How do you tip?

Originally posted by MEM

$1 per suitcase and per grocery bag is plenty IMHO for bell services. DH was actually told by Bell Services that a tip was not expected by the person taking the luggage from the car to the cart to Bell Services. Only the person who brought the luggage to your room...its often the same person which works out well. I found that interesting.

That is interesting you were told that. When we were at the Boardwalk Inn in January, I figured that the guy who took our bags at the car would be the same guy who brought them to our room. I figured I would just tip him when he brought them up. But, I felt a little funny doing that, so I asked the greeter if I should just wait to tip him when he brings the bags up. She told me that the same guy doesn't always bring the bags up, so I should tip him now and then tip again when the bags were brought up.

I went back and tipped the guy and another guy brought up the bags, so I tipped him also. I think it is a little ridiculous to tip someone for rolling your suitcase 5 feet when you pull up in your car, but whatever.
Can we start a movement to stop tipping everyone? Why not just pay people a fair wage? If that were to occur then every customer would pay the same fee for the same service because some of us would stop over tipping to compensate for those who under tip. This issue of tipping is starting to feel like purchasing a car where everyone got the same vehicle but some folks paid less for it than others. No one tips me in my professiion and I work hard to do a good job because it matters to me. By the way, we tip the taxi driver 10, the bellhop 10, the mousekeeper 5/night and 20% at meals.
More if we're escorted to the room, given a small tour of the resort and the room, and ice obtained ---- it doesn't seem like this happens much anymore

You know, at our recent POFQ stay, the bellhop who delivered our bags offered to fill our ice chest-- it surprised me since I don't know when the last time I was offered that in a deluxe. (I said no, because I figured that would make my guilty self add another $3-4 to the $10 tip)
Ok I am feeling better now that I see other people tip like I do . There is something good about saftey in numbers LOL.I am leaving for NY on Monday night I will have to pay attention to see what my sister tips while we are there.

Wishing EVERYONE a Disney Day
I have a question....

One thing I am confused about.....I percieve housekeeping as a non-tipped position. I don't know what Disney's definition of it is, but CMs aren't supposed to accept tips if they're in a non-tipped how do they deal with this?
One thing I am confused about.....I percieve housekeeping as a non-tipped position. I don't know what Disney's definition of it is, but CMs aren't supposed to accept tips if they're in a non-tipped how do they deal with this?

Housekeeper can and do accept tips at WDW. It is not against the rules for that particular position to accept tips, just as bellhops, and valets may accept tips.

Tip away!!!:)
Disnsyncey -

Thats a good question. And where does it end? I mean, you start tipping one non-tipped service, then whats next? Tipping for excellent service is a good thing. Over tipping because you are clueless just makes you look like a hick.

There are a lot of people on this thread who tip housekeeping. We tip well to food servers when appropriate(20-25%), bellhops ($1-2per bag), drivers (20% of trip cost) and valet upon pickup of vehicle($2-5 depending upon how the car is driven and if he opens DW's door). Sorry to go against the grain of this thread, but I don't think tipping housekeeping is necessary or appropriate.

We will be changing resorts during our stay (from AS Movies to Wilderness Lodge), what are the tipping suggestions in this situation?
Frankly, I'm sick of tipping everyone!!! We do tip but I do it with a very silent, negative attitude. I really feel that if you can't live on the wages you make then find another job. I'm just expressing my opinion, I have always hated this concept. We tip mousekeeping $1 per night per person, $5 to the bell hops and 10.00 for our driver each way (and we only do this because we feel obligated). I understand that they may do an excellent job but IT IS THEIR JOB!! I hope I do not offend anyone but it makes me so mad. Why not tip everyone (cooks, builders, school teachers, nurses, mailpersons, cashiers, ect.....)? :rolleyes:
I cant stop reading this thread . I just wanted to throw this out there to see how off base I am .We have a massage therapist who comes to my home every 2 weeks. We pay her the out call fee, the massage fee and then a nice size tip.My husband thinks that the out call fee is all the extra she should get for bringing her table and everything along with her. I always think she should get a nice tip because she is so good.Btw I dont think I am hick because I do not think I overtip :D .I swear if you could see my luggage you would pass out thinking about having to move it around.LOL

Love, Peace & Mickey Mouse :earsgirl:
This excerpt is taken directly from the Island Palm Press that is given to guests when checking in at the Polynesian.

"As an international destination, our guests frequently ask us what the custom is for tipping in the United States. At Walt Disney World, it is customary to tip the following positions for exceptional service:bartender, bell services, cockatail server, food and beverage server and valet parker."

To each his own, but this is who Disney is thinking should be getting tips for EXCEPTIONAL service.

I agree too many people are expecting tips these days just for doing their job. I think maybe I will put a tip jar on my desk-LOL
I know that when we travel outside the US we alway leave a tip for housekeeping. It's funny but I can't really recall doing that much here. Maybe because WDW is an international destination - and people from other countries typically tip this way - the staff at WDW has gotten used to it? The only other US destination I can think of that we tip everyone we come into contact with is Las Vegas. Usually we tip because we get better service because of it - simple as that. I am glad that I read this thread - I will factor tipping into our budget.

Originally posted by ls1222
Frankly, I'm sick of tipping everyone!!! We do tip but I do it with a very silent, negative attitude. I really feel that if you can't live on the wages you make then find another job. I'm just expressing my opinion.

I'm with you. I tip because I'm afraid that if I don't then they will not do their expected service because they did not get tipped. How do we decide who should get tipped in this society? It's not based on wages because some of the people getting tipped make excellent wages (my hairstylist for example) and it's not based upon difficulty of tasks performed, I don't care how heavy your bags are! I'm all for personal and professional responsibility. It's your job, so do it to the very best of your ability because it matters to you to do a good job.
I think we perhaps get a skewed view from listening to many of the posters on this board. Maybe just being in the "world" and falling under the spell of "magic" cause some of the fervent Dis'sers to tip housekeeping. Whenever these tipping threads come up, and it is often, we frequently hear from current or former housekeepers at WDW and other resorts. These people are consistent in their reporting that perhaps 15% of folks tip housekeeping. I really have no reason to believe they would fib about this.

I have to admit, I DO tip housekeeping, (well, until they show they don't deserve it). I don't think it's necessary OR expected, I just do it cuz I'm usually in a good mood at WDW. Actually, I also tipped housekeeping in Wash DC this past weekend. I in NO WAY do it because I think it's expected of me OR expected by them.

Couple or 3 bucks a day no matter how many are in the room I feel is fine. Unless you are absolute
Originally posted by lucysdad

It's not based on wages because some of the people getting tipped make excellent wages (my hairstylist for example)

This is Lucy's mom. No, her dad does not have a hairstylist. Now he's making me get my own log-in name because I say too many froofy things under his name, BUT he does agree with me about tipping.
I agree there is a place for tipping. But there is a point where it grows to become "mordida" or extortion... like bribes you are forced to pay in some places to government officials simply to get them to do their jobs. I expect that in some international destinations but it is outrageous & unacceptable to experience it in WDW.

I realize WDW is an "international destination" but I don't think we should adopt all international cultural behaviors especially with regard to tipping. When "tips" are already included in the price of a meal, they cease to be tips at all and become a service fee or tax.

There are many of us on the DIS who have experienced the radical decline in service quality at the former Mondavi restaurant in DCA once a 20% "tip" was automatically added to EVERYONE's check. An additional line was added so you could "tip" even more if you wanted to. Sure, we would still tip the same amount but now the attitude seems to be among some servers "what are you gonna do... not tip me?" knowing full well you have no choice no matter how lousy or contemptuous the service is.

Perhaps "hick" wasn't the best word to use... being percieved as a "mark" might have been a better choice. Everyone I've met on the DIS -bar none- have been good hearted, generous and kind people. Granted some are a bit more outspoken than others, but even they I believe are sincere and try to do their best by their fellow man. I completely agree that it is much better to over tip than to undertip when appropriate.

I'm sure though, we have all seen people in Vegas who throw around large tips to be seen as a high roller or a "big man" or to get noticed. And that isn't good. I'm certain that is NOT the motive of folks on the DIS, but even so, you don't want to be percieved as someone like that. But as Jimminy Cricket said "Let your heart be your guide."

But what kind of (tipping) precident are we setting?

I guess my question would be this: Suppose that I leave the mousekeeper a reasonable tip after our first night (say $1 per person) - would I get anything special in return?

What if I didn't leave it the next day? I can see how this could degenerate into extortion over the course of a seven day stay.

BTW - lucysdad (mom) - you cracked me up! I have to admit that I did pause and think - hmmm, this guy has a stylist...

Originally posted by audflash
I guess my question would be this: Suppose that I leave the mousekeeper a reasonable tip after our first night (say $1 per person) - would I get anything special in return?

The day after check in at FW-Cabins, I left a $5 tip for the housekeeper. When we returned from the parks for the day, the only visible sign that a housekeeper had been there was that a box of dishwasher soap had been placed next to the sink, (Apparantly a reminder of how we could wash the 2 dirty bowls, 2 dirty spoons and 2 dirty coffee cups remaining sitting in the sink), oh, there was one other sign......A large stain was in the toilet that wasn't there when when we left that morning. A tip was not left for the remainder of the stay, AND housekeeping did not improve.
Originally posted by Bob NC
I think we perhaps get a skewed view from listening to many of the posters on this board. Maybe just being in the "world" and falling under the spell of "magic" cause some of the fervent Dis'sers to tip housekeeping. Whenever these tipping threads come up, and it is often, we frequently hear from current or former housekeepers at WDW and other resorts. These people are consistent in their reporting that perhaps 15% of folks tip housekeeping. I really have no reason to believe they would fib about this.

I have to admit, I DO tip housekeeping, (well, until they show they don't deserve it). I don't think it's necessary OR expected, I just do it cuz I'm usually in a good mood at WDW. Actually, I also tipped housekeeping in Wash DC this past weekend. I in NO WAY do it because I think it's expected of me OR expected by them.

Couple or 3 bucks a day no matter how many are in the room I feel is fine. Unless you are absolute

I don't think my views are skewed from being on these magical boards. The first time I had ever heard of NOT tipping housekeepers was here. I was brought up to always tip the maids no matter where we stayed. When I went with my parents to WDW the first year it opened, we stayed at the 8 Days Inn. My mom tipped back then! It was and to me is still the thing to do. We have traveled to Greece, Italy, Canada, and many US states and have always tipped housekeeping. I thought everyone did until reading otherwise on these boards! LOL! Even when we drive to WDW and stay over in a Hampton Inn or similar accomodations we tip for that one night. I do not think the mousekeepers expect tips but I'm sure they are very much appreciated. It also makes me feel good that I could do something for someone that is so small and yet makes someone's day. We are talking about a tiny $5 a day. If I can cough up $4000 a trip and go 3 times a year then I am not going to be cheap and not tip the housekeepers.


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