How Many Times Did I Meet Pluto This Trip? A Dec Solo TR - New TR Link 11/30!

It's sad to see your trip report coming to an end. It was fun seeing what all you did and where you went each day. I know that we had to have crossed paths a couple of times. Your TR brought back many memories of my trip that week with my daughter.
Awww. Another trip report finished.

I've really enjoyed going on your 2014 trips with you. Thanks for sharing.
The Kiss Goodnight sounds like a magical experience! What a great last memory for your trip!

Your last morning does sound stressful - I hate rushing around so I would have been a nervous wreck! Glad you got to bypass that huge line at resort airline check in!

I'm excited to read about your character meets and a dining report! Have fun in PA!
Loved your trip report. I have never witnessed the Kiss Goodnight, thanks for posting that. Look forward to reading about the characters you have met and food you have eaten.
the show justice, so here’s a video of it that someone posted on You Tube if you would like to see it.

I cry every time...

Star Wars weekend sometime in May

OHHHHHHHHH!!! this is on my bucket list.. But going to wait until the kids are bigger so IF/WHEN they get lost im not in a panic! LOL.

May is a hard time for both Jim and I to get off of work.

I do hope this works out.. I want to hear all about this!!!

I hadn’t had one all week since I was eating breakfast in my room.

I have no words for this... totally unacceptable. I cannot believe you haven't had ONE!

There would be no Mickey waffle for me,


I was curious to see how many I had met over the last 5 years so I’ve put together a list. After that I think I will do some recaps of all my meals if anyone is interested.

OHH this is going to be fun..

. So stick around a while longer, I’ll see you all in a few weeks!

Like you can get rid of me?
Great pictures at the MK at night and love your photopass pics in front of the castle.

Having done solo for a half day, I have to say I give you all the credit in the world for doing it. I can't...I just didn't enjoy it.

I've enjoyed reading along.
Love the nighttime photos. I'm glad you were able to see the Kiss Goodnight!

Such a sad feeling leaving MK for the last time of the trip :( But you were a trooper staying until 3am!!

Yikes, good thing you're internal clock woke you up! Sorry you couldn't get that Mickey waffle.

Glad you're extending this TR a little longer ;) Have a great time in PA!

I was very excited to finally see the Kiss Goodnight and I had a blast staying till 3 am that night!

I am so glad I did wake up. I would have hated to miss my flight back. Next time I'm going to set two alarms!

Thanks, I had a wonderful time with Mom.

I don't think I have commented, but thanks for sharing your trip report! Nice job staying up until 3am to close down Magic Kingdom!

Thanks for following along, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Oh no it's over! :sad:

I have never seen the kiss goodnight and that's definitely on my Disney bucket list.

It was another fantastic trip report! Loved following along every minute of it and can't wait for you to talk about all the characters you've met.

I sure hope you get back to WDW soon so we can all follow along in another trip report.

Yep it's over, so sad. I managed to cross off a few things on my Disney bucket list during this trip.

I do hope I can get back soon but just not sure when that will be.

Yay for an extension on the TR!! I love when people tack on extra tidbits :)

LOVE your nighttime MK pictures and got all teared up at the video from the Kiss Goodnight!! What a perfect way to end your evening.

Sorry you had to rush around like crazy your last morning!! I am such a planner--that would have turned me into a lunatic! At least you only had yourself to get ready :) Enjoy your trip! We'll be awaiting the Character list upon your return :wave2:

Glad you enjoy the extra stuff! I just wanted to keep it going a little bit longer.

The Kiss Goodnight definitely was a great way to end the night.

Oh believe me I was freaking out when I woke up late. I was so worried I was going to miss my bus and therefore my plane!

"Officially" following along, at the very end. :confused3 I guess that's what happens when you lurk around the DIS for a year before getting the "you know whats" to finally start posting!

Great pics on Peter Pan- that is one ride I just cannot get the hang of- it's too dark and goes to fast, plus the weird angles of everything being beneath you. I just wind up with neon blurs.

I cannot believe you haven't seen Dream Along with Mickey! That is one of my TOP shows, ever! I could watch it over and over and make whoever is with me watch it at least once per time in MK. Not once per trip- once per MK visit! When I was a CM in Entertainment, we all wanted to get our Equity cards so we could perform in that show!

Have a great trip home, and I'll be following along to see all your characters! pluto:pooh::stitch2::mickeyjumpluto:

Thanks for joining in even if it was right at the end! I hope you continue to stick around and post, we are a fun bunch!

PP is very difficult to photograph but I keep trying every time. The black lights and neon in there make it even more difficult.

I've seen bits and pieces of DAWM but have never watched the whole thing from start to finish. Definitely on my list for the next time I go!


IT CAN'T BE!!!!!!! Your trip is done!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!?!? :sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:

What a bummer, I have so enjoyed following this TR, I loooooooove, love, love your solo trip. It's relaxing to read your TR when you're flying solo and you can easily adjust your plans and roll with everything....

Man, oh man. I am so glad you woke up in time to get to the airport! EEEP! :scared1: Seems like it all worked out though, and you didn't have to drag all your bags through the airport, so that's always nice.

I so wish you had a PTR or something to do while there are no TR's to write, but I guess I will just have to wait until you have some Disney plans again. In the mean time you know where I will be in November if you feel like a 4 hour trip to the smokies for a Dis meet! :thumbsup2

I will be sticking around to see all your fun wrap up posts! See you in a couple weeks!! :hug:

Yes it's done, sorry!

Solo trips are just the best! I love not having to worry about others and just doing my own thing. Of course I still love my family trips for different reasons.

It was a stressful morning when I woke up late but at least it all worked out in the end.

Yeah, no new TR or PTR for me for a while. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with myself without having one to write!

Oh, the Kiss Goodnight is so wonderful. Simple, but meaningful. Love it.

There will always be another Mickey waffle in the future! :)

Ooh, a big character list! Ya know, I'm actually really interested in stuff like that. I just find it interesting! So yay! Have a great trip!

I really did love the Kiss Goodnight and am now going to want to catch it every trip!

Yep, I'm sure I will have many Mickey waffles in the future. And I do have a Mickey waffle maker at home although it's not even close to the same.'s so sad when trips are over. :guilty::sad::sad2: It sounds like you had a truly wonderful trip (but then again, any trip to WDW is wonderful IMHO). We aren't planning another trip until 2016 and more than likely won't be back for another couple of years so I feel your pain. It's lovely to have all those memories though.

I can't wait to see how many characters you have managed meet throughout the years!

I really did have a wonderful trip. I thought about doing a highs and lows list but there were way too many highs and really no lows other than the rain on my MVMCP night. Not really much of a list to compile!
It's sad to see your trip report coming to an end. It was fun seeing what all you did and where you went each day. I know that we had to have crossed paths a couple of times. Your TR brought back many memories of my trip that week with my daughter.

That's awesome that I could help you relive your trip with your daughter.

Awww. Another trip report finished.

I've really enjoyed going on your 2014 trips with you. Thanks for sharing.

You are welcome. Glad you enjoyed them and thanks for following along.

Thank you for the trip report, great pictures and gave me a lot of insight for my upcoming trip!

You are welcome, glad I could help with your upcoming trip.

The Kiss Goodnight sounds like a magical experience! What a great last memory for your trip!

Your last morning does sound stressful - I hate rushing around so I would have been a nervous wreck! Glad you got to bypass that huge line at resort airline check in!

I'm excited to read about your character meets and a dining report! Have fun in PA!

The Kiss Goodnight was the perfect last memory for my trip!

It was very stressful, I usually get up super early because I'm not a morning person and need extra time to wake up.

Loved your trip report. I have never witnessed the Kiss Goodnight, thanks for posting that. Look forward to reading about the characters you have met and food you have eaten.

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.

I cry every time...

OHHHHHHHHH!!! this is on my bucket list.. But going to wait until the kids are bigger so IF/WHEN they get lost im not in a panic! LOL.

I do hope this works out.. I want to hear all about this!!!

I have no words for this... totally unacceptable. I cannot believe you haven't had ONE!


OHH this is going to be fun..

Like you can get rid of me?

I do hope I can make it for Star Wars weekends next year. I really need to start researching it more. I just realized that it would be October to do ADRs and that's not a long way off!

Nope not one Mickey waffle that week, so sad. I will have to make up for it the next time I go by having several!

No worries, I would never want to get rid of you.

Great pictures at the MK at night and love your photopass pics in front of the castle.

Having done solo for a half day, I have to say I give you all the credit in the world for doing it. I can't...I just didn't enjoy it.

I've enjoyed reading along.

Thanks, I love taking pictures in MK at night, it's so beautiful.

I do realize that solo trips are not for everyone. I'm just a pretty independent person and don't mind being alone so that helps.
All the Characters I’ve Met Part 1

Hello everyone! I'm back from my trip to PA. Mom and I had a wonderful time. I did take my camera but it didn't come out of my bag the whole trip. We mostly shopped and visited with family. We did go to a local fair to play bingo one night and had a blast. We also played trivia with my brother and SIL. My brother is a trivia wiz and we took 3rd place that night.

I'm finally caught up with everything at work so I thought I would post my character list today. On Monday I have a brand new boss starting so I don't know when I'll get around to posting the other recaps I want to do. I'm pretty stressed about meeting her and I hope it all goes well.

So this turned out to be a bit more of a project that I thought it would. I decided rather than just a list, I would post picture proof of all of the meets. The list is in alphabetical order starting with Aladdin and ending with Wreck it Ralph. It’s going to take a total of 7 posts to get all of them in! These are meets that I have done since 2010. I’m sure I met some characters when I was a kid but don’t have picture proof so I’m not including those. I do believe there were more meets than this but unless I had a photo, I did not include them. I know there was at least one more Pluto greet where the PP pictures did not turn out and I also know I met Safari Daisy at Tusker House but have no picture.


October 2013 – Magic Kingdom

December 2014 – Hollywood Studios Character Palooza


May 2014 – Magic Kingdom


October 2014 – Magic Kingdom

Ariel with fin

October 2013 – Magic Kingdom

May 2014 – Magic Kingdom

Ariel with legs

October 2014 – Magic Kingdom CRT


October 2014 – Magic Kingdom CRT


December 2014 – Animal Kingdom

Bashful - Christmas

December 2014 – Magic Kingdom MVMCP


March 2013 – Be Our Guest Restaurant

October 2013 – Be Our Guest Restaurant


December 2014 – Hollywood Studios Character Palooza

Big Al

December 2014 – Magic Kingdom Christmas Party

Br’er Fox

December 2014 – Hollywood Studios Character Palooza

Buzz Lightyear

May 2014 – Hollywood Studios

Captain Jack Sparrow

October 2013 – Magic Kingdom Halloween Party


May 2014 – Epcot Garden Grill

October 2014 – Epcot

December 2014 – Hollywood Studios Character Palooza

Chip – Hollywood Studios Outfit

May 2014 – Hollywood Studios

Chip – Western Outfit

December 2014 – Magic Kingdom

Continued in Next Post
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All the Characters I’ve Met Part 2


October 2014 – Magic Kingdom CRT

December 2014 – Magic Kingdom

Daisy Duck – Safari, Christmas

December 2014 – Animal Kingdom

Daisy Duck – Madame Daisy Fortuna

October 2013 – Magic Kingdom

Daisy Duck – Halloween Party, Princess

October 2013 – Magic Kingdom

Daisy Duck – Christmas Party

December 2014 – Magic Kingdom MVMCP


May 2014 – Epcot Garden Grill

October 2014 – Epcot

December 2014 – Hollywood Studios Character Palooza

Dale – Hollywood Studios Outfit

May 2014

Dale – Western Outfit

December 2014 – Magic Kingdom

Doc, Christmas

December 2014 – Magic Kingdom MVMCP

Donald Duck

December 2014 – Hollywood Studios Character Palooza

Donald Duck – Christmas Party

December 2014 – Magic Kingdom MVMCP

Donald Duck – Chef

January 2010 – Chef Mickey’s

Donald Duck – Safari

October 2014 – Animal Kingdom Tusker House

Donald Duck – Safari, Christmas

December 2014 – Animal Kingdom

Donald Duck – Halloween Party, Knight

October 2013 – Magic Kingdom

Donald Duck – Great Donaldo

October 2013 – Magic Kingdom

December 2014 – Magic Kingdom

Donald Duck – Hollywood Studios Outfit

May 2014 – Hollywood Studios

Donald Duck – Mexico Donald

October 2013 – Epcot

May 2014 – Epcot

Dopey, Christmas

December 2014 – Magic Kingdom MVMCP

Duffy – Christmas

December 2014 – Epcot

Continued in Next Post
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All the Characters I’ve Met Part 3


October 2013 – Animal Kingdom


October 2014 – Magic Kingdom

Evil Queen (Snow White)

December 2014 – Hollywood Studios Character Palooza


December 2014 – Hollywood Studios


May 2014 – Magic Kingdom


December 2014 – Hollywood Studios Character Palooza


October 2013 – Epcot Character Spot

October 2013 – Epcot Visa Meet and Greet

October 2014 – Epcot Character Spot

December 2014 – Epcot Visa Meet and Greet

Goofy – Chef

January 2010 – Chef Mickey’s

Goofy – Dinoland Outfit

March 2013 – Animal Kingdom

October 2013 – Animal Kingdom

Goofy – Safari

October 2014 – Animal Kingdom Tusker House

Goofy – Great Goofini

October 2013 – Magic Kingdom

December 2014 – Magic Kingdom

Goofy – Santa

December 2012 – Animal Kingdom

December 2014 – Animal Kingdom

Goofy – Hollywood Studios Outfit

May 2014 – Hollywood Studios

Grumpy, Christmas

December 2014 – Magic Kingdom MVMCP

Happy, Christmas

December 2014 – Magic Kingdom MVMCP


October 2013 – Magic Kingdom

October 2014 – Magic Kingdom CRT

December 2014 – Hollywood Studios Character Palooza

Continued in Next Post
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All the Characters I’ve Met Part 4

King Louie

December 2014 – Animal Kingdom

Lightning McQueen

January 2010 – Hollywood Studios

October 2013 – Hollywood Studios


October 2014 – O’Hana (seriously need a redo on this photo)

Mary Poppins

December 2014 – Hollywood Studios Character Palooza


January 2010 – Hollywood Studios

October 2013 – Hollywood Studios


December 2014 – Hollywood Studios Character Palooza


May 2014 – Magic Kingdom

Mickey Mouse

January 2010 – Magic Kingdom Mickey’s Toontown

December 2012 – Epcot Visa Meet and Greet

October 2013 – Epcot Character Spot

October 2013 – Epcot Visa Meet and Greet

October 2014 – Epcot Character Spot

December 2014 – Epcot Visa Meet and Greet

Mickey Mouse – Christmas

December 2014 – Animal Kingdom

Mickey Mouse – Safari

October 2014 – Animal Kingdom Tusker House

Mickey Mouse – Chef

January 2010 – Chef Mickey’s

Mickey Mouse – Farmer

May 2014 – Epcot Garden Grill

Mickey Mouse – Wedding

February 2014 – Atlantic Dance Hall

Mickey Mouse – Hawaiian

October 2014 – O’Hana

Mickey Mouse – Magician (not talking)

March 2013 – Magic Kingdom

Mickey Mouse – Magician (talking)

February 2014 – Magic Kingdom

Mike Wazowski (Monsters University)

October 2013 – Hollywood Studios

Continued in Next Post
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All the Characters I’ve Met Part 5

Minnie Mouse

January 2010 – Mickey’s Toontown

October 2013 – Epcot

May 2014 – Hollywood Studios

October 2014 – Epcot Character Spot

December 2014 – Hollywood Studios Character Palooza

Minnie Mouse – Christmas

December 2014 – Animal Kingdom

Minnie Mouse – Chef

January 2010 – Chef Mickey’s

Minnie Mouse – Wedding

February 2014 – Atlantic Dance Hall

Minnie Mouse – Minnie Magnifique

October 2013 – Magic Kingdom

Mr. Incredible

December 2014 – Hollywood Studios


December 2014 – Hollywood Studios Character Palooza

Peter Pan

May 2014 – Magic Kingdom


December 2014 – Hollywood Studios Character Palooza

Continued in Next Post
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All the Characters I’ve Met Part 6

Pluto – Animal Kingdom

December 2012

March 2013

October 2013

December 2014

Pluto – Hollywood Studios

May 2014

December 2014

Pluto – Epcot

May 2014 – Garden Grill

December 2014

Pluto – Magic Kingdom

January 2010 – Liberty Tree Tavern

December 2014

Pluto – Chef Mickeys

January 2010

Pluto – O’Hana

October 2014


December 2014 – Hollywood Studios Character Palooza


October 2013 – UK Pavilion


October 2013 – Animal Kingdom

February 2014 – Animal Kingdom


December 2014 – Magic Kingdom


October 2013 – Animal Kingdom

Scrooge McDuck

December 2014 – Magic Kingdom MVMCP

Sleepy, Christmas

December 2014 – Magic Kingdom MVMCP

Sneezy, Christmas

December 2014 – Magic Kingdom MVMCP

Continued in Next Post
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All the Characters I’ve Met Part 7

Snow White

October 2014 – Magic Kingdom CRT

December 2014 – Hollywood Studios Character Palooza


October 2014 – O’Hana

December 2014 – Magic Kingdom

Sully (Monster’s University)

October 2013 – Hollywood Studios


December 2014 – Hollywood Studios Character Palooza


October 2013 – Animal Kingdom

December 2014 – Epcot


December 2014 – Hollywood Studios Character Palooza

Tinker Bell

December 2014 – Magic Kingdom

Vanellope Von Schweetz

May 2014 – Hollywood Studios


May 2014 – Magic Kingdom

White Rabbit

May 2014 – Magic Kingdom

Winnie the Pooh

October 2013 – Epcot

October 2013 – Animal Kingdom

December 2014 – Epcot


May 2014 – Hollywood Studios

Wreck-it Ralph

May 2014 – Hollywood Studios

And there you have it! All the characters I've met since 2010. So who am I missing? I need to start a list for next trip. So far I have Belle, Marie, the Tremaines and the Fairy Godmother down but I know I'm missing a few. I did have Sorcerer Mickey at HS on the list but sadly he's gone now.

Up Next: Table Service Recap
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Wow - Talk about character-a-poloza! That's an impressive array of character meets and I give you props for getting them all in alphabetical order! How fun! Love the zip-e-de-do-dah shirt!

Your last night in the world was perfect. I love the castle show. Your pics turned out great - both those of the castle and Main Street. What a lovely evening.

So glad you were able to check your luggage. I would have died if I got in a line of 40 people. :faint:

So glad you had a wonderful visit with your mom!
Wow all of those character pictures! Alphabetical order too!

Glad your trip to PA was good.

Hope your meeting with the new boss goes good as well.
Loved this!!! So many characters, love that you did it in alphabetical order too. Lots of nice memories to look back on :)

Best of luck with your new boss!
Holy guacamole! That's A LOT of characters! How cool to see them all catalogued like that! Man, o, man that Pluto section!!!

Glad you're back!!


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