How I Survived 11 Days at WDW with a Disney-Resistant Husband **2/20 THE END **

First off, so sorry I haven't gotten too far yet on this Report. My plan was to accomplish 2 or 3 updates over the weekend, but a busy long weekend and super hot, sunny weather interferred. :rolleyes: I hope to correct that in the next day or so!:)

Hey Trish! I was wondering where your TR was. I'm hoping that I get to be first to sub in!

Thanks! So glad you joined me!

Can't wait to hear about your trip!!

Welcome!!! :welcome:

Can't wait to hear about your trip. We went 2 years ago and had a ball. Going again in a few months. I always have been having the fear of this trip not living up to the last one. Would love to hear your reviews on the resorts. But my one question --- Where did you get the AG mickey ears????

Thanks for joining me!

Those doll Mickey ears can only be purchased with the My Disney Girl Doll that you can buy in the parks (and likely online too). Unfortunately I have not been able to find just the ears alone. You have to buy the doll too.:sad2

Glad I ran into your TR early on. And I hope it's not your 'last'...maybe you can disguise your next trip as a Disney cruise?!?

You know, DH and I were talking about just that very thing! What he doesn't enjoy are crowds and lines. What he likes is relaxing and sun. So I think a Disney cruise just might be a perfect compromise for us!

Great minds think alike!;) Thanks for joining!:)

I'm here and ready for it all!

Great to see you here!:goodvibes

i'm here!! alrighty, going back to catch up!!

Thanks for joining!:)

Signing up! Bring it on!! :)

OK asked for it!:laughing: "The good, the bad, and the ugly" coming right up!:scared1:

subbing in cause my other half is not a dis nut either...


I'm here! And I can handle the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly;)

Yeah....I guess if you can handle marathon running, this will be a piece of cake!:laughing:

Signing on board for this one!!

Great! Welcome!!!:welcome:

Can't wait to hear more about your trip! My dh HATES Disney,can't you believe it? I am planning one big family trip next year, so maybe he'll like it more if he does it right. If he still doesn't like it,that's fine, we just go without him. I am a teacher, so I get a lot more time off.

Sounds like we can definitely comiserate with one another!:hug: Good luck in your planning...from my experience, the combination of a Disney resister and extended family does not bode well for magical vacation!:laughing:

Are you sure you can't change your trip to a vacation with just you and the kids?:rotfl:

Hey Trish! I'm here - you know I can relate to be married to a Disney Resister. :sad1: I'm strapped in and ready for the ride through the good, the bad and the ugly!

Thanks Michelle....hope to get this rolling shortly!;)

Can't wait to read more!

So great to have you!!!:goodvibes
My DH doesn't like to switch resorts (split stays) once we check in we
stay at the same resort the whole trip (8 nights). I see in your intro you stayed at 3 different Deluxes in 11 days and thought that might be a reason he was not happy.
I know my DH wouldn't have been (he likes to relax on vacation and packing up and moving is not relaxing).
Just a thought.

Actually, the resorts were the one thing that DH loved about the trip!:laughing:

Although it sounds bad (3 resorts in 11 days), it was just our 1st and last nites that we stayed in different reports, and travelled with an overnite bag each time. The rest of the luggage stayed at bell services. So it wasn't too bad afterall.

I wish there was an explanation as to why DH didn't fall in love with WDW so that I could correct it on the next trip. But sadly, I think it is just that he is "...just not that into" the parks.:sad2:

Well, this sounds similar to my situation, so I'm in! :) I've dragged my DH to Disney 3 times in the past 3 years and am planning our 4th trip (2nd this year) for November, and I've been told by him that's IT for the next 2 years!!!! :scared1: He likes Disney, but he is nowhere near my level, you might say I'm a little obsessed...:rolleyes1

Sounds like we have a lot in common! Thanks for tuning in!:)

Look forward to reading your report!!!

Thanks and Welcome!:welcome:

Hi, Trish!! I'm here-- so glad you decided to do this and hope it is therapeutic for you!

Thanks! It has already been so great to see that I am not alone on this!:hug:

IT HAPPENS!! Mine is not a fan either. It really does make things tough!! No vacation goes without its stressful moments, though. We've all been there! Looking forward to reading your report.

Thanks for joining!:goodvibes Look forward to chatting with you!

I'm ready to read your TR!! My DH will NOT have anything to do with the planning but once he's there, he's a lover of the Mouse! ;) I always complain about him not wanting to help with the planning! I can't wait to read more!

Then I think you have the perfect scenario!;) You have full say on the planning, and he follows along happily once you arrive! Hold onto that one!!!:goodvibes

I'm here :yay: So excited to hear about your trip. Your intro was beautifully written. :hug:

Thanks Katie!:goodvibes Glad that you are here!

Trish, I'm so glad you decided to write a TR. I too jealously read of other Disers with Disney loving spouses. During my trip, we struck up a conversation with another family on a bus and when we told them our kids were home with the Dads, the father of this other group had a shocked look on his face and said that would never happen!

Can't wait to hear you recount the fun times!

So glad we are not alone on this Katie!

Too funny about the Dad on the bus!:laughing:

Subbing in :)

Given my DH's response to all my pre-trip planning and research, I think I need to prepare myself... :rolleyes:

Yes, be prepared. But, hopefully you will be fortunate enough to have a husband who gets bitten hard by the Disney bug once he arrives. Fortunately, I still think people like me are in the minority.;)

This looks like a good one. Sign me up!

Your children are beautiful, by the way.

Thank you!:goodvibes Glad to have you along!

Very excited to see that you have started your TR. Looking forward to following along. helped prompt me along in deciding to carry on as planned with the good, the bad and the ugly!;)
I'm on-board for this report. My hubby is not a total Disney resister but he does not want to go EVERY year.....but he always has a great time when we DO go :confused3

Trish, your children are beautiful!!

We cannot go back to WDW until I finsh my RN....which will be in I have to wait :(

Thanks for joining!!!:goodvibes Good luck with the will really have reason to Celebrate on your next trip!:)

Add me to the list of I love Disney and my husband just goes to make me happy. He does love the food and the tours when we get there. So when planning I let him have pick the restaurants and try adding a different tour to each trip. Our next trip we are trying the Segway tour at Fort Wilderness.

Sounds like a great compromise! I wouldn't need to be arm-twisted into enjoying great meals and segways!;)

Glad that you have joined me!:)

I'm here! :yay: I am glad you decided to do this TR!! :goodvibes

Welcome!!! Great to see you here!:goodvibes
Subbing. I'm really looking forward to reading your trip report!

Thanks and Welcome!:welcome:

This makes me glad that although my DH isn't nearly into planning as me (He wants to just go and be able to say "So what are we doing today") he still wants to go almost as much as I do!!!

Yes, you are a lucky one indeed! I would so, so LOVE that!:cloud9:

Ready to read!! :woohoo:

Thanks and Welcome!:welcome:


Great! Glad to have you along!!!:)

I'm here! I'll have to catch up tomorrow.

Yay! Fortunately you won't have too much to catch up on yet...:laughing: I haven't gotten too far yet, but hope to correct that soon!;)

I'm here too and can't wait to read more!!

:welcome: Thanks for joining!!!

Subbing. Can't wait to hear about your trip!

Thanks and Welcome!:goodvibes

Jumping on the party train! If your DH is not an enthusiastic Disney Fan thought you could always have another cheerleader subscribe to share in your TR:goodvibes

Aw...thanks so much!:hug: I appreciate it. Happy to have you along for the ride!:)

After reading your title and entry, the old spaghetti western music is going through my head. Wa wa wah wah wah wah waaaahhh wahhhhhh. lol

I have a disney "resister" also!!

Hmmmm....I am not familiar with that one. I will have to look that up!

Wow...there seem to be more of us with Disney-resistant husbands that I would have thought. Maybe this will be more of a support group!:laughing:

I'm so glad you are doing a report from your trip, you know I can relate. :goodvibes

Yes, Michelle. Sadly, I think we are in the same category on this one! At least our children so far are taking after their mothers!:rotfl:
The Back Story on why this was our "Last" Trip

This trip was born of compromise. A struggle of wills between a bona fide Disney fanatic and a spouse eager to strike out on new adventures.

In the end, Disney won. But the deal was sealed with a promise....that our next family vacation would involve expanding our horizons and setting off on holidays where the code on our luggage tags wasn't going to read "MCO".

The jury was out on exactly long it would be before we would be getting back to Walt Disney World. So I knew this trip had to be a good one.

Our agenda included a week-long day stay at the Beach Club Villas. After two years of trying unsuccessfully to trade into DVC, we were able to secure a trade through RCI into both a 1 Bedroom unit for us, and a Studio unit for my mother-in-law.

Then another healthy dose of pixie dust conspired to further extend our trip. Pixie dust is really the only way I can explain how my Disney-resistant husband decided that we would be adding a day to each end of the trip so that we could take direct flights to and from Orlando. (When you are married to someone who spends a better part of their year in airports, the draw of a direct flight can't be overestimated).

With the extra days, we were able to add a stay at the Contemporary for our first night, and the Polynesian for our last night.

For good measure, we plussed the trip some more by adding the Deluxe Dining Plan during our 7 day DVC stay at the Beach Club Villas.

By this point, I was giddy with excitement over how our 11 day trip to the World was shaping up.

Finally, after a year of planning, plotting and anticipation, we were almost ready to jet off to the World.

Our last couple of days before the trip were extremely busy. Five days before we left, we hosted Katie's 7th Parisian Birthday Party at home.














Needless to say, all of the prep and work getting ready for the Party put me a tad behind in getting ready for our Trip.

Four days after the Party, Katie turned 7. One of the gifts she received was a note from Tinkerbelle with a Disney giftcard for our trip.





Then, the very next day, we set off for Disney!!!

NEXT UP: We're on our Way!!!

Love the bday party theme. Everything looked so cute. She must have had a ball.
Beautiful party! Whew!! Glad to see those who value birthday parties. DH thinks I'm the only one who puts in a lot of work for parties. Lol. I cannot wait to read more!! ;)
There are those great party pictures again! They are just awesome. I love the Tink envelope too. Too cute!
I'm really enjoying your trip report and looking forward to reading more.

The pictures from Katie's birthday party are gorgeous! I especially like her (partially) toothless grin!
I'm in. What a fun party she had. A belated happy birthday Katie. We were at the Polly last week.Ahh I love that resort.
Wow, Can I jump in?

I can totally relate to having a Grumpy DH. Mine was not impressed when I took him for his first trip at the age of forty-something! (he doesn't get out much)
Maybe MVMCP was a bit too extreme for an introduction to The Magic? I dunno. *sigh*
Anyway, you might notice he's not in my siggy? We're separated now.

But, Let me say your family is beautiful! I've enjoyed your intro, and am looking forward to more!

Oh, Very Cool Party!!
I can't wait to hear about your trip! Your family is beautiful and I just love the pictures of your daughter's birthday party! Gorgeous!
I'm in! One a fantastic looking birthday party!

We're thinking of buying into RCI. DO you recommend it?


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