How about a NEW thread. . . What's the most shocking thing you've done at disney


<font color=red>I must ponder this news<br><font c
Aug 14, 2004
Ok I had a great time reading all of the shocking things that people do. I've gone 10 times and never run into anything worse than the rude thing (besides being southern baptist and arriving on gay day).

But. . . it got me to thinking about things that I've done. So to start it out here goes. . .

The most shocking thing I have done happened about 3 years ago. We did disney for the first time in our RV. We had a 14 year old and a 7 year old. We heard all the way from MS. how the misreable the 14 year old was because she had to miss a party with her 'boyfriend (she wasn't dating at the time). Finally one day when she was whining at the park I told her "Listen, we're in Disneyworld, get over it! Your going to smile and have a good time even if I have to beat it out of you!!!"

Looking back we both laugh about it and I often will do that line with her. We go back in 2 months and thankfully her NEW boyfriend will be away coon hunting so hopefuly we won't get it again. But I have already began the threats about bringing up the "b" word. (boyfriend):earseek:
For would be riding Tower of Terror when we were on our honeymoon. I have no idea why we did it, we both get sick on rides like that.:confused:
At Disney's California Adventure, we rode California Screamin' so many times that we figured out where the camera of course, DH insisted on riding with me and giving me a bit of a squeeze when the picture was taken if you know what I mean. That's about as shocking as we get.
Originally posted by Dznefreek
Since this is a family forum, I cannot say.


Tomorrowland Transit Authority....that's all I'm saying...: :teeth:
OMG...these really are shocking.......i think the most shocking thing I did was volunteer for Indiana Jones....being I am usually shy in front of people. Nothing compared to you guys!!! LOL
Some of you are daring!!

Ive never done anything shocking or daring in my life..
But I will vow infront of all my Dis Buddies that in 17 days while I at Disney I will do something shocking..

hmmmm....Maybe I wont fight with my hubby when he does something stupid... That would shock him and Me!!! LOL
mine didn't happen in the World, but it did happen in Kissimee while I was on the college program. I did the SkyCoaster twice at Old Towne. This one is the tallest one in the world at 300 feet. For those of you who don't know what that is it's like a giant swing. They strap you into a harness so you're parallel to the ground then raise you up and back 300 feet into the air and then lest you go. You freefall and then swing like a giant pendulum. I could see the EPCOT ball from the top, all the way from Kissimee. Man was it a blast, I highly reccomend it!


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