How high does SOAR'N go? - TR for a short Feb. Trip

I love the Peter Pan queue, it's so fun!

I loved seeing the girls throughout the years, such a nice memory and great tradition!

Haha I love the photo in Gaston's chair!! So funny!
So funny what you said about PP! I've often thought that also-they left their kids in the care of the dog lol? Of course I think Wendy was more than old enough to babysit the boys, even though she hadn't moved out of the nursery yet......
Glad Gwen tried HM even though it wasn't a big hit. Chris loves it while 15yo Ricky doesn't lol.
I've also heard about the hidden Pascal's but have never searched for them! I love the Tangled restrooms (doesn't everyone?) but even when I'm sitting outside there waiting for someone, I guess I'm too preoccupied to remember to look for him!
I love this Que and ride. Granted I never want to wait in the 90+ minute line that it gets most days. And I have to say this worked out great. It was maybe 10 minute wait but really that was just enough to get and see the stuff in the que.
I'll definitely have to try the rope drop trick so we can see this queue. Loving all your pictures. We've only ever done fast pass for Peter so we've never seen it and I know my kiddo would love it.


We joke that Morgan is one hook hand tall. Some people measure there kids on the back of a door. We do it at Disney!
These pictures are awesome!!!! What an amazing memory you all created for them.

But we made her go. (Bad parents) Gwen came with us since she was a little spooked, and Morgan rode with my mom. We all hopped into our doom buggies and off we went. We got stuck right at a part where you go up and then down and are kind of tilted slightly. Right where the ghosts are flying out of the graves. And Gwen did not like this AT ALL! She kept saying she wanted to leave. But at that point there was nothing we could do. Thankfully, we weren't stuck tooooo long. And Andy was able to take this pic!
I say good parents. But only because I may or may not have done the same thing myself and may or may not feel that all of us "good" parents need to stick together in solidarity

Morgan and my mom had the hitchhiker that switches your head. So, it switched her head with the ghost. It was pretty cool effect! Morgan was kind of freak'd her out a bit. She kept saying can you see where they pulled it off? And she kept saying that her neck hurt. Ha!

While we ate and rested a bit, we talked about where to go next. While we were sitting there, I made the best decision. I took a screen shot of our fast passes on my phone and then made the image my lock screen for the day!
This is ingenious. Totally stealing this idea on our next trip, cause I never remember when the dang fast passes are
HI Everyone! Sorry that I have gone MIA. Life has been busy busy busy! I feel like we are hitting the phase where we have something every day! With the nicer weather we have not been just hanging out quiet as much. But I am going to try and get a post or two done today!

Haha I love the photo in Gaston's chair!! So funny!
Thanks. It still cracks me up. Gwen always seems to know how to pose...

I've also heard about the hidden Pascal's but have never searched for them! I love the Tangled restrooms (doesn't everyone?) but even when I'm sitting outside there waiting for someone, I guess I'm too preoccupied to remember to look for him!
This is my problem with Disney in general! I read about all these secret and hidden things before we go and then we get there and I forget about lal of them!

Just discovered your TR and started following along! Your DDs are characters! They're adorable and have done so well with the walking and long days!
:welcome:Thanks so much. My girls are characters. So different but yet still each others' BFF's. They did WAAAAAY better than I thought they would! But wait for the next days TR....

We've only ever done fast pass for Peter so we've never seen it and I know my kiddo would love it.
Def worth doing it once!

I say good parents. But only because I may or may not have done the same thing myself and may or may not feel that all of us "good" parents need to stick together in solidarity
We def do need to stick together!

This is ingenious. Totally stealing this idea on our next trip, cause I never remember when the dang fast passes are
Right?!? Once I thought of it, it was one of those things, like why in the world hadn't I thought of it sooner!

I love recreating old pictures--there is something just so special about it. And making your FP+ your lock screen is a GREAT idea!
Thanks! It really is one of my favorite things that we do when we go. I hope they want to do it when they are teenagers still.
Into the Wild West!

So, I left off with us heading over to Big Thunder Mountain. We had fast passes for Big Thunder Mountain and had time before we could use that. So, we decided to wait standby for Splash Mountian, since we didn't have a fastpass for it. Morgan was NOT happy about this. She has been spoiled by our multiple days at MK trips and fast pass in general. She also wanted to go into the Splash mountain store for some reason for her one thing... So, we said we would do that after Splash & BTM. The wait wasn't too bad. The line started around the steps up into the building.

So, this was the first time we made a "mistake" when asked how many people, I said 2 since me and Morgan were going together, instead of saying 5. And Morgan and I got separated and into a different boat than my mom, Gwen and Andy. Not the end of the world but we could have gotten a full post pic. Oh well.

So, waiting in line Morgan decided to try and say she didn't want to do the drop that it was too high. I wasn't having it, we have been on this ride many times.... She of course Loved the ride! She loves the part after the big drop where the waterfall is, and you get wet if you sit there too long...
She even insists that she sits on that side to get the wettest. (Which is fine by me!)

Our selfie on the ride. See she loves the ride!

Andy took this pick of Gwen, he sat by himself behind my mom and her.

We all love Splash Mountain. I love how long it is, all the drops and all the scenes. It's perfect like that!

Oh, and the PhotoPass Photo of the "other" car.... Andy decided to dab. o_O:confused3 And I love that my mom and Gwen are both screaming for dear life. Funny.

After our ride on Splash it was the beginning of our widow for Big Thunder Mountain. So we headed over there next. This time we said party of 5 and were assigned only 2 rows.... It was tight with Andy, myself and Gwen in one row... Gwen wasn't happy with this... But we survived.


After our ride through the Wild West, we headed into the Splash Mountain Gift Shop. The girls had spotted some plush they had wanted. They both eyed up the Rabbit from Splash Mountain! They discussed who should get it and who should pick something else... Morgan found a Skunk with a reallllllllly long tail that she feel in love with. So, Gwen won the Rabbit battle. And then, she found another plush with a realllllllly long tail, The Fox from Fox and the Hound. (which they have never seen) I found a pair of sunglasses with Minnie bows on the sides. We explained to the girls that they would have to carry there goods the rest of the day and they were "fine" with that....

This was after lunch but it shows the girls buys....
Also, as a side note, Morgan was so cute, she walked the whole day right next to my mom holding onto the basket most of the time. She was afraid my mom was going to get lost.

We decided it was time for lunch! And since it was right there we decided to do Pecos' Bills. WE left my moms's ECV where it was parked and walked over. It was already busy in there, so we decided what we all wanted and my mom and me went with the girls to find a seat and then I headed back to help Andy bring all the food over. We ended up all the way in the seating practically in Adventureland! But thankfully we got a table.

I don't have any food pics. We were all pretty hungry by now... My mom and I split a fajita platter, Andy got the burger, Gwen got a kids meal option, corn dogs maybe.... And Morgan wanted plan nachos. But they gave Andy fully loaded nachos. So, he had to go back and ask for plain (Just cheese) nachos. Which they were nice enough to do with no complaints, except it was not melted on.... Morgan was sad about this... But she was hungry and tired at this point and finally ate something.

As we were sitting, we were talking about what to do next and the plan for the rest of the day. Andy and I talked about the fact that the girls were already showing signs of being tired and that a sit down dinner might not be a great idea. So, I went ahead and cancelled our reservation for Skipper Canteen that evening. (I regretted this later)

After lunch, we collected the EVC and started to make our way towards Tomorrowland. We have Space Mountain fast passes to head towards. We stopped at the Cinderella's Fountain. Gwen was obsessed with this fountain on our first trip. I showed Andy and my mom how the crown lines up on her head if you get the right kid height angle.
Cinderella Fountain.jpg

And then we decided to take a ride on the carousel. Which ended up having technical difficulty and we had to sit for awhile... Morgan was getting "worried" that we were going to miss our Space Mountain window. But we had plenty of time. We did FINALLY get our ride around and around.

We still have a little more time, so we decided to go into see Mickey's Philharmonic. This is one of my favorites!

This is how Morgan was carrying around her "one" thing....

The wait was short, just had to wait for the show that was going on to finish and we were inside. This pic of Gwen, though kind of shows the state of the girls... Tired.
I think all the walking was really starting to catch up to them. We talked bout heading out at some point to be able to swim at the hotel. But for now, we had a few more things we really wanted to see and do!

Philharmonic was excellent as always! And we headed out and over to Space Mountain!
Side Note: I just realized, I think Morgan was worried about missing our fast passes for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train... Which we did ride, I have zero photographic evidence of! We must have gone on Seven Dwarfs Mine train after the carousel but before Mickey's Philharmonic. Oops... Sorry guys. I did not take notes this trip! It was so short I didn't do a lot of things the say as other trips...
Looks like a great day in the Magic Kingdom. Laughing at the girls wanting to go in the store as that is exactly how my daughter is. Then of course there is the joy of carrying it around all day :-)

Quick aside, how did you all like CBR? We're staying there in November and I was specifically concerned about the bus situation
Quick aside, how did you all like CBR? We're staying there in November and I was specifically concerned about the bus situation
So, I liked CBR, but DH is a bit of a bus snob and wasn't as impressed. He doesn't want to stay animal kingdom lodge for the same reason... The resort has the bus stops at each "village" so you are never that far from a stop, which was nice. But on the first night, coming back from Disney Springs, the bus came in the front entrance and we ended up being the last stop within the resort, it was probably a good 15 minute ride to get all the way around. MK & EPCOT we were the second stop. So, I have no idea what is the best village to be in... We never waited to long for a bus, and the ride was fairly short to most of the places. MK was prob the longest ride but I didn't think it was that bad.

We loved the pool! It is a great pool. And the pool bar was good, good drinks and a few solid app sized food to order. BUT I am not sure what the state of the bar is now with the construction. The food court was just ok. We ended up making sure we ate dinner both days in the parks as to not have to eat there. But again, that is closed, so who knows what it will be like once they are done. We were NOT impressed with any of the food choices but again the whole resort seems to be getting an upgrade...

All that said, I would totally stay there again, once they are done with the construction. The buses were fine. We never had to wait long and they were never full. The bus wouldn't scare me off, especially if you have already stayed at Animal Kingdom Lodge... Oh, Casey might really like the trundle bed! Gwen loved it. She is going to be sad that we won't have that and Wilderness Lodge on our next trip in September.


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