How Do You Think We Stay So Happy?*Final Thoughts & Farewells* 10/7 p100

Jackie, here you go messing with our minds again about a trip! :laughing: Would this be you and Charles for a long weekend or all of you?

Not sure yet -- if we can even afford to go right now. I think Charles and I would like to sneak away just the two of us, but Connor might mutiny in a big way if we tried to do that. :lmao: Are you going to stay at Pop?
OK MEK, feel free to ignore my comment on my PTR, I found you!

I figured this crew would have to spill the dirt...can't wait for it :jumping1:
Not sure yet -- if we can even afford to go right now. I think Charles and I would like to sneak away just the two of us, but Connor might mutiny in a big way if we tried to do that. :lmao: Are you going to stay at Pop?

Yep. Room is booked. Plane tickets bought. Now we're just crossing our fingers for free dining. :)
Brooklynn and I are coming October 15th to 19th. Jen and Anita will be there, too, around that time. Maybe we could have a meet for everyone at a resort on the night of the 15th? Do you know your schedule? I think we will do Hollywood Studios (or possibly MK) on arrival day, Epcot, MK, AK, and then MK for our 1/2 day leaving day. We (our friend, Kay, is bringing her granddaughter, too) will let the little girls decide whether to spend more time at MK and drop Hollywood Studios altogether or go to Hollywood when we get in at lunchtime on Saturday.

Jackie, here you go messing with our minds again about a trip! :laughing: Would this be you and Charles for a long weekend or all of you?

I think we have some loose plans that include a later (8pm) dinner but nothing we couldn't move around. Sounds like fun! :)
Oh, I hadn't thought about Free Dining. That would really sweeten the deal...:rolleyes1

::yes:: Saying prayers to the dining gods. ;)

I think we have some loose plans that include a later (8pm) dinner but nothing we couldn't move around. Sounds like fun! :)

We might hook up with you before that dinner, then, since we'll have little girls with us who will need to go to bed by the time you are finished with dinner. :cutie:

Have we gotten this report waaay off topic? :eek:
I will cross my fingers for you both! Is it usually offered in Oct?

Not at all. I'm pretty sure chatting and enabling trips/purchases and planning for the our next Disney fix are right on track for us! :rotfl:

LOL...great minds Christine!! I was about the post the same thing!!! I'm really looking forward to Oct!!!!
Wow page 3 already!

We're back and you know I wouldn't miss your TR :goodvibes
:welcome: Dawn (and hopefully Caitlin). So glad you stopped by. I can't wait for you guys to start your TR. I want to hear all about the AK run and the rest of the trip!

OK MEK, feel free to ignore my comment on my PTR, I found you!

I figured this crew would have to spill the dirt...can't wait for it :jumping1:
:welcome: Katie! So glad you are here to join in the fun! Hopefully it will help the time pass between now and when you leave!

I love enabling...:rotfl: Looks like mid-October would be a great time to go. ;)

As Christine and Jen and Me Mom said, you certainly came to the right place to be enabled! :lmao:

All I can say is I wish I could go for F&W, but sadly it is not in the cards for me this year. :sad2: However, I am excited for my Hilton Head trip and I am definitely eyeing up F&W 2012. I'm thinking East Meets West Reunion, but perhaps on an even larger scale. :rolleyes1

Jackie - I really hope you can pull of a F&W trip. I know how much you want (need) to go! :laughing:

So ladies - enable away. I will be an innocent bystander.

Oh - and Jackie - I will definitely let you know if we visit Athens in June. Denny HAS to go. I want to go and it is a free hotel room. I just have to make sure it jives with Brian's college orientation because I have to attend a day of that. I have never been to Georgia. I'm thinking of driving cause it looks doable. I would like Nick to go to. I am trying to encourage him to tour University of Georgia just for the heck of it. While Denny is working I will have free time for touring.
Joining in!! Can't wait to hear about your trip, it sounds like a blast was had by all!
:welcome: I Believe In Magic! Thanks for joining in! Looks like you have a trip in the near future. I hope we keep you entertained until then.

Count me in! Sounds like this was a great trip. :thumbsup2

:welcome: Tinkerbellarella! Thanks for joining in. It really was a great trip with lots of one liners, lots of food, and lots of fun!

Girls' Trip--WOOT WOOT!! I'm all in!! :cheer2:

:welcome: bamaslp! Thanks for joining in! Girls' Trips are really fun! I hope we keep you entertained with our antics!
For the most part I feel like I am in the right state of mind, but I have to say that the strep throat and cold really threw me the double whammy. I haven't felt 100% healthy since and every once in a while I still get that annoying, horrible cough at night. Nick keeps asking me, "Are you OK?" You know the one I'm talking about.

Yeah, the one I consistently slept through that sounds like you have the croup? I know that one. That SUCKS that it's not all the way gone. Just don't overdo it (if that is possible for you! LOL)

I actually would love to have Jen as my daughter (who wouldn't?), cause she is just the sweetest girl and she is so smart and accomplished. She would make any mother proud! :flower3:


You're right - I did pretty well! I guess I am thinking about how I looked in the airport. Park bag, camera bag, and big Disney shopping bag filled with assorted items. Every time I would get up to go somewhere, people who give me the "Whose the sherpa?" look. And, you know, I spent way too much time in the airport waiting to go home. (But I'll save that for the end of the trip)

Well yeah, but everyone looks like a sherpa in the airport! I have a funny sherpa airport story myself (though it involves a bar stool lol) but that will have to wait quite a while.

Seriously - that was the first time I had seen the love bugs in action. Now I understand why people find them so disgusting.

Me too. There is NOTHING lovely about those things

Oh yeah - I totally worked that angle. How could they say no to someone who was flying from across the country and checking in at 8am? The idea actually came to me while I was in line. :rolleyes1

Stroke of genius, I loved our room and the location!

:rotfl2: Carol Brady! You are a bit like Carol Brady. And I mean that in a good way - energetic, organized, compassionate. I'll have to think about what Brady character best suits me. :rotfl2:

I need an Alice

Not at all. I'm pretty sure chatting and enabling trips/purchases and planning for the our next Disney fix are right on track for us! :rotfl:

Exactly! I was going to say I think that whole conversation is VERY on topic for this thread! :thumbsup2

And I wanna go!
Me too. There is NOTHING lovely about those things

SO true. And I know they say they don't "do" anything but every once in a while one would land on me and after a few seconds, "OUCH!" a prickly, burning sensations. I definitely don't like sharing my Disney vacations with them.
Must be race weekend up there. We get it Memorial day!!!!

Wal Mart at 3am for the best people watching!!:rotfl2:

Can't wait to hear more.

Yup. Race weekend and Walmart anytime of the day is the best people watching around here altho I did see some choice outfits in Atlantic City last night.:lmao:
Hello ladies :) I've been around on some of your TRs before and I've probably lurked on all the others so I'm excited to be in for this one!

BCV is my #2 dream resort so I'm down for tonssss of pictures, please! And, I'm really liking the title of this report...did I mention I have a list of all the drinks I'd like to try while I'm in the World again in a few weeks? Seems like we'll all get along pretty well here...:rotfl: ;)


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