How do you deal w/the lines??


Sep 12, 2002
I have a 7, 5 and 2 y.o. and we're going in Nov. I'm wondering how to decide on how long to wait in a line for an attraction? (for example, we see it's a 40 min line, how do we decide to wait or not?) Do you let the kids decide (with guidance on how long they'll be waiting) how much they really want to do a ride? Or do you just make sure to do the "must sees" early (obviously) and then play it by ear later depending on lines? Also, we'll have lots of grown ups traveling with us, so we'll be able to split up and send the kids where they really want to go with an uncle or aunt, without torturing the rest of us with a huge line.


Use fastpass, or skip that line till later. There shouldn't be many 40 minute lines in November. (just don't hit MK on Thanksgiving day) Fastpass takes care of a lot of lines, though.
My son bought a video game that they have at the parks. Different games are activated at various attractions through out the park. This kept all 4 kids content. Also, the same son (he's in to gadgets - what can I say) bought one of the 100 years of magic pins that is also activated at different locations throughout the parks. This kept their interest too.
We waited in almost no lines in June by arriving early (right before opening) and using fastpass judiciously. For example: Got to MK at opening and were on the second Dumbo ride of the day. Got a FP as we passed Pooh on the way to the Raceway (not a FP ride), rode that with minimal wait and it was almost time for Pooh, so my husband took the kids over to see characters before the opening of the toontown area and I walked over to get us all FPs for Buzz. Met back up and we all rode the barnstormer twice before using the Pooh FPs. Rode Pooh and then it was time for Buzz.

AT AK, we marched straight to the Safari but I walked over and got FPs before we actually got on the ride, so when we got off, we could walk right back on. Then we got FP for ITTBAB before we went to see the Lion King show. By the time the show was over, we could see ITTBAB. Then we got FP for Kali River Rapids before we did one of the animal walks and saw Flights of Wonder. By then, we could do Kali.

So, no lines, but Mom did some extra walking to make it happen. If you have lots of adults, give the hoppers to someone whose feet don't hurt too much and always keep a fastpass "cooking" while you are doing other things. And remember you can get the next fastpass before you actually do the ride - you will see what time you can get your next fastpass printed on the one you are holding.

We were so spoiled by this approach that the one Sunday night we were at MK and fastpasses were all gone we were miserable waiting in lines.
We're also going in November and we've gone before that month and I'm really not expecting any big lines. As the others have said, use fastpass if there are lines. Also, if it's a ride the kids want to go on badly, let them decide. I never thought my two oldest would wait 45 minutes for Dumbo, but they did! At the time they were 4 and 3 and I have to say, they were incredibly patient and I was proud of them for waiting without complaint.
OH MY!!! The question is, can I wait 45 min to ride Dumbo????!!! NOOOOOOO!!!


Thanks, all!

Key Chain games!! Like a mini "Bop It or 'Bop it extreme' we even had a key chain game of "who wants to be a millionaire" and we all answered the questions together. Although when we went the lines were small ('cept Dumbo :bounce: )
Found them at Wal-Mart toy dept.
Also, be aware that the posted wait times are often exaggerated by 10 minutes or so. It also seems to me that near the end of the day they don't bother changing the signs anymore, so you'll see Splash Mountain with a 40 minute wait time posted, but it's a walk on.
My sister, mother and I went in August with my 2.5 year old and my sister's 4 yo son and 6 year old daughter. Our strategy was "go early". We could then walk on everything in Fantasyland 2 times before there were lines. Then we would hit Pirates, Haunted Mansion, Magic Carpets etc. We always got fast passes for Buzz (huge hit with all the kids - my DD's favorite!) If the line looked long for anything else, we skipped it. No patience for the little ones (or for grandma!). We then left the parks by 1pm when it started to get crowded. The longest we waited for anything was seriously 5 minutes (Magic Carpets and Safari at AK) - and during that, I gave my daughter band aids. By the time she opened them and put them on, it was time to ride! :)
Use Early Entry if you're staying on-site to avoid lines early in the morning.

Use FASTPASS - It's a blessing many times over.

Before you get to the parks set a limit on how long you will wait for an attraction & let your kids know this limit.

Each of our children has their own fanny packs with snacks & drinks. A great tip I learned from these boards was to take a hand held video game for each child to pass the time while waiting in lines. It worked well.

Most of all, don't fret if you don't get to see something. It gives you a reason to return!!


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