How about a 'WISH Family' Photo Album!

...As I was saying. This is me (holding Beanie the puppy) at Easter. I HATE getting my picture taken, so my husband has to sneak up on me when I least expect it--and it looks like I'm deep into "blah blah blah" mode here. Anyway, this is at about 160 lbs. When I did WW last year, I started at about 172, and got down to about 152. My temporary goal is 145 by mid July when DH and I have our 20 year high school reunions.

Yes Beanie, our puppy is Beanie. 'Cause my DS said she looks like a Beanie Baby.


Whoooohoooo! THANK YOU KATHYTX. OMG, I am laughing sooo hard!

This is me and DD8 Kathryn!
Here is a picture of me and my friend Christine (Mickey's Sunshine) that was taken a little over 2 months ago. I still weigh the same as I did then. I'm the one on the left. :)


And here is one of me and Mr. Potato Head that was taken last Saturday at DTD. :)


Now a little about myself. My name is Michelle (in case you hadn't figured that one out ;) ), I'm 25 and I live in Florida about an hour and a half from WDW. :Pinkbounc

I'm single and the only child I have is my spoiled little dog Snickers. :)

I work as a Receptionist/Office Assistant for a Property Management Company so I'm another one who is pretty much on my butt in front of the computer all day.

I've battled my weight my whole life, it was semi under control when I was a teenager but when I started working at the age of 16 the weight really started piling on. I have fibromyalgia and I'm often so tired or in so much pain that excerise is the last thing I want to do but ironically it's the one thing that would make me feel a lot better! So, I've decided that it's something that I just have to do because to use an old cliche' I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I need to lose around 80-100 lbs. so it's not going to be a short quest but I'm looking for it to be a lifelong change.

I look forward to cheering you guys on in your journey, many of you are doing so great already and I know some of you are just getting started like myself. Together we will all reach our goals! :)
Copying her post to the right place :)


The picture is actually from 1 year ago this month. I don't have many recent pictures (that I like) & this is the nicest one of me (& my adorable DD) in a long time. It's deceiving because I don't look as big as I really am in this picture. My WISH weigh in weight is 170 & my goal weight is 125. Like I said in another post, I am not looking at the goal weight & a 10lb loss would make me happy right now.

I have a hard working, loving DH (Gary) of almost 11 yrs (Sept.) He works for Evernham Motorsports. He doesn't share my love for Disney but will go there "for the kids". :p I have a DD7 (Hayley) & DS-18mos (Garrett) & for now I am a SAHM. I am trying to finish up my Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education & would like to become a teaching assistant. I have thought about going on to get a Bachelor's degree in Education but, at 36yrs old, I just can't see myself being a first year teacher at age 40.:rolleyes: We shall see because I know there or a lot of other opportunities out there other than teaching with that degree.
That's about it! Not very exciting but I love my life & my family. I want to get healthy so I can stick around to enjoy grandchildren (I want to take them Disney!!!)
I am sooooo embarrassed that I posted on the wrong thread. :o :rolleyes: :o
This is the most recent pic of me. :) Hard to tell about my weight since I am sitting down, though. Hopefully someone will catch me in a pic at Towncrier's meet Sunday and I can post that one, too.


My name is Sherry and I am 32 years old. As you can tell by my pic, I have 4 boys: Jonathan 12, Jordan 11, Jared 9, and Julian 7. I've been married to my DH for 13 years.

In this pic, I weigh about 125 pounds. When I started my diet, back in January (counting calories, cutting back on fat) I weighed 145. I lost 15 pounds, then seemed to just stall. I started Atkins about a month ago and have lost 5 more pounds. I'd like to lose 5, maybe 10 more pounds.
Ok, here is my picture from my recent trip to Hawaii in March. I had to make the pilgramage to the Dole Pineapple Plantation and that's a Dole Whip Float in my hand :).

I am 5'6" and I would guess that I weighed about 177 lbs in that photo and I weigh about the same now. My tip-top weight was probably just over 200 lbs, but I lost that weight before I was pregnant and I was in the low-160's for a couple of years. My ultimate goal weight is currently 145 lbs, but I will be happy with each and every 5 lb clippie I earn :).


My name is Robin and I am 42 years old and have been married to David for 10 years. We dated/lived together for 7 years before that, so we have been together for a very long time. We have a 3 year old DD, Celia, who is also in the above picture. I am a SAHM who earns "Mouse Money" by selling books on There are books all over the house! I used to be a computer consultant pre-child :) and hope to return to work when my DD goes to first grade.
Hi Robin, your little girl is so beautiful. This is a great "before" photo. I'll bet you will be posting photos of a much slimmer "you" very soon :)
Wow I love seeing all these pictures. Talk about encouragement! You all look fantastic! Maybe someday I will get the courage to post pictures too :p
Wow -

OMG you have all done so well, all of you are truly an inspiration to everyone else.
Every one of you are doing SO AWESOME! You should all be very proud of yourselves :) I know I am!

I'm going to get a pic of me up here soon, like it or not! LOL

Christiana :)
I am doing this for my friend Karyn (Kabuli1)...I know she is going to be annoyed b/c I can't find the original ones she sent me of the after picuture..but here are the Before pics...I will post the after's as SOON as she resends them to me...

Sorry Kar...You know I love you though!!! LOL



Here is the After Picture that we have been waiting for....this is from July 4th. I think Karyn LOOKS AMAZING!!

I wonder if there is a chance in heck that this worked...

Anyway, my name is Audrey. I am 39 and holding, mother of three - ages 19, 13, and 12. I come from a long line of women who get married young and have babies right off. I am apparently not the end of that line, either. My oldest got married to her high school sweetheart last summer - but Praise the Lord - no grandkids on the horizon, yet. This photo - if it is here- is of dh and I at our dd's wedding last year. I actually gained about 10lbs after this photo but it's hard to see my body because I am very cleverly hiding behind dh. I do that whenever possible! I posted it so you can see me :) and because it is the only photo I have of myself in my email. I don't have a digital camera yet!

The "aha" photo that got me to lose weight was taken a few months ago at the Botanical Garden. You know the one - sleeveless top, full frontal camera angle... I was going to try and post that one but, alas, I can't find it.

I am having a great time learning a bit about each of you on this post (I haven't read it all yet) and putting your beautiful faces with your names.:)
I just discovered the photo album. This is great. I don't have any really recent pictures of me but here are the best I have.


I'm the one in jeans - the other is my best friend Elizabeth and this is from Fall 2001.


This is from last May - can't fit into those pants anymore :(


This is me with my mom and brother at a gala in DC last Spring - I used to be skinnier than my mom but she's lost lots of weight recently and she's now a 12/14. Go mom!

I'm trying to find a more recent one. Oh by the way my name is Stephanie. I have gone up a size since this picture so I'm a bit bigger. I'm 25 and just graduated law school - still no job but I'm starting on my LLM in Tax this fall. I've been engaged for 4 yrs and still no wedding date set. I live with my fiance Dan and our two cats. I've always been heavy but this probably is my heaviest at about 224lbs now that I've been with wish for almost 3 weeks and I wear a 16/18. I really would like to get down in the 170-160 range and wear a size 12. I've struggled with my weight my whole life and have tried lots of diets and none have ever worked. I'm now trying not to restrict my eating too much just pay a little more attention to what I eat and try not to evereat anymore or snack too much. I'm also trying to exercise 5 days a week.
Trying to see if this photo works. If not, I will try another.

I am Lisajl...Lisa I will be 41 on July 27.

This is a photo of myself and my DH at his parents 50th wedding anniversary over the 4th of July.

This is the heaviest I have ever been!
When my DH saw this photo today, he decided to try and lose weight with me! Hooray! I have support...I will support him too.

Just noticed this thread- and had just recently finally gotten up the nerve to show my progress pics on another board (a low-carbing friends board) -so I figured why not show them here too.

I hope they show up in the same format here- they are supposed to be next to one another so you can see the difference. Here goes:

Pictures are as follows:
2wks-12lbs lost
10wks-34lbs lost
12wks-39lbs lost
20wks- 60lbs lost
27wks- almost 75lbs lost!
Body profile:

It won't let me show too many images in one post- so I'll post the rest in other posts if it will let me. :)

As for info about myself- I'm 34yrs old, SAHM of 3 children... and my sig line tells my stats, when I started Atkins, etc. :)
And here's the face/head shots.. I really didn't think I'd lost much in my face- but once I looked at these pics there is no way I can think that anymore!!!!!!! Definitely lost weight in face/neck/etc! LOL
BTW- it's so great to see all of you! You are all beautiful! :)


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