How many times will you rain on my parade?-a wet (and sometimes funny) first ever TR

YAYYYY! You updated!!! A little kick in the behind goes a long way.
Love all the character pics you guys got! I also especially love your Dinosaur pic. Fabulous.
I love the AK parade. The floats are so cool!
Oh my gosh! I'm in. I am reading your cousin's TR and you guys are all hilarious! Such fun!!! :lmao:

Now to go back and read. :)
yummy! I love Earl of Sandwich!!!

I can't believe David did that! I think he owes you the truth! That was nasty.

I've gone off on my own before, but it's usually to a park, so my friend knows where I am. And I bring my cell to text or call! (I also go solo, so no one to tell there!) I can't imagine what I would do if I lost someone like that!!!
You're back again!

I absolutely love the parade at AK. My favorite. So festive.

That's a really cute picture of you and Donald.

Love your Christmas hat!

Yes, I'm back! I think my problem is I get in the mood to update and I just want to write one after another too quick and I stop myself. LOL

I do enjoy the AK parade... I love the theming of it and I like to dance to it hehehe

The picture of Donald and I is my second favorite of the trip. You'll see the other one soon (I hope!)

That hat made me squeal like a little girl. You have no idea how much I wanted that hat!

Great update! Love your photos!:thumbsup2


Thanks Debbie! I actually had too many pictures in my update and had to cut a few out, but I cut out the not so good FOTLK ones so it's all good!

omg you guys are too cute!! I love how both of u are adults and holding your mom hand on dinosaur my kids better still hold my hand when they grow up!!! I love it!I'm glad you came back to your Tr I was actually just thinking yesterday...hmmmm what happened to amy's tr????(i was messaging Wendy n it reminded me that you had one going too somewhere)now I'm hooked in again so don't forget me :worried: loving the report and pics

We will always be kids and grew up with lots of love and affection :) I will always show love to momma, especially when Mr. T comes growling :/ hahahaha

YAYYYY! You updated!!! A little kick in the behind goes a long way.
Love all the character pics you guys got! I also especially love your Dinosaur pic. Fabulous.
I love the AK parade. The floats are so cool!

Yes, I needed that kick. :cool1:

I have to say I am pretty pleased about the character pics I managed to snag on the trip!

Oh my gosh! I'm in. I am reading your cousin's TR and you guys are all hilarious! Such fun!!! :lmao:

Now to go back and read. :)


In our family... "hilarious" is just another word for "clinically insane" :rotfl:

yummy! I love Earl of Sandwich!!!

I can't believe David did that! I think he owes you the truth! That was nasty.

I've gone off on my own before, but it's usually to a park, so my friend knows where I am. And I bring my cell to text or call! (I also go solo, so no one to tell there!) I can't imagine what I would do if I lost someone like that!!!

Earl is so yummy... and now I'm craving an Earl's Club. Geeee thanks a lot :thumbsup2

David sure did scare the poop out of us. The main thing is he was fine, but it still makes us wonder. If I ever find out I'll be sure to let everyone know... I'm pretty sure that makes EVERYONE wonder haha


In our family... "hilarious" is just another word for "clinically insane" :rotfl:

:rotfl: Love it!

Earl is so yummy... and now I'm craving an Earl's Club. Geeee thanks a lot :thumbsup2

David sure did scare the poop out of us. The main thing is he was fine, but it still makes us wonder. If I ever find out I'll be sure to let everyone know... I'm pretty sure that makes EVERYONE wonder haha

No problem with the Earl's craving. Happens to me all the time. Except I want the ham and swiss cheese. Oh my gosh that thing is so good!

I forgot to mention dinosaur! I love the ride, but every time you go under the T-Rex I jump/duck so I look like I'm absolutely terrified. My nephew loves when I say this, but I took him when he was 12, and he did ToT and RnRC, as well as EE, everything. No issues. I took him on Dinosaur, and he was curled up into my arm the whole ride. So when they took the picture, he's terrified and curled into my arm, and I'm ducking and screaming. So funny!

Day 2: Part 3: Look out David: here comes Cirque! or… Look out Cirque: here comes David! or… look out people watching Cirque cause if you don’t shut up, here comes David!

Does my title have you intrigued? I’m trying to come up with clever things to say… sometimes it works, sometimes I THINK it works and it doesn’t, and sometimes I really don’t care.... Ok all the time I really don't care. Sue me. lol

So when I left off we were heading to the bus stop at AK to catch a ride back to POP. The bus stop seems so far away when you’re dripping with sweat in the Florida heat that you’re not used to. Not that it’s close but the heat and exhaustion makes it seems 10x longer.

We made it back to Pop and drug our behinds back to our room, which seemed like an eternity. David and I collapsed face first onto our beds and mom said something about her walking circles around us (when she was always the one telling me to ‘slow down’). After washing up and getting our dressy clothes on for a night on the town. We hopped on a bus for Downtown Disney. We didn’t have dining reservations, and picked Earl of Sandwich. Again. After our identical meals to the evening before we plotted through DD with one destination in mind… my brother’s future workplace… I mean the cirque tent.

(Did I mention we are all Cirque-nuts?)

We had picked up our tickets the day before and so we didn’t have to rush. The crowds in Downtown Disney amazed us, and the atmosphere was hopping. It was afterall, Friday night. We saw a human statue, people watched, and mom kept telling us how this was just like Las Vegas.



We stopped by the Haagan Daas location where a band with a didgerie-doo was playing and a man watching the entrance to Haagan-Daas was dancing. He reminded me of Barry from Storage Wars.




ok back to our story... yes...

We slowly made our way through Downtown... we are people who go early everywhere so we can take our time and enjoy it all. I HATE more than anything being rushed.

David heading to Cirque



When we got to Cirque I looked up at those stairs and slumped as if I was just defeated. I have to climb those? Now? Ugh….


We made it up, went to the door to the far left, were directed to curtain C and found our seats.


Last row in the “lower bowl” area. Very nice actually. There were 2 empty seats beside my brother and two talkative people beside the empty seats. The people had more talkative people come and sit in the empty seats so it got really loud. I was trying to focus on the stage and look around the building (and the cute guy sitting in front of me) but they were very distracting, and loud, and drinking.

The people who had tickets for the two empty seats came up behind them and asked them to move, so the loud people directed those two people to their empty seats, somewhere else in the theatre. I would have stood my ground and said "nope, those are the seats I paid for" but it wasn't my business.

The show started and thankfully the loud, obnoxious, drinking ppl quieted down after a few people were shushing them and looking at them. I was awe struck the whole time.

Cirque was absolutely amazing! I don't know how many of you have experienced La Nouba or any of their shows, but as I have said previously, Cirque is a family thing for us. I have seen a taping of La Nouba a couple years ago but as with any performance-live is ALWAYS better. I don't know if I could pick a favorite Cirque show. They are all fantastic. We took a couple quick pictures and headed down to the Cirque shop. We shopped around a bit and then headed out....

First we had a look at Clown Alley, and commented on how many of them we've seen live :)


It was a bit of a wait at the bus stop but we made it back to the room.

Coming up next:

Rain, rain, go away... you're not supposed to come from my nose.

haha Amy you are just too cute!!! OMg Barry weiss LOL that's awesome! Oh and I definitely want to go to La nouba sometime in the near future.
haha Amy you are just too cute!!! OMg Barry weiss LOL that's awesome! Oh and I definitely want to go to La nouba sometime in the near future.

La Nouba was amazing and if you can appreciate the art form, the sport, and the pure genius behind it, you will love it!

Hello fellow Canadian. I am looking forward to reading your first trip report. Now back to reading.

YAY! Welcome to my TR! Glad you could join along! :cool1:

I am going to blow every one of you out of the water... and post TWICE IN TWO DAYS! *gasp*

SOOOOOOOOooooo.... welcome to:

Day 3: Part 1: Rain, rain, go away... you're not supposed to come from my nose.

After our exhaustive and long day at Animal Kingdom and Downtown Disney we slept a little later than I would have liked... like 8:30 hahaha

I woke up feeling like garbage, nose running like a tap (hopefully that's all the rain we will get today *groan*)

We had bananas, yogurt, and cereal bars in our room (thanks Garden Grocer) and packed our backpacks. I decided that day 1 wasn't too wet so I would leave the poncho home today. Afterall, I was in Disney in 2009 and it rained once! and that was when we were packing our bags the night before we went home!

Boy was that the most idiotic thing I did the whole trip....

Anywhoozle... we were off to park # 2 which was Hollywood Studios! I thought this might be David's favourite park because of his fascination with movies, and especially older movies and actors. I thought that the Great Movie Ride (although skipped by a lot of people) would be a highlight of his trip. Especially because of the Wizard of Oz scene. As I had mentioned when we went to Planet Hollywood and he went speechless over seeing Dorothy's Dress; I thought this would be a real wide-eyed moment for him.

As we got off the bus at the park we all noticed the high-rise Tower of Terror looming over the park. I (as a self-proclaimed Disney nut) proclaimed that the ToT can be seen from Epcot's Morocco Pavilioin and as such the rear of the building had to match the exteriors of the Moroccan pavilion or else it would stick out like a bad weed. My mother was just amazed at my knowledge and my brother gave me a funny look. We took a few pictures as we entered the park and were on our way.




The dinging of the street lights caught me offguard as I forgot about them and had to look around for a couple minutes to figure out where it was coming from. Let's just say the headcold had me a little more stunned than usual...

We took some obligatory photos in front of the hat and started roaming around. We stumbled upon the Backlot Tour and decided to do it. I was shocked when they didn't have “volunteers” on the PT boat and as part of the show? When did that happen? Or was it a fluke? I know when I was there in 2009 I got SOAKED because I was on the PT boat with mr. wonderful *rolls eyes*


From there we decided that FastPasses for Toy Story were a must


And then we decided to pop into Art of Disney Animation and did a meet with Pooh since the lineup was only about a 5 minute wait.


Sorcerer Mickey was just starting to get busy so we got over in that line at the perfect moment. We had to wait about 10 minutes or so but a hoard of people came after us so at least we had good timing. Yet, my nose didn't. In the lineup for Mickey, it started dripping again, like a tap. OMG! FML!
At this point I was starting to notice the weird looks I was getting since I had to keep wiping my nose with my never-ending supply of Puffs *bows to the god of soft tissues* But at this point I really couldn't help it. It was blow my nose and have people look at me and think I'm some disease carrier OR have snot-chin and have people think... well.... let's just go with disease carrier.

We did manage to make it to Mickey! He had to go for a cheese break before our turn and wanted us to cheer really loud for him to come out of hiding:


And of course then it was time to get a family photo with the Mouse!


From our meet and greets we went outside to go back inside to watch the Mushu video (the name escapes me now, forgive me) We were first in line and we spoke to CM Jereme outside who shared with us his dream of becoming an animator and he talked about his love of RC vehicles. We enjoyed the video and when we left there we went through the building, past the ever growing lines for Mickey and Pooh and out the door, again.

So we like making things difficult.... I call it more exercise.... yeah that's it?

One Man's Dream was next


We really took our time looking at the exhibits. I really love this kind of stuff. We're “Museum people” as I like to call our family so that kind of setup is really intriguing.



And I made a vow that I would be on this ride once and for all:


We were waiting for the doors to open to the theatre when I noticed the gigantic Fantasyland Model that I walked right by (this is due to the headcold-don't shoot me) so while looking at that the doors for the movie opened and we decided to wait until the next showing because I was in awe (in between blowing my nose, of course)


The movie (once we got there) was a good chance to sit down and it made me a little teary-eyed. But I do think that everyone should watch it at least once.

When the movie was over we took a quick snack break and headed over to the Great Movie Ride... which I knew my brother would absolutely love; since he's a huge fan of classic movies and hollywood. Seeing the carousel horse from Mary Poppins and the dress from Elizabeth really made his eyes go wide, which is something I was hoping for. When we got to the preview room with the movie reel it was insanely packed. I had hoped that we would get to practically walk in but we had to inch our way along with everyone else. We got to watch the movie clips a few times and finally got to the door. We were the first people in the next time the doors were opening and got seated behind our hostess. There was a family who was waiting off to the side and they got the very front row. I knew what was happening!


We started off our spectacular journey through the movies just like any other ride; and when I saw the fake cowboy on the horse my eyebrows raised in anticipation.


You guessed it, the famous (or infamous) cowboy scene! David and Mom's first trip and first time on GMR and we get the Cowboy scene! Our cowboy host joined us for the ride...


We wandered through the movies with great glee and the look on David's face as the scenes changed was priceless. As we headed down the yellow brick road, his face lit up like a child's on Christmas morning. (I remember years of watching ONLY The Wizard of Oz when my brother was awake, hours and hours and hours a day) Man I wish I could go back and see the look on his face. And when the munchkins came out singing... just wow. We were in heaven.


From the Great Movie Ride we made our way over to Mama Melrose where we had lunch reservations, and I went to check in.



It was at this very moment that the head cold that had been plaguing me for the last couple days really took over. I felt absolutely miserable!


We waited, none the less, and finally our table was ready.

For a girl who couldn't smell or really taste anything, my pork and potatoes were absolutely delicious! But it was at this meal that I had the conversation I never wanted to have this whole trip.... I told mom and David that if I kept feeling this way I would head back to the resort and let them enjoy their afternoon in the Studios without me. They told me they would go back and have a pool day if that was the case but I insisted that if I were feeling that bad there was no reason that they shouldn't enjoy their first trip and that there was not going to be any discussion over it. And then... dessert came. Chocolate Gelato, yummm

But, did I feel bad enough to go back to Pop Century OR did I stick with it and finish Hollywood Studios? You will have to wait to find out!

Up next-----
Day 3: part 2: Rain, rain, go away... nor the sky, dingbat >.<


Well hello DIS!

I've missed you soooooo much!

Life has been really busy for me but I've been aching to get back here! I know I've missed out on a lot :sad:

It's been about 3.5 MONTHS since I've showed my face here. First my old laptop crashed, and I'm still not used to my new one (on my semi-working old one at the moment) I worked 30 days straight and am on VACATION right now :D:D:D and so I thought that I REALLY NEEDED to get up to date and say hi to my lovelies!

I am currently uploading some pictures onto Flickr to post my next update, so stay tuned in the next hour or so!

:love::love::love: LOTS OF LOVE ~ AMY :love::love::love:

Well hello DIS!

I've missed you soooooo much!

Life has been really busy for me but I've been aching to get back here! I know I've missed out on a lot :sad:

It's been about 3.5 MONTHS since I've showed my face here. First my old laptop crashed, and I'm still not used to my new one (on my semi-working old one at the moment) I worked 30 days straight and am on VACATION right now :D:D:D and so I thought that I REALLY NEEDED to get up to date and say hi to my lovelies!

I am currently uploading some pictures onto Flickr to post my next update, so stay tuned in the next hour or so!

:love::love::love: LOTS OF LOVE ~ AMY :love::love::love:

YOU POSTED!!!!!!!!!!!



When I left off I was eating a very yummy Chocolate Gelato at Mama Melrose’s while I contemplated what would be the best thing to do; push myself and stay in the park or go back to Pop Century and rest for a while. Well, I decided that the best thing to do was suck it up and stay at HS with mom and David :)
We walked around a little and took a few pictures, and decided to do Muppet*Vision 3D.



When we exited the theatre, there was a backlog of people, because we were now entering a downpour! We decided that we had to get out of the way so our best bet was to put on our ponchos and run. So we dug for our ponchos. Remember the stupidest thing I did on this whole trip? That was to NOT PACK a poncho in my bag because it was not going to rain. David, as the kind gentleman he was, gave me his poncho after I fought with him that I was the stupid one therefore I should go poncho-less. Since I was sick and they didn’t want me to get sicker, I sucked it up and took his (thank god). With the rest of the people around, we ran into the Muppet Store, David bought a Disney Parks poncho, and we looked at our map to decide where to go next.
I know we went out the back door of the shop by the cash register, and I know we went between buildings but I can’t remember where we were headed.

We ended up at*Backlot*Express and found an empty table. We were going to sit out the rain when we heard thunder and lightening in the background.

After what seemed like an eternity (and was probably about 20 minutes or so) the rain looked like it was slowing even though it didn’t stop, we headed out again in the rain. But where did we head to?

Star Tours! We had to take our ponchos off before we entered the building so we turned them inside out and stuffed them in our bags. The lineup was almost non existent and before we knew it we had our*3D*glasses and were watching the pre-show video.
I can’t remember what sequences we had, I know we splashed under water, and at the end I looked to mom to make sure she was ok (jerky rides probably don’t help her pain) but she was so hyped up she really seemed to have enjoyed it!

There was a cast member at the doorway to the shop telling people that they can’t stop and block the doorway, we popped our ponchos on and got ready to run.

From there we ended up underneath the Sorcerer hat but tried to make the best of it!


We are so happy!

We headed back to Toy Story but it wasn't quite time to use our FP's yet so we went into One Man's Dream


pathetic, huh?
And after that it was time for our Fast Passes for Toy Story


Didn't get any good pics in the lineup this time! :(

It wasn't too bad by the time we were done and we slowly started making our way to the front of the park while stopping in a couple shops along the way.


This wasn't the end of our day, however. Oh no. We had plenty of day left. In fact we had a whole evening! But where would we end up?

Well, we did head to our resort for a quick refresh and then we headed back out, and on the way witnessed this from our building


You'll just have to wait (hopefully not too long) to find out where we were headed!

Up next: Day 3: Part 3: A magical way to end the day


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