that he was good to go.

I have sent an email just to be sure. But, having 3 CMs read it to me and confirm it, and I wasn't the one who even asked about the discount, they were the ones who mentioned it to me I would hope that they would honour it.
So I was concerned all night that John wouldn't actually be eligible for the discount that we got.

So I called again this morning and told the CM that I was concerned because he was a Contractor.

She again read the eligibility to me. "Active, Retired, 100% Disabled, and DoD with an Active CAC (see eligibility ID chart)."

The last part about the chart no one had read, so I asked her to check it, just to make sure.

She had to put me on hold to talk to a supervisor. I was on hold for about 10minutes. When she came back she said, Yes he is eligible with his CAC for the room discounts but not for the Tickets.
We were only doing the room.

I asked for notes to be placed on my account, and she said it had already been taken care of.

So I am less concerned now.
Sorry to worry you, just didn't want you to show up and have the rate changed. I've never known them to offer a non military discount except at shades of green, so I may have to look into that vs our annual pass discount.
Sorry to worry you, just didn't want you to show up and have the rate changed. I've never known them to offer a non military discount except at shades of green, so I may have to look into that vs our annual pass discount.

No I appreciate you looking out for me!

I too didn't want to show up and be stuck paying more.

The CM today said they have been making some changes to the military discount, so that may be one of them.

I know that everywhere I looked they all were just CAC that were for Active military, so the wording DoD with Active CAC sounds new.

It's kind of like where I work, Navy Federal. We used to be just Navy and Marines, then they opened to all branches and DoD, and finally Coast Guard (since the are DHS).
Changes may be what the difference is :)

And all I know is that if I show up and there is a problem, I won't be one happy lady lol
Wow. Life sure likes to throw stuff at me!

Been on vacation for a couple of weeks and the first morning of being home, my puppy pulled me and I slipped and took a pretty hard fall. I ended up fracturing my left big toe, the toe I broke 4 years ago kicking my husband in Taekwondo. So, as soon as I felt the pain, I knew that I broke it again.

Then I got sick the second week of being home, and couldn't eat, as I was nauseous and sick and couldn't sleep. It was horrible.

I came home yesterday, and twisted my knee and re-injured my meniscus in my right knee. So I can barely walk now because both legs are hurt!

I tell ya, I'm a mess!

I hope to have the next update done in the next couple of days, just catching up with everything back here in VA :)
I'm sorry to hear about your injuries. How long will it take for them to heal?

Well the broken toe is the only one that has a real diagnosis. I was told 6-8 weeks for healing (which sounds about right from the last time I broke it).
The problem is, I broke it, and then 2 weeks later I am pretty sure I rebroke it after slipping into a concrete stair and bending my toe in the upwards position.... painful to say the least once again!

Thank goodness I don't have any WDW trips coming up any time soon, and that isn't something I would normally be glad to be saying!

Plus, today my dog Anna had to have surgery to remove a hard mass under her tongue and now she is here at my feet in her bed all in pain and looking a mess :(
Wow. Life sure likes to throw stuff at me!

Been on vacation for a couple of weeks and the first morning of being home, my puppy pulled me and I slipped and took a pretty hard fall. I ended up fracturing my left big toe, the toe I broke 4 years ago kicking my husband in Taekwondo. So, as soon as I felt the pain, I knew that I broke it again.

Then I got sick the second week of being home, and couldn't eat, as I was nauseous and sick and couldn't sleep. It was horrible.

I came home yesterday, and twisted my knee and re-injured my meniscus in my right knee. So I can barely walk now because both legs are hurt!

I tell ya, I'm a mess!

I hope to have the next update done in the next couple of days, just catching up with everything back here in VA :)
Life just has to get better::yes::
The day started out ‘late’ for us. We woke up about 9am and got ready. We took the boat over to Magic Kingdom. It was while we were waiting for the boat that I noticed that the FastPass that was cancelled because of Rock n’ Roller Coaster going down was there to be used any time during the day. So we ended up with 4 Fastpasses for the day. :banana:

When we got into the park we did a few pictures down Main Street and the Hub.

Our first FP was for Big Thunder Mountain Railroad between 11am-12pm, so we went into Adventure Land. John wanted to do the Jungle Cruise but the Stand By was already at 30minutes, so we went over to the Tiki Room. They were doing a refurb on the show outside before you go in. The fountain was blocked off by wood and burlap. They also had it blocked off from the outside so you couldn’t see the ugliness of painted plywood.

The Enchanted Tiki Room is one of my favourite attractions. “All the birds sing words and the flowers croon!” I can always remember coming to this show with my family in the 80s. I love all the birds, the flowers, the drumming and I always LOVE the thunder and rain. It’s just a great memory :)
John….Not so much haha. But he tolerates it.

After the show we walked down into Frontier Land to use our FP on BTMR. We were seated in the very first row. I do not like the front. I would rather be in the back because it always goes faster, but I wasn’t going to wait. We did not enjoy this ride. It was really jerky and because my legs are bigger than John’s the lap bar didn’t go down far enough for him, so he was whipped back and forth during the ride. We both couldn’t wait to get off. I think we ended up with some bruises.

From there, we had some time to kill before our ADR at Liberty Tree Tavern. We saw Chip and Dale were out in their cowboy gear, so we got in line and had some photos done.

We looked and bought some pins in the Mercantile there. Had some fun in the Shootin’ Gallery and then somehow got talked into doing a DVC tour at Saratoga Springs or Bay Lake Towers (they didn’t know which one yet) on May 3. Why not, we weren’t going to be doing much other than DTD that day that we knew of. And they said they would take us down to DTD right after the ‘tour’.

By now, our ADR time was ready for Liberty Tree and we checked in. We asked for Gerry, our server that we have had twice before, but unfortunately Gerry was on vacation in Vegas! Oh well, good for her, and we would still enjoy our time.
Heather was our server and was very good, but the location of our seat was kind of awkward. It was almost in the middle of a busy section and seemed to be in the way.

We started with a bowl of New England Clam Chowder.

John had his Beef Pot Roast

and I had the Pilgrim’s Feast (turkey, mashed potatoes, beans and carrots and gravy).

We didn’t have dessert, we were just too full.

From there we had a FP for Splash Mountain. This is one of my favourite rides, just because of the story and buildup to the drop. As we got there, I realized we were a little early for our FP, and I noticed Woody and Jessie were out so we headed over to meet them. Just as we got there, they went on break and when they came back it was just Woody, no Jessie :(

After having some fun with Woody, we got onto Splash Mountain. Right away I had a feeling we were going to get wet. As soon as we got into the boat, the boat behind bumped us and….Splash, soaked from behind (we were in the very back). As we were going down the drop as well, the hat I was wearing almost flew off (my ponytail saved it though) and it was after the picture so at least that was saved. And then we got stuck beside the waterfall, and John and I got a nice dousing of water. Oh well, they don’t call it “Splash” for no reason at all!

From there we went up the stairs to catch the train from Frontierland to Fantasyland.

Up Next: John’s First Haircut
We haven 't been on Splash Mountain in ages since it is usually closed for refurb when we travel to WDW. This time I scheduled a fp but I might wear a poncho just in case. I really hate sitting on wet seats.

I always have to order the Ooey Gooey Toffee dessert. It is just too good to miss. :)
Welcome back!!!!! Despite getting wet Splash is oh so much find. That pesky water ; ) I haven't done it or BTT in a few years as my daughter was too little, but think we are finally at the elusive 40 inches for our trip next month. We r also trying LTT for the first time next trip. Hubby is dying to try the pot roast and I just want some ooey, gooey, cake. Hope u r on the mend and looking forward to your 2 trips!!!
We haven 't been on Splash Mountain in ages since it is usually closed for refurb when we travel to WDW. This time I scheduled a fp but I might wear a poncho just in case. I really hate sitting on wet seats.

I always have to order the Ooey Gooey Toffee dessert. It is just too good to miss. :)

I am hoping that Splash will be open when we go. I know they usually refurb in the winter months, but I haven't seen it on the schedule yet.

And we have always been so full every time we go to Liberty Tree that we haven't enjoyed dessert yet! Maybe in January we will do lunch and I will convince my husband to split the Pot Roast...but that might be like asking a dog to give it's bone ;)

Welcome back!!!!! Despite getting wet Splash is oh so much find. That pesky water ; ) I haven't done it or BTT in a few years as my daughter was too little, but think we are finally at the elusive 40 inches for our trip next month. We r also trying LTT for the first time next trip. Hubby is dying to try the pot roast and I just want some ooey, gooey, cake. Hope u r on the mend and looking forward to your 2 trips!!!

Thanks for the welcome back! Things have been so hectic since John has been in Afghanistan. I am hoping with the close of summer things will settle down and back to some normalcy.

And I remember being under the 40inches for Disney. I can remember the first time I was tall enough to ride Space Mountain! My brother took me and I LOVED it, him not so much...but he's never really been a ride junkie. In fact I tortured him on a ferris wheel ride where the cars turn, so you can go upside down and you control it with a wheel. Well, my brother found out fast he didn't like it, so he wouldn't let me hold the wheel, and he was turning it so we were upwards the whole time. How boring. Well, his arms were getting tired and I 'promised' I would keep it steady. Well the devil in me just couldn't resist and when we got to the top and about to go over I let that wheel spin as fast as I could go and we were turning and flying around! My brother started screaming like a girl, and I was laughing...as was my dad who was watching. I think I was 13 or 14 at the time and my brother is 5 years older than me, so you can imagine how that went. I think a shot to the shoulder was well worth it :laughing:
My family still laughs about that....but not my brother :rolleyes1
Hope you're healing up well there K!

Still reading along...enjoying your great reporting!...can't wait to get back...but then again, I'm NOWHERE near ready! So much to do, something is gonna slp through the cracks.
I know it has been a while since I updated, but a lot has been going on, and for once it wasn't me.

My SIL (DH's sister) has moved in with us due to being kicked out and left with no money.

Then yesterday, my MIL passed away from a fall at the nursing home she was living in.

We are 91 days from our next WDW trip, and I would like to have this report done by then. So once things settle down here, I will be back on it.
Well yesterday morning I woke up and said 'Let's go to Disney tomorrow!' and John said, 'whatever you want to do!'

So I booked a room at Pop Century and a flight and got John's Annual Pass and I am typing this from the Magical Express!

Can't believe we are here right now!

I am going to try and do a Live TR as we go, I hope I can remember to do it each night :P
Well so much for the Live TR! I am sitting outside eating my breakfast (a Bounty Platter) while John sleeps. He is sick and I am letting him sleep in.

I can say this though, never again will I do F&W on a Saturday. Never. Again.
There were so many annoying, rude and drunk groups trying to get more drunk and thus more rude.
The worst thing I saw was a mother buying her 2 underage kids a Grand Marnier Orange Slush. I was absolutely disgusted. John wouldn't let me say anything.
I was never so happy to leave World Showcase in my life. Future World wasn't bad, but WS? *shudder*

Today we do MK and have tickets to MNSSHP for tonight. Unfortunately since we booked last minute, we don't have costumes.

We are also looking at extending our trip here since John found out he doesn't have to report to Ft. Bliss until Oct 29 :cool1: Well I will try and post some more tonight or tomorrow! :)


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