Hi Ho Hi Ho Theres lots and lots of snow....Day 4 The Final Day

J Marley

DIS Veteran
Jan 3, 2007
Thursday 8th January 2009

Well here we are the final and busiest day for us

The mission today was to get to the Studios so Mac could get yet a few more rides on RnRC.For J to meet Sulley in his Sulley outfit and to tie up all the loose ends .......attractions we had never yet been on.

Got up early and checked out putting our cases into storage


A snowy scene of The Cheyenne


We headed straight for the Studios.


Mac managed numerous rides on RnRc.
Rod and Mac on RnRC


Then we headed back round to catch Sulley.A great well organized meet.You could hear the ohs and ahs from folk when J met Sulley.I am sure he will turn up on many peoples cameras


A fantastic scare pose


Mac and Rod headed back to RnRC for a couple more shots at it.I am surprised my oldest child was not dizzy the ammount of times he managed to do this ride.

J and me went on Cars a couple of times and second time round meet another couple of familiar faces ...NO not Peter Kay.....Steve and Josh....even better.

We met Pluto
See Josh's red ski suit just at Plutos ear


And Alaaddin


Now it was time to head to the park and ride BTM as many times as we could manage that day.So as we walked into Frontierland

We saw this....BTM stuck halfway up the incline when the donkeys hee haw at you and people being led off



The ride had big problems yet again today.We don't care we have lots of other things to accomplish today.We just cross our fingers that we will get a final ride before we have to go home.

We head off to Discoveryland where we shoot some more at Zurg.I think I finally cracked it I got a score of 82,700 really good for me.

We explore the castle and see the princess doing their stuff ...not that my boys are very interested...but WOW their costumes are amazing.We nip under the castle to see the dragon ..last time J was too scared.

We head to Adventureland


and give the Alaaddin walk through a visit .....Last time I thought this was a bit of a let down...Today I changed my mind it was a very toastie warm place to be ......A tip if you are very cold hang around in here for a while.

Time now for our lunch in The Lucky Nugget...This was disappointing..the food was not great although the boys loved their sausage,nuggets and chips.The adults didn't really have much of a choice and it really was the Goofy show concerning characters ....Goofy was the man...Even Mac who is a big Goofy fan seemed to be bored of his antics.

We did get to meet the bad guy from Hunchback..... my boys tell me its Frollo?He was great fun.As soon as he came out everyone boooed so he went away again.He came to our table and I stuck out my hand to shake his ...when he went to shake my hand ..I done the NA...NA...NA...NANA at my nose.He was hilarious he gestured to Rod that he would he would cut my throat and then when the boys went for a photo he did this


We came out to find BTM running again but the queue was 45 mins so we grabbed lots of fastpasses and passed time.
We headed off to Discoveryland and got to see HISTA ...this was great we missed it last time when were here and Mac never stopped reminding us about that.I nearly died when the snake came out of the screen and as for the dog bit .....brilliant.

We gave Star Tours a whirl another great ride.....went down well with the boys ...J was very frightened of this 2 year ago and me and him had to leave the queueing area....but this time he loved it

We visited Woody's roundup and took a few piccies and then stopped in at Fuente del Oro for a hot chocolate


We were all very tired now and we still had time before our fastpass time so we went for another sail around Phantom Manor.

Finally our time was here and another trip on BTM we still had 3 fastpasses for 5.25-5.55 but time was running out and the fastpast queue was long.As we finally boarded the runaway train we said to the boys to enjoy this as this would be our last time.

That we did.We have never managed to ride BTM at dusk and it was brilliant......the lights in the tunnels were so much brighter and we whoop whooped and yee hawed and runaway trained that much louded either because of the dark or because we knew this was the last ride.


Look at the sheet of ice on the lake


As I left BTM I still had 8 fastpasses left with no time to use them so I found a large group of people just about to start queueing and gave then to them.Funnily enough their were Northern Irish too and throughly delighted with the quick way in.......Hope you had a great ride

We had to rush now to catch the bus back to the hotel to pick up our bags and catch the bus to the airport.

As I was leaving Frontierland I felt the tears rise and fall down my cheeks knowing that would it would be another couple of years before I would be back here.But I held them back as best as I could ....I didn't want the boys in tears too.Even now writing about it the tears well up in my eyes.

So back to The Cheyenne on that crowded bus to get our bags and catch the 6.30pm bus to the airport.

We got the that mahoosive airport CGD and eventually found our check in.We were told to go the gate at 9.20pm so we were in good time and went off for something to eat.
When we finished we thought we would go early to our gate and we were rushed through with everyone saying we were late.........there had been a mix up with certain tickets.Eventually we boarded a half empty airplane and headed home.

Mac studing his brace position

Finally arriving back in Belfast International about 10.45pm.........completely knackered.


The final piccie was taken before J burst into tears claiming he would never have fun again without DLP.

I really hope you have all enjoyed this TR as much as I had living it and writing it.I feel very sad now that it is done but I hope maybe in another couple of years I will be able to do another.......I thank you all
Awwwww that was fantastic........except you made me cry.:sad:
awww you nearly had me in tears too!!! i hate when people ask why do i want to go back again and that this should be my last trip *** ash will get bored. yeah right obviously they have never been lol. im glad you guys know what its like to want to get back there. thanks for sharing. brilliant trip report
ok, i had the tears well up too - in fact, i did cry on the way home in december.... luckily it was dark, and i was in the front seat - feel daft being an adult and crying :sad2:

lovely trip - and j looks fab in his costumes - i think ill make my mission to get sum costumes (i mean more costumes lol) for the boys for when (oops, i mean if) we go in october!!

thank u so much for sharing - i loved ur pics & it must have been good if ur sad to come back - always a good measure of how a holiday was - if ur happy or sad to leave......
Awww what a lovely report Tracy and J at the end sounds exactly like Kyra.

Its like the end of the world without a visit to DLP.

The Cheyenne looks fabby covered in snow!
Brilliant report Ive read them all.

You had a great time.

We are exactly the same as you on BTM - we shout and yell and yeeha all the way round.
Then when we get to the end as the train is pulling into the station we stamp our feet shouting again again again
I have really enjoyed reading your trip report!

The pictures have been fab too - all that snow and ice!

I especially love the different outfits - too cute!

Thanks for taking the time to write - I've got to wait till October for my trip but I'm loving reading other people's trip reports in the meantime!

Shari xx
I've loved reading your trip report days - thanks for posting them and all those wonderful pictures :goodvibes .
Thankyou for your lovely reports....although I've got tears in my eyes now! It certainly is a very special place.
Thanks for sharing your TR, I have really enjoyed reading it. Great photos:thumbsup2

J and me went on Cars a couple of times and second time round meet another couple of familiar faces ...NO not Peter Kay.....Steve and Josh....even better.

We met Pluto
See Josh's red ski suit just at Plutos ear


Pleased we got to see you again. I wonder how many people (most we don't even know) have pictures of that ski suit.

Enjoyed reading your TR, we have just finished going through our photos (over 1000) maybe this week I will get something posted.

Pleased we got to see you again. I wonder how many people (most we don't even know) have pictures of that ski suit.

Enjoyed reading your TR, we have just finished going through our photos (over 1000) maybe this week I will get something posted.


I just wonder how many people will have my son in his many suits on their photographs too :rotfl2:

Looking forward to your TR Steve
Awwww great TR. I loved all the pics of your boys with the characters, they really look like they had a ball.
What a fab TR - have read it all and loved it! I know what you mean about the deflation when you return home. We went for the first time in Sept 08 and were hoping to go back either Jan 09 or May 09 - for various reasons it's not going to happen so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a trip in Dec 09 to see Santa - what a long time to wait!!! :sad2:

Loving your photos and your little boy in his costume with Sulley is just amazing pixiedust: My DD1 (3.5 yrs) just loved Sulley - so much so she picked out a cuddly toy of him in the store - she had the pick and went for him!!! :goodvibes
I loved reading this. Your little Sulley looks fantastic.:thumbsup2 I feel tearful when I think about our trip. Some truly magical moments are created at DLRP.


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