Hong Kong no Phooey TR (Apr 2012)! The Yee's have it....TR finish #1101, 07/09

:scratchin There are some of us on this thread that probably would have gone the way of Canned Creamed Corn :rolleyes1 ....but hey.....if baked beans does it for ya....go with it!
I believe I'm not yet old enough to know of what you speak....
If you do, I'll be interested to find out what you thought of it.

Were you cold or were the cocktails more than sufficient to keep you warm?
My rear was numb but the cocktails worked their magic and all of the candy was gone!.... I only ate 4 pieces...:sad2:
:dance3: :dance3: :dance3:
Hey PIO, I have been to HK twice with my husbands aunt and his cousin! We stay at the City View in a Premier room, which is on the cnr of Waterloo and Nathan Rd, Kowloon. It is directly opposite the Yau Me Tei station, walking distance to Ladies Market etc You'll be fine with the Octopus card, it's so easy and the MTR is easy to use, even for a dummy like me with no sense of direction!!! Look forward to hearing what else you have planned for the trip! :thumbsup2
What a great idea, trunk decorating! Thanks for the pictures!:thumbsup2
Just noticed your PTR! Hurray!!!! Ok, got to read from the beginning first....will be back!
Hey PIO, I have been to HK twice with my husbands aunt and his cousin! We stay at the City View in a Premier room, which is on the cnr of Waterloo and Nathan Rd, Kowloon. It is directly opposite the Yau Me Tei station, walking distance to Ladies Market etc You'll be fine with the Octopus card, it's so easy and the MTR is easy to use, even for a dummy like me with no sense of direction!!! Look forward to hearing what else you have planned for the trip! :thumbsup2

Thanks for reading!! And I'm researching accommodation options at the moment....so I'll check out City View as well.

What a great idea, trunk decorating! Thanks for the pictures!:thumbsup2

Glad you liked them. :goodvibes

Just noticed your PTR! Hurray!!!! Ok, got to read from the beginning first....will be back!

Hooray! You made it! :yay:
”Pick a ‘Ph…’! Pick a ‘Ph…’!”…It’s Audience Participation Time

”Pick a ‘Ph…’! Pick a ‘Ph…’!" It’s Audience Participation Time!

That’s right, audience (that includes you lurkers as well)….you read it right here. It’s Audience Participation Time!

Pick a “Ph” – Disney “Phirst” or on Day “Phat”?​

I’ve been looking at accommodation options and before I can progress further, I need to work out that most important of all questions!

Do I go to HKDL immediately after arrival, i.e., ‘phirst’? Or do I go to HKDL after day ‘phat’ (8)?

Remember audience….
  • We will have 11 nights in HK and plan to spend 3 nights at a HKDL resort hotel.
  • We are arriving into HK after 9 pm on a Saturday and I expect to be out of the airport after 11 pm (at the earliest).
  • I believe that we will purchase the 2-day entry ticket to HKDL, which should be ample time to see the park at a slow pace.

Which would you do and why?


ps. Feel free to de-lurk and play!!
Well my vote would be for day Phat! My reasoning behind this is that you almost always know what to expect from Disney. It will most likely be a high point of the trip, even though you might experience some other great times before that, you can end on what should be a high note.

I've never combined a trip to Disney with anything other than a trip to Universal, and I did that first becuase I knew not to expect more out of Universal than Disney so I figured doing that second would be a let down. Having no idea what there is to do in Hong Kong, I may not be the one to ask. :confused3 I would end with the Magic you know and not the Magic you don't!
I finally made it across here!

I'm not sure about when to schedule Disney. We did it towards the end, but we were only there for 5 days. Two days should be enough. We did two days and didn't ride everything but I think that has to do with the fact more than half the park was shut down on one of our days and the other was packed with over an hour long wait for most attractions.

Really thinking about it I would end the holiday with a high. A Disney high! :cheer2:

If you do Disney phirst them you may regret that you have to leave without doing Disney again. Of course this is assuming that doing Disney is going to be the highlight which considering we are on a Disney Forum goes without saying.:thumbsup2

If we were on a shopaholics forum then the plan would be shop do Disney then shop some more. If we were on a Gourmet Asian food forum (though this PTR almost qualifies) then I would say restaurant hop, Disney then some more restaurant hopping. So do your shopping, sight seeing and restaurant hopping phirst and Disney Phat.

Ideally you should be staying at a Disney Resort the whole time and doing Disney phirst and phat but this is not a Disney trip right ;)

I say ....


The main thing is -
Avoid "peak days"
Avoid Weekends
Avoid any time around national holidays...which usually tie in with 'peak' days but either way...avoid that...

Be aware....
They don't release the complete schedule until a WEEK in advance :scared1:

Unless things have changed

I say ....


The main thing is -
Avoid "peak days"
Avoid Weekends
Avoid any time around national holidays...which usually tie in with 'peak' days but either way...avoid that...

Be aware....
They don't release the complete schedule until a WEEK in advance :scared1:

Unless things have changed

we we go we have the choice of tues wed or thurs for HKDL - what days do u recommend?
Hmmm....I'm a save the best for last type of guy - so I would tend towards "Phat". Though I do agree with Queenie's point, go when it is least crowded.
Avoid the weekends at all costs. Leaving it last also has you near the airport.

Princess have you considered buying a Magic Access card (Annual Pass) for at least one of you. They start at a tiny HK$650 and you get quite a few perks with them including a % off accomodation:thumbsup2.

We stayed for 3 weeks when we went to Hong Kong and found plenty to do. The Disneyland Hotel is just lovely and if you want a breakfast with amazing character interaction I recomend you do it here. The Chinese resturant is also very nice. The bus that runs between the park and the hotel is quick and easy or it's about a 15 stroll from the hotel down a dedicated walk way complete with disney piped music the whole way:wizard:

Enjoy your planning :yay:
Hi everyone! :wave:

Thanks for your input. There are developments in the wind where accomodation is concerned and I'll share those once we have them sorted. Suffice to say....spanners and me? D-U-C-K!

(The question is who is ducking?? ::yes:: ME!!)
OT - Collingwood Children's Farm and otherwise!

This weekend, I headed to the Collingwood Children's Farm.


This farm is located within 3 - 5 km of the CBD. You wouldn't know it to look at pictures of the paddocks like this...


The Yarra River, which runs through the Melbourne CBD is where the trees are.

They have a kitchen garden at the farm.



Why did I head there? Well.....on the first Sunday of each month, it is Family Day at the CCF. And that means.....tractor Hay Rides! Yes, its a category for the Photography Scavenger Hunt and I'd been waiting patiently for the first Sunday to come round (couldn't make it last month and when next month comes round, the hunt will be over).

I got there early to look around the farm.




Kids were encouraged to help milk this cow...I couldn't get in the barn! But noticed this window on the side. :thumbsup2




And I did get my hay ride shots!


I got into the second ride of the day....




(Continued in Next Post)
(Continued from Previous Post)

The CCF is located next to a-no-longer-used convent. You may have spotted the building in the background in the hay ride we went on.
The convent is now home to a variety of establishments and unbeknownst to me, I'd picked the prime day to visit the area.

It's spring in Melbourne....and lots of festivals and fairs are on. This one is at the neighbourhood Steiner school Spring Fair.





The classrooms were all beautifully displayed with the children's works....like this.


They even had a wood-fired pizza there!


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(Continued from Previous Post)

The Steiner School wasn't the only festival happening at the Abbotsford Convent. Look what I found!


I'm sure you all know that I like quirky things....and this fair did NOT disappoint. Have a look at the activities happening at the World Vegan Day!


Yup! Speed Dating! :scared1:

I was more attracted to these sorts of activities...



....then again, looking at the food demonstration topics....maybe NOT!

Here's what the WVD looked like...








....complete with some more items that attracted me!



(Continued in Next Post)


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