How long before they stop letting people share?

When food is not finished and discarded it is a waste to throw it away.
I can respect that perspective: You can call it whatever you wish. I guess the question, for me, is what's the harm? Perhaps some more farmers get a little more money, and get to hold onto their farm another year. I don't see that as a bad thing. It really is a matter of what all that food was there in the first place, and in the end its because some diners will eat it, and it would be a PITA for the waiter to ask each person how big they want their portion to be...
Perhaps, but I think we've already seen Disney, and many other restaurants, begin working this issue from another direction: Reducing portion sizes.

I also think that this may be the way Disney reacts to the sharing issue. Many restaurants in our area have a plate charge if two people share a meal. From the posts here I get the impression that Disney does not like to say "no" to guests so if the portion size is reduced it is more difficult to share at TS restaurants. Instead of Disney making the decision to charge a fee, the guest must determine if he wants a very small meal.
And of course, this concerns guests who naturally have a large appetite. Disney's given them what would be, for them, a reasonable portion -- up to now. However, I wouldn't surprised to see such folks expressing disappointment in the years to come about how much smaller portions are -- that they have to go out and have dinner after dinner -- all as a result of drivers that might include the manner in which the practice of sharing has spread.
but I have to ask. Has anyone heard FIRST HAND of any intent by Disney to reduce the ammount of sharing or is this another Internet rumor run amok? Please, no responses from people that heard it from thier friends cousins son in law, just first hand accounts.
but I have to ask. Has anyone heard FIRST HAND of any intent by Disney to reduce the ammount of sharing or is this another Internet rumor run amok? Please, no responses from people that heard it from thier friends cousins son in law, just first hand accounts.
Good Question
Just as a random observation: the Blue Bayou at Disneyland now has a plate splitting charge of $4.

Has anyone heard FIRST HAND of any intent by Disney to reduce the ammount of sharing or is this another Internet rumor run amok?

It's not even a rumor; it is just wild speculation. The argument goes something like this:

* Disney created the plan with poolable credits, assuming that very few people would pool from children to adults.
* A surprising (to Disney) number of people did pool in this way.
* Disney reacted by tracking classes of credits.
* In this "new" implemenation, Disney assumes that no more people would share than did in the "old" implementation.
* A surprising (to Disney) increase in sharing mayoccur so that people can stretch their credits.
* Disney may react by limiting sharing in some way---either by charging for it, or by disallowing it.

Of course, *all* of this is speculation. But, it's perhaps an interesting thing to ponder.
but I have to ask. Has anyone heard FIRST HAND of any intent by Disney to reduce the ammount of sharing or is this another Internet rumor run amok? Please, no responses from people that heard it from thier friends cousins son in law, just first hand accounts.

I have not heard anything. I was simply speculating how the issue might be resolved without Disney taking any kind of stand in regards to sharing meals. With many years behind me in food service, it was one of the first things that I thought of to address the problem, if indeed Disney considers it a problem.

I would not have any problem with a plate fee, but then again we usually don't share our entrees.
Just as a random observation: the Blue Bayou at Disneyland now has a plate splitting charge of $4.

It's not even a rumor; it is just wild speculation. The argument goes something like this:

* Disney created the plan with poolable credits, assuming that very few people would pool from children to adults.
* A surprising (to Disney) number of people did pool in this way.
* Disney reacted by tracking classes of credits.
* In this "new" implemenation, Disney assumes that no more people would share than did in the "old" implementation.
* A surprising (to Disney) increase in sharing mayoccur so that people can stretch their credits.
* Disney may react by limiting sharing in some way---either by charging for it, or by disallowing it.

Of course, *all* of this is speculation. But, it's perhaps an interesting thing to ponder.

Yes, it's more speculation than anything. Disney seems to be closing the loopholes on the DDP, and sharing is a BIG loophole, IMO.
Yes, it's more speculation than anything. Disney seems to be closing the loopholes on the DDP, and sharing is a BIG loophole, IMO.

But isn't sharing a loophole for DDE and other OOP patrons as well? I could see a plate charge or something as the places are getting filled up but so far it appears to be nothing more that rumor or speculation.
Yes, it is.

But, if the "new" DDP substantially *increases* sharing, then sharing *might* rise above the "we don't really care" level that it empirically occupies today. Who knows what happens after that.

For what it's worth, I think the solution of a splitting charge for entrees is the most logical, and would be applied to all diners regardless of method of payment.

This doesn't solve the "we're just having dessert" problem at California Grill or Sci-Fi, but presumably the incidence of such Looky-Lous wouldn't *increase*, because those folks currently aren't using the plan to pay for their "meal".
Yes, it's more speculation than anything. Disney seems to be closing the loopholes on the DDP, and sharing is a BIG loophole, IMO.

Closing the child credit loophole on the DDP really does not have anything to do with sharing meals in WDW restaurants. That really is not a DDP issue. That is simply a restaurant's bottom line issue.
I hope that Disney never disallows sharing. My husband and I are trying to reduce our portion sizes as we reach middle age and to teach our children to make good food choices as well as think about portion sizes ... overeating and other unhealthy eating habits never leads to anything good.
I do agree with the person that encouraged increasing the tip accordingly. Most of the time the four of us go for dinner but only get three meals ... we usually tip 15-20% of the bill but because that server was seated a table of four we tip a little more because our bill should have been a little more. Most restaurants do track how many tables/party sizes each server gets so that each server has the "chance" of making the same amount in tips.
DH and I have shared meals at WDW for 18 years at least once on each trip without the dining plan. I imagine I would be upset if there is a plate fee at other than signature restaurants. I doubt it would effect us anyway because I usualy order soup or a light salad and just pick a little at DH plate. As long as I order something, we should be OK. If not, we'll start preparing more meals in our DVC home. This would just be an example of another impact of the DDP on our WDW dining experience. This is just my opinion based on our 6 trips since the implemenation of the DDP but the quality of food and service has diminished and it seems we go to fewer TS meals on each trip as a result. As long as WDW is making money and the majority of guests (probably first timers or infrequent vistors with nothing to compate to) are happy, I would not expect WDW to make any changes. They are entitled to make as much money as they can and to keep their shareholders happy, even if it is to my detriment!;)
But isn't sharing a loophole for DDE and other OOP patrons as well? I could see a plate charge or something as the places are getting filled up but so far it appears to be nothing more that rumor or speculation.
You're absolutely right. Sharing is not a Dining Plan (specific) issue.
Why? They could have adult minimums, and child minimums quite easily.

Frankly, IMO it looks absolutely pathetic with all the people coming on the boards and asking if they can "share" a meal.

I just don't see where sharing is pathetic.
I just don't see where sharing is pathetic.

In general sharing isn't pathetic. Some of the internet boards had a number of questions from "sharing guests". Those guests were asking what restaurants and even what entrées were big enough to share. The DDP plan gives every family member one TS (dinner) one CS (lunch) and a snack credit that could be used for breakfast. I don't know if I'd use the word pathetic but I'm not sure if I agree with the idea of picking restaurants and meals based on the portion size of the food served. Particularly when those guests were trying to find extra credits to treat friends/family members that weren't on the plan. I'm not sure I'd use the word pathetic but it might fit some of those guests.

I agree with Bicker's, very well written, post earlier in this thread. Disney probably intends one TS for one guest. Buffet guests don't normally eat every item available. Likewise Disney priced the dining plan so guests can "get their monies worth" even if they decline appetizers and desserts.

Now that the restaurants are crowded Disney will decide what changes, if any, they'll make. CRT went to a fixed price menu. All the character meals and dinner shows are priced per person.
of families I saw who brought in their own food. We often bring in snacks/water (a few of us with food allergies). I think if they make any more substantial changes to DDP, such as any restrictions on sharing people could justify not getting it and eating off-site/bringing in more food etc. Like one of the posters above stated, you can get a soup, dining companion can get a soup and let's say you want to split a can they have anything to say about that???
I think that many people are conscious of portion control/like us and many people may have their reasons to split a meal, like loosing half their stomach to cancer surger/like one of us...they just need to eat less at a sitting...(not pathetic to me) never had any restaurant/server question sharing meals....
I haven't read this entire thread but my take on sharing is this: If Disney is losing money because guests are sharing their entrees and therefore only generating "half" the income, but occupying twice the space...they will do something about it. I don't see them getting into the battle of seating/plate charges, however I do see them slowing reducing portion sizes until there basically isn't enough to share.
I haven't read this entire thread but my take on sharing is this: If Disney is losing money because guests are sharing their entrees and therefore only generating "half" the income, but occupying twice the space...they will do something about it. I don't see them getting into the battle of seating/plate charges, however I do see them slowing reducing portion sizes until there basically isn't enough to share.

that will result in complaints from guests with larger appetites. I think Disney will just go to "buffet pricing" in more restaurants. Guests wil be charged per head and not based on the food consumed. All the dinner shows and character meals are already priced that way.
that will result in complaints from guests with larger appetites. I think Disney will just go to "buffet pricing" in more restaurants. Guests wil be charged per head and not based on the food consumed. All the dinner shows and character meals are already priced that way.

Gosh, I hope not. I like a buffet once in a while, but I would much prefer to pay a plate fee than see more buffet pricing.


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