How did you find out about a food allergy?

I saw that you don't go for several more months. If I were you, try the gf diet, if it works for you, then you know what you need to do from there...see a doctor or continue the diet and contact special diets and fill out the gluten free forms. :)
I saw that you don't go for several more months. If I were you, try the gf diet, if it works for you, then you know what you need to do from there...see a doctor or continue the diet and contact special diets and fill out the gluten free forms. :)

There are so many food with that in it tho :(
Since this is not actually about WDW, I am going to move it to the disABILITIES Community Board, which is more suited for general questions.
There are so many food with that in it tho :(

It's very annoying, yes. You have to check ingredients of everything, even sauces and toppings. Wheat, barley and rye are the main ones to look out for. Whole Foods and Better Health are grocery stores with lots of gluten free food - it's amazing how much there is actually (like chicken breaded with rice flour). Even some more common stores like Kroger has sections of the store with lots of gluten free food.

But remember, once you stop eating gluten, a blood test will not show as much, and could be entirely ineffective. You would have to start eating gluten again to be sure.
When my DD was little she had really bad reflux and wouldnt eat anything, and couldnt sustain body weight. She went to the gastroenterologist and he did the scope for Celiac, food allergies and everything. SHe was 1. She had this done 3 more times by the age of 4. She did have welts lining her espophagus, stomach and intestines, but all the tests kept coming back normal. She didnt eat daily, sometimes not for two days. She did drink lots of milk. When she was 5, we went to the allergist and had the skin prick for a huge variety of foods. Nothing....

Finally her pediatrician decided to do the blood test for shellfish, dairy, egg, whole egg, stuff like that. Turns out she was highly allergic to dairy and egg. Her reactions were totally internal, so we couldnt tell. she just would stop eating, and since she had done that from birth, we didnt know what was wrong.

When she was diagnosed with the food allergies she was 5 1/2 and only weighed 28 pounds. We did a strict diet, with no dairy, or dairy proteins, (casein, whey) no egg. She did great! She outgrew it 2 1/2 years later, and it was the happiest day of her life. She is going to be 9 and is 65 pounds!!!
Having Crohn's and being Gluten intolerant and a milk allergy, I can sympathize. I found out about the Crohn's first, and did a lot of research during and discovered an elimination diet might help. Holy cow did it ever. I saw immediate results once I kicked gluten and the milk completely. I felt a whole lot better. I could go days without Crohn's discomfort. I felt "Normal." And I realized how bad I was feeling before hand and just living with it.

I know the idea of living GF sounds like you won't be able to eat, but that is so not the case. In fact, I've become quite the GF baker and learned to make items for holidays (like cookies) that taste like the regular glutenized version. Sure, I miss my old bagels and bread, but after the withdrawal phase (which I went through for several weeks) the wanting of it goes away more. You still will have lots of choices. Yes, it's a pain in the butt sometimes, but it's worth it to avoid having real pains in the butt! :lmao:

I would try to talk to a GI doc and see what kinds of tests you can do to rule out the IBD/IBS issues, Celiac, etc. Personally, I think you would feel better if you had an answer and could start figuring out what's going on and making yourself feel better!
I am agreeing with the others. I had my gallbladder out nearly 6yrs ago and I still have issues. The whole thing gets really irratating after a while. I can relate to your frustration. I have 2 kids with food allergies so off the top, it doesn't sound like a food allergy. You would have other symptoms on top of your other troubles. Skin/hives, swelling, itching, vomiting, anaphylaxis. You can have intolerances and sensitivity but those won't show up on a test. Elimination diet will help you determine which one. Or the celiac is a blood test. Do you notice if it is always after a certain food? Try to narrow it down and then take it out of your diet to tell if it makes a difference. Good luck!
How do i explain with out being super gross...TMI WARNING

Most of the time when i eat i feel a little stick to my stomach after eating.A bit nauseous. And sometimes right after i eat i have to go to the bathroom # 2 really bad. Like i feel pain down "there" i'm guessing in my lower intestine. It hurts bad to where i like don't wanna move.

I am never really constipated (i think at least) and i do try to eat fiber one bars. And i do not really have loose stool either.

I guess i need to do some googling!

Stumbled on this thread and wanted to jump in. I have had digestive issues since I was about 14 (29 now). I have been to several GI docs over the years and gotten a lot of different answers but the last 2 docs I saw gave me the same diagnosis so I'm guessing it's fairly accurate: IBS and a spastic colon. I mention this becuse what you described sounds pretty close to my symptoms. When I eat something that "disagrees" with me then within about 15 minutes I HAVE to go to the bathroom right away. I get horrible cramps and lets just say it is very unpleasnt for awhile and then I usually feel better but really tired.

My doc said that it isn't really diet based, some things may bother me all the time but there isn't a list to say what that might be, I just have to figure it out with trial and error. Other things may bother me sometimes but not always and I am likely to go through cycles where I get "sick" a lot and then other cycles where I am totally fine. Right now I'm on a bad cycle right now to the point where I cannot eat solid food, I have tried the blandest things possible to the worst fast food I can find and everything makes me sick. I have been on a liquid diet for the past week and that is working well, I'm drinking smoothies and Slim Fast shakes made with soy milk.

So that is a possibility. My doc gave me some pills to help with the spastic colon which seemed to do more harm than good but the best thing I have found is peppermint oil pills. They are enteric coated which means they don't dissolve until they reach your intestines and it just helps sooth everything so things digest normally. I take one about an hour before I eat and it works wonders. They are fairly cheap and really do work great most of the time though sometime, like now, my digestive tract is too messed up to be soothed. The brand I like best is called Pepogest.

So that was a lot longer than I planned but I hate to hear about people having digestive trouble since I have been dealing this stuff most of my life. Hope any of that helps.


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