Hey...did you feel that?

We just had an aftershock here. Someone on another post said that had one and we both posted at the same time. They were in St. Louis.

SamIAm21 - did you feel that one?
We felt it here! Hubby was in Henderson on a conference call and had to end it to get downstairs. I kept the kids home today, a) so they could sleep and b) in case of the aftershocks. I don't want to be too far away if we have another large one.
Again, I didn't feel it! I was walking down the hallway and noticed that the HVAC system was making an odd sound, but I didn't feel anything. That was at about 11:20am and the news just confirmed that there was an aftershock felt then!

Dang...These shoes are pretty good shock-absorbers...lol
Again, I didn't feel

Dang...These shoes are pretty good shock-absorbers...lol

Those must be perfect park touring shoes!!!:lmao:

I was barefoot and started a load in the dishwasher when I felt it. I thought it was the dishwasher being cantankerous. Then the window panes in the door were rattling.
Yeah, I posted on the general forum that I felt the aftershock, too. My computer screen started vibrating and I heard rumbling noises outside. This is too weird for the midwest!:eek:
I posted on the other thread too that our news just said that there have actually been about 4 aftershocks but this last one was a 4.5 and that's why we felt it. The ones before that were only in the 2 range. I wonder how many more we'll feel before the day is up. I just hope they didn't feel it at my daughter's school because if they made them get under the desk I'm sure they're all scared. I know mine would be.
Some people around here (Memphis, TN) have reported that they felt it, too. I, for one, was still asleep.
I guess people felt it here in Columbus, Ohio....but we all slept through it here in my house!:rotfl2:
While I highly, highly, highly recommend the regular Crocs (beach or cayman) i'm not sure I would recommend the Sassaris for park touring! They're a wedge sandal and it's currently digging into my pinky toe right now...lol...but they're brand new so i'm still breaking them in! :)

Sorry for that momentary break...now back to earthquake chatter! ;)
I haven't seen the news yet. Did they say if it was the New Madrid Fault. I have heard that one goes off every 200 years or so and it is due for a release. Hang on to your hats when it does.

Yeah, New Madrid. So I guess we have about what 4 or 5 years to bolt everything to the walls? The last huge one was in 1812.
we did not feel it at our house , but my granparents in peru said they felt it, shook the windows and the bed....woke them up....nothing wakes those two up...but this sure did.
Boy we felt it here, I was dead asleep and felt the bed shaking, I sat straight up and was looking around. I went back to sleep and when I woke up to go to work thought I had dreamt all of it happening until I got a message from my friend asking if I felt that.

The second one around 11:15 actually moved my chair at my desk, with me in it....I'm kind of freaked out about it! :scared1:
We have felt both the early one here and the 10 am central time one in St Louis, They are saying this is from the Wabash Valley Fault it is not the New Madird but an extension of it.

I didn't feel it here (north of Milwaukee) but on the news this morning they did say it was felt by some in southern WI. Then again, after the day I had yesterday, I slept like a brick last night so if it could be felt here, I wouldn't have. And DD10 sleeps through everything...but maybe that's why the animals were extra hyper this morning?
It felt like one of those old magic finger beds that you popped a quarter into and they would vibrate! Literally that's what I thought when it started, I was transported back to Kissimmee in the 80s!:rotfl:
It felt like one of those old magic finger beds that you popped a quarter into and they would vibrate! Literally that's what I thought when it started, I was transported back to Kissimmee in the 80s!:rotfl:

You nailed that one on the head. That's exactly what it felt like. I was trying to explain it to my mom because she just heard some rattling but did feel any shaking. Now I know the perfect way to explain it to her.
We just had an aftershock here. Someone on another post said that had one and we both posted at the same time. They were in St. Louis.

SamIAm21 - did you feel that one?

Nope, I didn't! I'm about 32 floors up in a high rise at work right now. I live near Joliet Illinois which is further south and I live in a semi-suburban rural area where there is lots of rolling land. Down here in the city, I didn't feel a thing!


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