High School Class of 2016/College Class 2020

Dd13 finished her 2nd day of high school and so far is enjoying it. She is in drama and brought home a paper about a non school sponsored trip to NYC 1200 dollars, but they will be doing fundraisers, so I am all ready about to freak out lol.
DS has finished almost three weeks. He is feeling overwhelmed because he is taking several very hard classes but he loves it. He also enjoys being on the varsity football team with his brother.
Well, she may be the last one but my Class of 2016 DD went to her first day of High School today. I was so busy talking to her about getting her schedule and finding her classes, etc that I forgot to take a picture before we left the house :(

So I figured I would take one at school but when we got there, it was a madhouse of cars. It was hard to find a place to park and when I suggested to DD that I would park and get a picture she wanted nothing to do with it. She just wanted to be dropped off and join her friends. So I don't have a picture of my DD on her first day of High School :sad:

DH promised me that he would take one when he picks her up today!!
Well, now I have a long day of work before I found out how her first day went popcorn::
Hello, OP here. I'm glad to read about everyone's experiences and my DD has found comfort in reading the posts, too! Our babies are really growing up, aren't they?

My two freshmen are a little over a week in and doing well. I didn't cry when they left for school. (I had my little - ok, big - breakdown last year in WDW when they went off on their own and it hit me how much they were growing up then!) It was nice they had the first day of school to themselves to learn their way around so I think that was helpful.

A few of you mentioned not having many freshmen in their classes - mine both have that, too. But thankfully they both knew someone in all of their classes. Lunch was the biggest concern, especially for DD since in MS the # of people at the table was limited and it became stressful of you were late to lunch or if others saved seats and all that. But here, they can add extra seats to tables so it's been nice, no more stress about it. DD even invited a boy new to the school and eating alone over to eat with their group and it sounded like he was glad to join them.

Of course, DD has a nice cough already and she said everyone else does, too. :rotfl2: (Gotta love school.) I told her just don't give it to me! :laughing:

Both of them have said they love HS so far. They really like having more freedom and feeling more grown up. They've been showing a lot of maturity and confidence in their habits, which I'm so glad about, especially for DS, who shirked some of his responsibilities in MS (which was frustrating having teachers tell us he was capable of more, though he really turned that around toward the end of last year). He agreed with us about shutting the XBox Live off to eliminate that as a distraction to start the year, and he hasn't even asked about restarting it. (Surprising since two of his best friends since K moved away and that's how they've kept in touch. And thinking of their experiences in new schools altogether makes him realize that his experience isn't nearly as difficult.) From what I can tell he's been enthusiastic about doing his work and participating in class so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. He starts fall baseball this weekend and he's looking forward to that. We did some college walk-throughs this summer informally and talked a lot about possible career choices so I'm hoping that was motivating. DD loved the college environment and said she wished she could start now! But that was before HS started and I think she feels better about HS seeing she has some of the freedoms she liked about college like a neat cafeteria, more food choices, vending machines, lol, a bookstore, ability to bring a hot or cold drink to school, etc.

DS is keeping all of his classes as they are; DD is planning to change out of one elective she's not liking into something she thinks she'll like better.

So so far, so good. :goodvibes
My DD finished her first 2 days as a freshman and so far she loves it. She's one of 3 freshman in her Geometry class so she's making friends with some sophomores and juniors. Her Honor History class only has 12 students in it so she's over the moon since the teacher (one of only 4 that have PhD's and is not in administration at the high school) said that since it was a small class they'll be doing lots of things that other classes won't be able to do - still don't know what that means since she has a reputation of teaching that class like a college freshman class so we'll see.

She really loves her G&T Dance classes that she has in the afternoons but dislikes that she gets home later than all her other friends.

Next week she starts Debate Club and auditioning for the Mock Trial team. She's been asked by at least 2 of her teachers whether she's trying out for the team since they know that I used to coordinate it when I was the Exec. Director of the County Bar Assn. - boy, did she hate being asked! She came home and said "Everyone at the high school knows that I'm your daughter" and I said "well, you should have known since we're the only family with our last night in the County!" Yep, had a little bit of teenage drama:lmao:
I finished my first week of high school yesterday! It's really weird in my classes with the upperclassmen :) im such a freshey!!! :)
Found this thread hoping to find some other parents of Freshman to commiserate with!

How's everyone doing a few months in?

My DD has 3 to 7 hours of homework every night. She even had multiple papers to write over both the Labor Day break and Thanksgiving break. I don't think there has been a single weekend without homework. I honestly think there has only been 1 night this whole year with no homework.

And there is so much pressure! I don't remember all this college planning this early in HS. We were basically told that even with straight A's, it is not likely she will rank in the top 10% of her class because she is "only" taking 3 honors classes. The school pushes for clubs or sports pretty hard ~ making it very clear they are necessary for your college transcript. So, she's joined a club and that eats another hour of "free time". She comes home talking about SAT prep and the number of seniors that received perfect SAT scores last year.

Is this just how it is???!!
Found this thread hoping to find some other parents of Freshman to commiserate with!

How's everyone doing a few months in?

My DD has 3 to 7 hours of homework every night. She even had multiple papers to write over both the Labor Day break and Thanksgiving break. I don't think there has been a single weekend without homework. I honestly think there has only been 1 night this whole year with no homework.

And there is so much pressure! I don't remember all this college planning this early in HS. We were basically told that even with straight A's, it is not likely she will rank in the top 10% of her class because she is "only" taking 3 honors classes. The school pushes for clubs or sports pretty hard ~ making it very clear they are necessary for your college transcript. So, she's joined a club and that eats another hour of "free time". She comes home talking about SAT prep and the number of seniors that received perfect SAT scores last year.

Is this just how it is???!!

This sounds outrageous to me. There is no way my son could do all the extracurricular he does and complete 3-7 hours of homework every night. I was frustrated at his fall schedule without what you're describing.
4luv2cdisney said:
Found this thread hoping to find some other parents of Freshman to commiserate with!

How's everyone doing a few months in?

My DD has 3 to 7 hours of homework every night. She even had multiple papers to write over both the Labor Day break and Thanksgiving break. I don't think there has been a single weekend without homework. I honestly think there has only been 1 night this whole year with no homework.

And there is so much pressure! I don't remember all this college planning this early in HS. We were basically told that even with straight A's, it is not likely she will rank in the top 10% of her class because she is "only" taking 3 honors classes. The school pushes for clubs or sports pretty hard ~ making it very clear they are necessary for your college transcript. So, she's joined a club and that eats another hour of "free time". She comes home talking about SAT prep and the number of seniors that received perfect SAT scores last year.

Is this just how it is???!!

With the block schedule that dd has they have 96 minutes in each class so have time to complete a lot of homework there.

When papers are written they are given class time for research and do the writing at home.

Plus they have only 4 classes a semester so they can arrange their classes so that there won't be a huge amount of homework inevery class.

She does have some homework each night but no where near several hours worth.

Her biggest workload will come during show choir season with practices and performances. Right now concert choir only requires one long practice per week.
Found this thread hoping to find some other parents of Freshman to commiserate with!

How's everyone doing a few months in?

My DD has 3 to 7 hours of homework every night. She even had multiple papers to write over both the Labor Day break and Thanksgiving break. I don't think there has been a single weekend without homework. I honestly think there has only been 1 night this whole year with no homework.

And there is so much pressure! I don't remember all this college planning this early in HS. We were basically told that even with straight A's, it is not likely she will rank in the top 10% of her class because she is "only" taking 3 honors classes. The school pushes for clubs or sports pretty hard ~ making it very clear they are necessary for your college transcript. So, she's joined a club and that eats another hour of "free time". She comes home talking about SAT prep and the number of seniors that received perfect SAT scores last year.

Is this just how it is???!!

I do think the top 10% thing is true. DD is taking 5 honors classes but got an 83 in science. She got a 93 unweighted GPA. It's good.. but top 10%.. no way. There are about 400 kids in her class and I can guarantee way more than 40 did better than that. Weighing it may help some, but all those high achieving kids are taking 5 honors classes.

She has no where near that much homework however. Does your DD have a study hall? I would say on average she has 1-2hrs a night, but often less. This weekend she didn't have any. If you really think she has that much (she's not poking around or just works slowly) I would talk to someone at the school. Have you discussed it with other parents?

Not a lot of talk about SATs or clubs here although she is very involved already. She took the SAT last year and did well, but not amazing. Hopefully it will continue to go up.
I have a DD14 that is a freshman this year and while she is my third one to go through HS (I have a DS16 class of 2015) I have found that freshman year for her has been very expensive on top of everything else.

I do see her struggling a little bit more then I have in years past. She has always been on the A/B honor roll and in the first quarter she has two C's. She has already taken the ACT twice. She is very self driven and I think all the pressure the school put on kids this early in HS has taken its toll.

I do think that school system put a lot of pressure on these kids way to early in their academic career. IMO
at every school.. but for ours there are different levels of each class. So DD is in Spanish. There is a regular level, and an honors level, which is supposed to be harder. (They have this for most every academic class.) When they do the rankings for kids she gets 3.5 points added to her score before they average it. So, her 95 would jump to a 98.5 where someone who got a 95 at the regular level would stay there.

This way, kids who already have very high scores can end up with an average over 100. So the OP's DD is at a disadvantage with only 3 classes that round up, where many kids will have 5 or more.

Can anyone tell me what a weighted gpa is?? I'm not from the US.

So far, so good for DD's freshman year. She is on the block scheduling system, so she has almost no day-to-day homework, even in honors classes. It has been an adjustment for her dad and I- we are used to her having at least an hour or so of homework every night all through middle school.

Her biggest headache at the beginning of the year was Latin 1. She was one of only 3 freshmen in the class, and worried that it would be too hard for her. Now, she is thinking she will take Latin 2 next semester because she likes the class so much! She has done very well and we are proud she stuck with it to get over her early jitters.

She made all A's for the first 6 week grading period- her next report card comes home next week. Unless there has been a last minute bad grade, she should have all A's again. This is her "easy" semester, so we'll see how spring turns out, but so far, high school has been a breeze.
I do think the top 10% thing is true. DD is taking 5 honors classes but got an 83 in science. She got a 93 unweighted GPA. It's good.. but top 10%.. no way. There are about 400 kids in her class and I can guarantee way more than 40 did better than that. Weighing it may help some, but all those high achieving kids are taking 5 honors classes.

She has no where near that much homework however. Does your DD have a study hall? I would say on average she has 1-2hrs a night, but often less. This weekend she didn't have any. If you really think she has that much (she's not poking around or just works slowly) I would talk to someone at the school. Have you discussed it with other parents?

Not a lot of talk about SATs or clubs here although she is very involved already. She took the SAT last year and did well, but not amazing. Hopefully it will continue to go up.

There are only 4 Honors level classes offered to freshman at our school - core subjects only. So, I guess I'll just be thankful for that. I don't remember any of my classes being honors in HS and I graduated in the top 15%, so this was just a surprise to me. I guess this is because her HS is ranked in the top 4% nationally and (seeing that you're from NY) I see many NY schools rank very high nationally and so you obviously understand this! Our school is discussing eliminating class rank because it can be so misleading. They used an example of a student taking 4 Honors classes, a lunch/study, a full period study hall, and 1 pass/fail elective -vs- a student taking 4 Honors and waiving their lunch and study hall to take graded electives. Assuming straight A's for all, the 1st student would have a GPA of 6.0 and the 2nd student would have a 5.67 despite the heavier workload.

She has a "lunch / study". So about 22 minutes for lunch and 22 minutes for study hall. I have discussed the homework with the few parents I know. It is a mixed bag ~ they are not all in honors and the ones that are have different teachers. It almost seems that my DD just lost the "easy teacher" lottery this year! I want to talk to someone at the school, but I don't even know what to say. She doesn't seem to have a comprehension problem, every one of her teachers gives daily homework.

She does work slowly on papers and presentations. Right now she just finished an essay that was supposed to be 3 -4 pages and it is 8 pages long. She is editing right now, hoping to get it down to about 6. She's the kid with too many thoughts / ideas! As for basic Q and A homework, I think she's about average speed, but I guess I don't really know. She finishes tests on time at school and does very well on standardized testing. I think anything that involves creativity she tends to overdo.
This sounds outrageous to me. There is no way my son could do all the extracurricular he does and complete 3-7 hours of homework every night. I was frustrated at his fall schedule without what you're describing.

This is a big part of the problem for us. She is musically talented and takes 3to 4 private lessons per week and performs regularly. We have spent a lot of years and money on this aspect of her life and are realizing we may have to give some of it up. It is tough.
So glad this was bumped up. Dd14 has really thrived so far(except geography but improving) all A's and B's except d for geography. This is how her schedule is: certain color day(instead of a days and b days they go by school colors)she will have 4 classes then the next day just have 3 but they are extended with more time. She will be going to NYC with drama class over spring break,so she is excited about that. She does not have homework as much as middle school,so that is different. And recently, a part time student went in with a gun and tried to rob another student in the bathroom,but later turned himself in. And due to lack of certain actions,I am really not trusting the school.
DD is not doing so well. She had 2 As, 1 B, 2 Cs and a D and an F first marking period. She is a work in progress.
DD is not doing so well. She had 2 As, 1 B, 2 Cs and a D and an F first marking period. She is a work in progress.

We're all a work in progress. Its too bad that there's so much pressure to have perfect grades and perfect SAT scores. There are many directions in life, yet we try to force all kids on the same path.


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