Hillary's Christmas Wedding PJ/Disneymoon@WL!**UPDATE 1/10! ***

I LOVE those christmas Disney buildings. Can I just say? - the Storybook Land boats at Disneyland is probably my favorite ride ever. Especially when you go on it at night. All the little buildings light up. They should really put that attraction in at WDW. Anyway, I have always wanted to collect little village buildings, but I've never seen any that I like. Maybe Disney will come out with some that look like your christmas ones that light up.

It's so soon! You probably won't read this until after everything, but I just wanted to wish you well. Every time I hear 'Joy to the World' in my holiday music mix, I think of you. What a perfectly unique way to start your life as husband & wife.

Best wishes!
I just have a minute so I can't respond to each of you individually...but I wanted to come on real quick while I can. Tommorow is going to be crazy busy so I prob won't have a chance to come back before the wedding.

It's crazy that it's HERE already! Holy crap. I think it's really starting to sink in today. All my family came in tonight, and just talking about it so much has made me realize that this is HUGE, and oh my gosh, I'm getting MARRIED on Saturday. wow.

Im SO excited. I got my nails and toenails done today, and tommorow we have to pick up my dress, and then do a few last minute things before the rehearsal tommorow night. I could not be more excited. I'm not even nervous...YET.

We aren't leaving until Monday morning so I MAY jump on Sunday night, but we'll see. We are spending time w/our families that afternoon and then finishing up packing, so I don't know if I'll have time.

I just want to thank ALL of you amazing ladies...for you support, encouragement, advice, EVERYTHING. This is such an amazing community, and I consider you all friends. I can't wait to share everything with you when we come back!!

God Bless.
I just wanted to wish you good luck! I'm so excited for you and I hope everything turns out as great as you've planned it to be! I can't wait to hear all about it!
Congratulations!!! Don't worry about getting back on the Dis before the honeymoon. Enjoy the time with your families! Can't wait to hear about everything when you get back!! Have a wonderful time!!! :hug:
oh hillary! have a wonderful day! i'm so excited for you!!!!! can't wait to see pics, but don't stress about that until after your honeymoon! i'll be thinking of you tomorrow! your christmas decorations look fabulous!

wishing you and Andy a truly truly wonderful day and a "magical" life together!! :love:


Michelle :cloud9:
I can't wait to see pics and hear all about it! Hope you are having a great Disney honeymoon girl!
Hope everything was magical! Can't wait to see all the pics from the wedding and the trip!
Hi everyone!!!!

I just have a minute, but wanted to update real quick!

I'm BACK and MARRIED!!! crazy. The wedding was BEAUTIFUL, more so than I could have ever imagined. It just went by SO FAST, that is the one thing everyone told me, and I didnt really realize how true it would be. It was just over so fast and I missed it all immediately.

And the honeymoon was AWESOME of course. The Wilderness Lodge was stunning, I couldn't have picked a better place, and we had an amazing time. The one thing I learned was, no matter how much I planned, you just have to be prepared to just go with the flow. We relaxed and just took things easy when we needed to, I just had to learn to let go of my super obsessive planning. But it was a blast, we left yday morning and stayed in St. Augustine, Fl last night, got home around 6 tonight. I miss it already, but it's good to be home.

I don't have professional pics yet but I have a few from friends and family for now...more to come later. I'm gonna get started uploading pics from Disney tomm so hopefully the TR will be on the way soon!!





Congrats and welcome back!!

You looked beautiful and I can't wait to hear about everything.

Also, I have to admit that pink isn't really my thing, but your cake is GORGEOUS!!!


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