How do YOU park hop?


DIS Veteran
Aug 17, 2006
When we went 4 yrs ago we did DL for 2 days, then DCA for 1 .... now I'm thinking there may be a better way. Maybe leaving to DCA during the busy times, etc.

Any experiences in that?
1st off great pictures - I am going to have to try someday!!!

We start at DL bright and early, and since we are usually there for a few days have a plan of attack of which section we are going to hit that day...(or fantasyland if it is EE). We stay in DL until it starts getting super crowded, and then we definitely hop over to DCA - we usually stay there for a while, eating lunch and possibly dinner there (or at white water snacks). We usually try to get back to DL before DCA closes - because then there is a long line to hop back...
That is how we did it in May and it worked out great! We were at DL until around 11-11:30 when the crowds pick up and headed over to DCA. We had a great time there until around 4 and then headed back to DL to finish the evening and maximize the park hours.
We did DL the first day and DCA the next and then hopped back and forth when each park got too busy and completely avoided both parks on the weekends when the locals use it.
My park hopping represents something of the energizer bunny! Back and forth at will during the day. But, if I had to generalize, one park am, perhaps go to hotel for naps or pool, maybe lunch, DtD, another park pm, leave DCA shortly before it closes to go back over to DL.
We always do Disneyland the first day. We get in there early, we leave for a swim, nap, etc... then go back and finish out the day! The next day we usually do DCA for about half a day, then swim, nap, etc... then head into Disneyland. The next day or two we just play it by ear!
Our usual plan is to go to DL first day as soon as it opens. Second day Hit DL again for park opening, hit a few big rides then head out to DCA for park opening, hit Screamin', soarin', ToT, maybe a couple other thing then back to DL.

(We just don't spend a lot of time in DCA at all.)
Regarding hopping, we work with the park hours, shows, FastPasses and Early Entry.

We try to avoid mid-day crowds and heat (in the summer), so try to get to the parks early and stay late. Since DL opens earlier and stays open later than DCA, we typically start the day and end it at DL. But it depends on Early Entry.

Our last lengthy DLR trip was about a year ago for four days. When I looked at our trip report (, I realized we hopped every single day at least once and sometimes 2-3 times. Let me summarize what we did so you can see how we hopped.

Day 1

It was an Early Entry (EE) day, plus the first day of our trip, and everyone was excited to hit favorite rides at DL. We decided to focus on rides today and focus on shows and parades on Days 2 and 3. Day 4 would be to catch rides or shows we missed.

We showed up at 6:45AM for 7AM EE, did seven Fantasyland rides by 8AM, and then moved towards Adventureland. We picked up FastPasses for a number of rides, rode some of these standby also, and stayed at DL until 1:15PM. We left to have a sandwich lunch at our hotel and a swim and nap. While everyone was making their way back to to the hotel, I stopped into DCA to get a FP for ToT.

After our nap we headed back to DLR at about 6PM. No one in our family had ever ridden ToT, so we went into DCA and rode ToT using the FPs I picked up. At about 7PM we hopped back into DL and stayed until midnight, using FPs and going on rides with shorter lines. In all we did 29 rides today.

Hopping Summary

My family and I started at DL, went to DCA after the hotel break, and then hopped to DL after 1 hour in DCA. However, I had one additional hop in there when I went solo to get a ToT FP set before the hotel break.

Day 2

This was an EE day at DL and we already used our EE on Day 1. So we slept a little later and skipped DL in the morning and started our day at DCA. However, we planned to get back to DL in the evening. Therefore, we arrived at the DL gates at 9:15AM, and all went thru the DL gates (which got our entrance tickets initialized). My family immediately exited DL and got in line at DCA. I went over to Space Mtn and got FPs we could use that evening, then rejoined my family in line for DCA. We entered DCA at 9:30AM (they usually open the gates 30 minutes early) and we we stayed at DCA until 3PM. We saw the Aladdin show and snacked on bagels and stuff and never stopped for lunch.

We left DCA at 3PM for a late lunch at the hotel and swim and nap. While my family headed to the hotel, I entered DL once again solo and got a FP for Buzz Lightyear for later that evening, then left DL and rejoined my family at the hotel. After our long nap, we ate a quick dinner at the hotel and returned to DL at 7PM. We saw the Remember Dreams Come True fireworks show at 9:25PM (arrived 1 hour early - at 8:25PM - to get a spot) and saw the second Fantasmic show at 10:30PM. We stayed until midnight. In all we did 11 rides and saw 3 shows.

Hopping Summary

My family and I entered DL briefly, hopped to DCA when it opened, and then returned to DL after our hotel break. However, I had one additional hop in there before the hotel break when I entered DL solo to get a FP set.

Day 3

Today there was no EE at DL, and we decided to start the day at DL. We arrived at the gates at 7:30AM (a bit bleary-eyed after our midnight at DL last night - but hey, that is what naps are for right?) for an 8AM opening. We had lunch at the Blue Bayou at 11:30AM. We stayed at DL until 1PM. We returned to the hotel for a swim and a nap.

We had a shorter break today because we wanted to get back to DL for the 5PM show of Billy Hill and the Hillibillies. So we re-entered DL at about 4:30PM to see the show. We then got seats for the 7PM Parades of Dreams. After POD we did a few Fantasyland rides and then hopped to DCA at about 8:30PM to see the Disney Electrical Parade at 9PM. After that we rode ToT at night to compare it to the daytime experience (night was better). When DCA closed at 10PM we hopped back to DL to go on some more rides and use some of the FPs we had collected throughout the day. Left DL at midnight. We got on 14 rides today and saw three shows/parades.

Hopping Summary

My family and I started at DL, returned to DL after our hotel break, hopped to DCA in the evening, then hopped back to DL after DCA closed.

Day 4

Today there was EE at DL and we did not have EE available to us, so we decided to start the day at DCA. Plus, with all of the midnights at the parks we were tired. So we slept in and arrived at DCA at 10AM. While my kids went on a couple rides that did not interest me (Orange Stinger was one), I hopped into DL to get a FP set. Then I hopped back to DCA to rejoin my family. We went on some more rides and hopped to DL at 11:30AM.

We went on some more rides and saw the Snow White show at 1PM. With the late park arrival this morning, plus our desire to hit some day-only rides like Davy Crockett Canoes and Tom Sawyer Island, we did not take our hotel break until 3:30PM. During the afternoon we snacked.

We returned to the hotel for a late lunch, swim and nap. After our nap we had some dinner at the hotel and then returned to DL at 8PM. We stayed until midnight. We rode 14 rides today and saw 1 show.

Hopping Summary

My family and I started the day at DCA, hopped to DL after a couple hours, took a hotel break, and then returned to DL for the evening. However, I had one additional hop where after entering DCA first thing in the morning, I hopped to DL to get a FP set then hopped right back to DCA.
Wow, Hydroguy you sure got a lot done on your trips. I wish we had more than two days but my Dh really wants to go to USH so that took one day from DL.

Question for you Hydroguy, about how long does it take to hop from one park to the other, get a FP, then back to the park to meet back up with the family? Just wondering how worth it, it is?

We are planning Day 1, Friday the 13th of Oct., to hit DL first no EE that day so we thought a good day to hit FL first and collect FP for later. Stay until 10 or 11 am then head to DCA stay until closing which is 6pm because of Mickey's Halloween Treat. Then head back to DL until 12pm closing and hope for good weather to see the Fireworks.

Day 2, Monday the 16th, head to DL at 10 am opening. Stay at DL all day unless there is something we want to do at DCA then head over for a short time. I am hoping since it is a Monday it won't have the lines like Friday will have.
kjhgarden said:
Question for you Hydroguy, about how long does it take to hop from one park to the other, get a FP, then back to the park to meet back up with the family? Just wondering how worth it, it is?
First, good communication is essential so you do not get separated and waste time searching for each other. We had walkie-talkies for everyone in the family, with cell phone backup for myself and DW.

Second, we went in August when it was pretty busy. The extra hopping I discussed, especially for FP, helped us get on extra headliner rides. For example, this particular trip we were there just a few weeks after Space Mtn re-opened. And the standby lines to ride it were 120 minutes most of the day and still 100 minutes at midnight when they closed the line. So FP was essential to ride Space Mtn. Further, they were running out of FPs by 1-2 PM. So on the days when we did not get into DL until later, Space Mtn FP was not an option.

Over the four days I believe we rode Spce Mtn four times. If I had not done some extra footwork for Space FPs, we probably would have only gotten on twice.

So in answer to your question, it was worth it to us so we could get some extra headliner rides - we rode most all the headliners 3-4 times. If I had not tried so hard to get FPs, the result would have been less rides on headliners - which is not a big deal for many people.

How long did it take to hop? Well, there are certain times of the day where hopping will take more time. Hopping to DCA never seems to take much time. Hopping to DL in the evening right before a parade or fireworks can take more time because lots of people are trying to get into the park and the turnstile lines are long.

Usually when I hop to an opposite park to get FPs I try to get ones that are closer to the park entrance. Hence at DL I try to get Space Mtn or Indy. At DCA I try to get Soarin, ToT or GRR. How long it takes also depends on where you are in each park when you start. If you are near the entrance, it will take 10-15 minutes.

For example, on Day 2 when we entered DL at 9:15AM, there were short lines at the turnstile because the normal park opening was at 8AM, plus there was EE at 7AM. We got thru the turnstiles quickly, I took everyone's entrance tickets (needed for FP distribuiton) and "walked with purpose" (we never "walk fast" at DLR :) ) to the Space Mtn FP machines, and then walked with purpose back out Main Street to the DCA gates and got there right at 9:30AM. So 15 minutes in that case.
Here is my hopping with small kids plan.

I usually do this one day to satisfy the small one.
start at DL, preferable on an EE day. do all the kid stuff about an hour with no lines. When the rest of the park opens do a few more things,
Hop over to CA for the 10 am opening, race to bug's land and do all the rides there at least once, (usually a couple of times) can accomplish this in one hour if you go when they open.

Now kid has done all the stuff she loves at least once and it is mid day the first day. After that we do whatever we want.
kjhgarden - another thing that you could do to maximize your time is to know who wants on what rides, and use the fastpass system/baby swap to your advantage - based off your sig you will have seven tickets, but I am guessing with the ages all 7 might not want/be able to ride every ride??? Say 6 in your group want to ride one ride, and 5 a different ride...get 4 FP for the one and 3 FP for the other - (that you can have at the same time), then send the 4 in with FP, get a baby swap pass, and then let the other 2 go when the 1st 4 are done, and then the same with the next ride - this is a bit confusing, but will allow you to get more fast passes and ride more rides.
We go back and forth every day that were there. Sometimes it has to do with the crowds. When DL gets packed it can be nice to escape to DCA. Sometimes it's nothing more then "Mom I wanna ride Monster's Inc." Or my husband wanting to ride TOT. So we make our way over there. Then we'll usually spend a few hours, make our way back over to DL. We never spend one whole day straight through at DCA though. We have done that at DL though several times. Just depends on the mood were in!
dizzyami said:
kjhgarden - another thing that you could do to maximize your time is to know who wants on what rides, and use the fastpass system/baby swap to your advantage - based off your sig you will have seven tickets, but I am guessing with the ages all 7 might not want/be able to ride every ride??? Say 6 in your group want to ride one ride, and 5 a different ride...get 4 FP for the one and 3 FP for the other - (that you can have at the same time), then send the 4 in with FP, get a baby swap pass, and then let the other 2 go when the 1st 4 are done, and then the same with the next ride - this is a bit confusing, but will allow you to get more fast passes and ride more rides.

Dizzyami, that is a great piece of advice!! My 4yo and 2yo won't reach the 40 inch requirement and my 7yo won't want to ride most "E" ticket rides except maybe we can get her on Splash. With that plan I can get two sets of FP at a time. :woohoo:
So, after all these great responses, I'm wondering...are DCA and DLR's fastpass systems linked? I'm guessing NO WAY? But just curious. ie. You can hold fastpasses for the same time at both parks.

I've read that they are not linked and that indeed you can hold FP's for both parks at the same time. This is not first hand experience just what I've read.
kjhgarden said:
Dizzyami, that is a great piece of advice!! My 4yo and 2yo won't reach the 40 inch requirement and my 7yo won't want to ride most "E" ticket rides except maybe we can get her on Splash. With that plan I can get two sets of FP at a time. :woohoo:

kjhgarden - I am just glad it made sense - it was a bit weird to explain - but we have definitely used this system to our advantage every trip!!!
shellyof4 said:
So, after all these great responses, I'm wondering...are DCA and DLR's fastpass systems linked? I'm guessing NO WAY? But just curious. ie. You can hold fastpasses for the same time at both parks.

Not only are they not linked, but when you enter either park your tickets are initialized for FP collection at both parks. Thus, everyone can enter DL, and if you want to grab FPs for say Soarin Over CA for later, you can send a runner to DCA with everyone's entrance media and they can get FPs for everyone - even though no one (except for the runner) entered DCA that day.

For more tips see "Getting the Most Out of FastPass During High Season"


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