How early to stake out good spot to watch Fantasmic?


DIS Veteran
Oct 17, 2004
If you wanted to stake out a really good spot to watch Fantasmic's first showing on a Saturday night, how early would you do this? One hour before...two hours...three? :confused3
Honestly people are out there with their tarps and blankets 3-4 hours ahead of time.
Two hours should be fine. I can't remember how early we got there when we did this. Its actually kind of fun sitting there, you can watch them test some of the effects for the show.

Added after previous response was posted....

OK, maybe 3 hours would be better. Now that I think about it we may have gotten there at 5:30 for a 9pm show. DS was asleep, so DH and I traded off holding the spot with DS and taking our girls on the ride.
got2travel said:
Honestly people are out there with their tarps and blankets 3-4 hours ahead of time.
:sad2: What a bummer! They really do need a stadium of some kind for this show.

Well, we've never seen it, so I guess I gotta do what I gotta do. :rolleyes:
Although people are out there 3 hours ahead of time, you can still get a good spot 2 hours ahead of time. Some people go an hour ahead & still get decent spots.

I've staked out a spot for family visitors several times, and have always enjoyed relaxing and visiting with the others who are waiting. :sunny:
you can beat all of this just by seeing the show on a saturday and seeing the 10:30 show half to wait a fraction of the time for the same great show
DLcastmbr said:
you can beat all of this just by seeing the show on a saturday and seeing the 10:30 show half to wait a fraction of the time for the same great show

yep thats the one I go it gets close to the end of the first show I start making my way over to POTC and stand patiently until fireworks are over and then as people are getting up I move towards the roped off area and then as soon as the rope is lifted I go gangbusters to my favorite spot and wait and wait and wait ......
I don't think our kids (7 & 3) will be able to stay awake for the second show. It's kinda late for them. That's okay though...I'll just stake out a spot 3 hours or so before, have a beverage, some snacks, a good book, and do some people watching, while DH takes the kids on some rides to keep them busy until showtime. :thumbsup2
Just bring something to sit on. My bum was frozen for hours after we did this last Nov. Even on mild evenings, the concrete can be cold! Like Mary Jo said its actually kind of fun to kick back and relax while waiting for the show.


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