How do I make chcolate that will harden??


<font color=red>DIS Veteran<br><font color=blue>Th
Nov 23, 2000
I don't know if this makes sense lol...I need help. I was looking for a different treat for DS's birthday (to bring to school). I found a rice Krispie treat recipe on the Kellog's site. You basically make regular Rice Krispie treats, but you roll them into balls and stick a popsicle stick into them (they look like candy apples..) You can then decorate them with what ever you want. In the pic they had one with coconut, and one with chocolate drizzeld on it. I want to do the choc ones and I don't know what to use. Is this something that will involve me melting bakers choc or something (way to complicated for me lol..) OR can I buy something ready made that will accomplish the same thing?? I'm assuuming I cannot use regular canned frosting because it will be all mushy and will not drizzle or harden?? What can I use?? :crazy:

Usually those types of recipes are looking for something already hard - you melt it, dip or drizzle & let it harden again. I use melting caps (look like wafers) & others here have used something called "almond bark" (no nuts in it, just a big hunk of chocolate).

On Monday I made chocolate covered strawberries for DH using "raspberry chocolate chips". They worked great! (Tasted pretty good too ;))

It's not hard to melt them. I just put some in a custard cup & nuke for a minute, stir & nuke again. I keep repeating until you can stir them smooth. (They don't just melt into a puddle w/o the stirring.) Just be careful not to nuke too long as it gets weird - not burnt, just grainy or something.

You can use a spoon to drizzle over the rice crispy treats. It's best if you do the clean-up right away. Just wipe the custard cup & spoon with a paper towel and wash with warm soapy water. If it's too hard, you can nuke a few seconds to make it soft again. If you have leftover chocolate, just scrape it onto tin foil & cool.
Personally I think melting chocolate is easier than this, but maybe you wouldn't. I've made these for DD's b'day parties several times & they're always a hit.

from the California Grill, Contemporary
8 fruit roll-ups try to get ones that don't have cut out shapes as they tear
¼ c butter
10 oz miniature marshmallows
6 c Rice Crispies
16 Gummi worms or
24 Swedish fish
Unroll fruit & place plastic down on cutting board. Leave the plastic on or they're miserable to roll up!
Melt butter; add marshmallows, stirring until melted. Remove from heat; stir in cereal until blended. Spread ~½ cup cereal mixture quickly over each fruit roll, leaving a 1” border on 1 long side. Put 2 worms or 3 fish lengthwise down center. Begin rolling on side w/o border. Press to seal. Remove plastic. Cut into 4 slices. Repeat with remaining ingredients. Serve with chopsticks, if desired. Yield: 32 rolls.
I would love to find some raspberry chocolate chips, those sound yummy! I covered the rice krispie treats I made this weekend (heart shaped) with chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla almond bark. I also dipped marshmallows in chocolate chips (4 marshmallows on a lollipop stick from Wilton). I added 1 tablespoon of shortening per 6 oz. of chips, and they came out great! I dipped my strawberries in the same thing Monday (still wishing I had raspberry chips!), and they came out well.

Piratesmate, my daughter's boyfriend loves sushi, and I think I'm going to show her this recipe to make for him sometime. I think he'd really get a kick out of that!
sweet maxine - I got the chips at either a local specialty shop (they sell fresh spices, coffees, teas & various cooking items) or in the bulk food aisle at a grocery store in Lancaster County where the Amish shop.

I'll ask at the spice shop the next time I'm there to see if she'll share her supplier so that you can see if you can get some. They were really good! DH said they really "made" the strawberries. I keep telling the shop keeper that she needs to get her Web site up & running, but.... :(

I've made the sushi for Tan Gun night at DD's TaeKwon-Do school. They always serve Korean foods (I know sushi is Japanese, but :confused3) & the adults always scarf down as much as the kids do! :teeth:
Thank you so much! I like the sushi idea too. I asked DS and he didn't get it, :rolleyes: We're vegetarians, and he didn't understand why it would be funny to have the gummy fish/swedish I'll stick with my original plan for now, but I'm going to save your recipie because I'm sure it'll come in handy some time!
Melting the chocolate really isn't that hard. I think the worst part is the cleanup, but that's not bad unless you do something dumb like I did the first time. I thought I'd go back & get it later. :rolleyes:

Just start with a small amount at first - like a 1/4 cup. A little goes a long way. :)
My niece lives in Philadelphia, so maybe she can check into the Farmer's Market there for me. I remember there were several booths that some Amish families owned and sold their goods at. (Loved the Amish bakery there!)

I just showed my DD the post about the rice krispie "sushi", and she loved it! I'm going to check at Dollar Tree or Wal Mart for the swedish fish
and gummi worms.
Try looking for the raspberry chocolate chips in the baking department of your local grocery store (where the rest of the chocolate chips are shelved). Several years ago a neighbor told me about them. Used them in brownies - FABULOUS!!

I can't remember if they were from Nestle or Hershey's (I'm thinking Hershey's). I haven't looked for them in a while, but I remember being able to find them in WalMart. Good luck!
Chocolate that will harden.... Melt chocolate chips together with either Paraffin wax or Baking Wax :wave2:
I watched Rachel Ray (from 30 minute meals) make the candy sushi and she used twizzlers in the middle. I think she cut them into strips and used like 3 strips (each was probably 1/2 of a twizzler cut lengthwise) in the center and rolled up. Amazing, it looked just like sushi. I've been dying to make them. Hmm, we are going to a family get together this weekend and my MIL is making egg-rolls and crab rangoon, so it sounds like these will fit in great. Maybe I'll make some tomorrow night!
Whenever I need to do a quick chocolate drizzle (that will harden) on something, I just melt regular ol' semi sweet chocolate chips in the microwave. I microwave them in 30 second intervals - stirring after each one until completely melted. I then pour the melted chips into a plastic sandwich baggie, snip a small hole in one corner and use the hole to do a controlled "drizzle" out of.... It's really simple, and works like a charm.


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