Hi ho silver day 7 - But Mum, You Said this was just a train ride!


Jul 26, 2001
Friday 2 November - But Mum, You Said This Was Just a Train Ride

Julie (38) - demented planner
Brian (40) - planning, what’s that?
Michael (11) - quiet, clone of his Dad, hormones just starting to kick in, auditioning for Snow White’s 8th dwarf, Grouchy
Andrew (5½) - not quiet, mummy’s boy, very fussy eater, favourite saying of the holiday “Excuse me, is this ride scary?”

The plan - Magic Kingdom (aren't we sticking to the plan quite well? Rather proud of myself there !!)

Back to having the buffet breakfast in the hotel after yesterday’s experiment with Ponderosa – quicker and cheaper – and then off to the Magic Kingdom for our first visit. Getting a bit harder now to get going in the mornings so we don’t arrive until about 9.30 (park hours today 9.00 – 6.00) but still manage to park close enough to the entrance to be able to walk to the TTC and not need a tram (think we parked in Minnie but I may be mistaken). Can see that the ferryboat has just started boarding so decide to use that as our transport to the park entrance and I can really recommend this for your first visit. So much more relaxed and picturesque than using the monorail.

We knew that Andrew (along with 100% of the children under 8 in the park) would want to ride Dumbo – why ???? – so we decided after getting a FP for Winnie the Pooh to make that our first stop and I’m really glad we did. We waited about 10 minutes but we never saw the wait time posted at less than 45 minutes for the rest of the day. Snow White’s Scary Adventure and the Mad Tea Party were a walk on so got those out of the way too and then it was time for our FP for Winnie the Pooh. Really loved this ride, especially the bouncing Tigger. Cinderalla’s Golden Carousel was also a walk on so we did that and then headed towards Tomorrowland as we all wanted to do Buzz Lightyear.

The boys couldn’t walk past the Tomorrowland Indy Speedway without wanting a go so Brian bravely joined the 10 minute queue to take them on while I set off to get Buzz Lightyear FPs for us all. Everyone pronounced the Speedway absolute rubbish (as I knew they would – I’m the only member of the family who has been reading the boards remember). As we had about 10 minutes before we could use our Buzz FPs we rode on the Tomorrowland Transit Authority but made the mistake of telling Andrew that it went through Space Mountain so the poor child was clutching my hand all the way round. He did, however, live to tell the tale and said he thought the ride was cool.

Brian got a FP for Space Mountain (and a spare one for me (no chance) and Michael just in case) and then next on to Buzz. LOVED this ride. In fact, as it was a walk on we rode it three more times in a row, but I still never got to beat Michael. The boys and I then went onto Astro Orbiter, another walk on, while Brian went off to ride Space Mountain on his own as I chickened out (he did say later that it was a bit rough and I probably wouldn’t have enjoyed it).

Hot dogs all round from the Lunching Pad and then Michael and I decided to try Alien Encounter which was another walk on. Well I was absolutely terrified when I walked in and realised that you were strapped into your seats in a big circle and that you had harnesses which came down, really tightly I might add, over your shoulders. As a novice theme park rider this could only mean one thing to me – we would either start spinning around really fast, be turned upside down, or even worse both at the same time. Well the reality of what ACTUALLY happened was such a relief to me that I must be the only person on the ride who wasn’t frightened by it in the slightest and found it hysterically funny. I should have done the ride again so that I could have got the full effect of the experience but I didn’t.

Michael then went on the Astro Orbiters again while Brian went on Alien. Andrew and I were supposed to wait outside Alien for everyone to come back but Buzz was still a walk on and it had started drizzling so we couldn’t resist just one more go but Andrew was upset when I beat him (well I had to beat somebody) so Brian had to go on with him again after he came off Alien with the instruction to lose at all costs, what a saint he is. All in all that made SIX rides on Buzz for Andrew so you can guess by now that time was marching on and we had covered much less of the park than I had hoped but had had great fun doing it.

We went back into Fantasyland and got a FP for Peter Pan’s flight before going into the Legend of the Lion King which was far better than I was expecting. Just had time to go on “it’s a small world” (unfortunately Andrew’s new favourite ride) before our FP time started for Peter Pan, but as small world was a walk on Andrew wanted to go on again….and again….and again – I think 4 times in a row. Can I get that song out of my head – what do you think? Brian would only go on this twice and then left me to it so you see, he is not the only one to make sacrifices !!.

Managed to drag Andrew away from the singing dolls just before our FP ran out for Peter Pan which we all enjoyed and then on to Liberty Square for the Haunted Mansion. Didn’t think Andrew would enjoy this and as it was a walk on Brian and Michael went on it first while we chatted to a very friendly CM on a stall outside and then Michael and I went on. This ride is so clever and the ballroom scene is brilliant.

By now it had started raining again so we let the boys have a go in the Frontierland Shooting Arcade just as it started to absolutely bounce down so we sheltered in here for about 10 minutes waiting for the rain to stop. Well that shower certainly got rid of the “crowds !!” and we virtually had Frontierland to ourselves for the last 45 minutes or so that the park was open.

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad was a walk on so we walked to the entrance, only for Andrew to stop and ask the CM his usual question of “excuse me, is this ride scary”. Her reply was “no it’s not scary at all sir, you’ll really enjoy it”. Well I won’t blame him if he never trust an adult again for the rest of his life because he absolutely hated this ride with a passion. When we got off he said “but Mum, you said it was only a train ride” poor child.

Brian and Michael loved it and I wasn’t too bothered about going again (thought I was very brave for doing it once) so they went back for two more goes before the rope was put across the entrance signalling the close of business for the day.

We hadn’t really made any plans to watch the fireworks tonight but as the park was very quiet by now because of the rain we were just walking back towards the castle when they started and wow, aren’t they awesome!! Really really impressive, and the way the castle changes colour afterwards as you are leaving the park is truly magical.

All in all another fantastic day and although I wouldn’t rate MK as my favourite park we were really spoiled with all the walk ons today, we definitely picked the right day to go.

Decided to just grab a burger and have another wander round Downtown Disney tonight after spending about 20 minutes trying to find a parking spot as we were too tired to walk from the hotel. Battled our way into McDonalds (so this is where all the people have been hiding all day !!!) and it really was like a zoo in here so we didn’t linger. Walked over to the West Side to exchange our Keith Prowse vouchers for Cirque du Soleil tickets for the following Thursday and wandered back for yet another look round the Lego shop. By now we couldn’t walk another step to back so the hotel and collapsed into bed.

Tomorrow – Game Boy Advance Hunt and Illuminations
Thanks for the wonderful reports - luv reading them!!!


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