Hot on the gulf coast!


DIS Veteran
Oct 28, 2002
Wednesday my son and I leave for 5 nights in the tent - split stay between Grayton Beach and Gulf Shores State Park.

Back in late April, when I planned this - the temps were warm, but the breezes were pleasant. Today it must be a heat index of 100.

Now I'm beginning to think - 'what am I going to do all day?' I can't imagine hanging out at the tent during the heat of the day! We will have a fan, but that'll only help some at night. I thought we could go to the mall, eat out some, go to the beach and sit under the umbrella (there's almost always a breeze on the beach).

We're taking bikes, but I'm thinking those rides will have to be early morning and late afternoon.

Just how am I going to survive this? I have to since it was my idea:laughing:


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