Here, now... with Covid.

Just FYI, Covid is far from the common cold. I spent two Saturday evenings ago in the ER with my five year old who tested positive. She had a fever of 105.8! The nurse said she's only ever seen a child with a temp that high one other time in 10 years. She was sick for two weeks - she's double vaccinated and she was as sick as I've ever seen a child. I've got three kids, and no cold has ever done that. Some people may do okay and it may be a simple cold for some, but it's far from that for others, and unfortunately, it can be a roll of the dice. My daughter is healthy and active and was vaccinated, and it was still horrible.

My son had a 106 fever last Thursday, but he didn't have covid, it was the flu (type A).

I didn't even know a virus could cause such a high fever. The doctor who saw him said she had never actually seen an oral thermometer read 106, but she had seen temps "rarely" in the 105s with flu. The pediatricians office, when I called, told me "that can't be right, the thermometer is probably broken." It wasn't. I checked with 2 different types.

It was the scariest couple hours of my life.

Hope your child feels better soon!
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My son had a 106 fever last Thursday, but he didn't have covid, it was the flu (type A).

I didn't even know a virus could cause such a high fever. The doctor who saw him said she had never actually seen an oral thermometer read 106, but she had seen temps "rarely" in the 105s with flu. The pediatricians office, when I called, told me "that can't be right, the theemometer is probably broken." It wasn't. I checked with 2 different types.

It was the scariest couple hours of my life.

Hope your child feels better soon!
That's so scary; I'm so sorry you had to go through that, as well! We had the same experience - they had to check and recheck her temp a few times because it was so high. Her heart rate was through the roof and her breathing was super shallow - it was terrifying. Definitely not something to mess with, that's for sure! Hope your son feels better soon, too!
That's so scary; I'm so sorry you had to go through that, as well! We had the same experience - they had to check and recheck her temp a few times because it was so high. Her heart rate was through the roof and her breathing was super shallow - it was terrifying. Definitely not something to mess with, that's for sure! Hope your son feels better soon, too!

Yeah, it was rough. His resting heart rate was 135. I had another one home sick with the flu at the same time and couldn't leave him alone to go to the ER, so had to rely on multiple doses of tylenol/advil and a bathtub full of cold water and ice packs in his armpits and groin, until my husband came home from his 80 mile commute back home. Even then, it only came down to 104.5.
Yeah, it was rough. His resting heart rate was 135. I had another one home sick with the flu at the same time and couldn't leave him alone to go to the ER, so had to rely on multiple doses of tylenol/advil and a bathtub full of cold water and ice packs in his armpits and groin, until my husband came home from his 80 mile commute back home. Even then, it only came down to 104.5.

There is, sincerely, nothing better than having your mom home to take care of you. Our daughter suffered with mono in college for many weeks, with multiple Dr. visits, until we finally drove down to take care of her.
the common cold doesn't kill. covid does. there is NO comparison other than similar symptoms. If you're lucky
That’s actually not true. The common cold (caused by rhinovirus, coronavirus, parainfluenzae, and some others) have always had the potential to lead to death, most commonly in the very old. Definitely can kill. I don't Mean to diminish those who have had severe symptoms, but the truth is that, for most people and especially children, Covid infections result in mild to moderate cold symptoms. That’s just the reality. Has nothing to do with being lucky.
That’s actually not true. The common cold (caused by rhinovirus, coronavirus, parainfluenzae, and some others) have always had the potential to lead to death, most commonly in the very old. Definitely can kill. I don't Mean to diminish those who have had severe symptoms, but the truth is that, for most people and especially children, Covid infections result in mild to moderate cold symptoms. That’s just the reality. Has nothing to do with being lucky.

Well, you can say this about anything, really. I mean, ANYTHING has the potential to lead to complications including death. A popped pimple could spread infection to your bloodstream and cause sepsis. A cold can turn into a sinus infection that goes to your brain. A sneeze can break a rib and puncture a lung, etc.

That doesn't mean that you can equate covid with a cold. At least not yet. We probably have several decades before that is the case.
Good grief - denial is not only a river. The common cold and any opportunistic infections that may have ensued as a result (which I would wager is a looooow number) has not killed over a million people worldwide. Are you drinking the orange koolaid or something? Really? Don't worry I won't read this thread any longer... I can't deal with such ignorance of facts and science.
OK folks! Lets stop the covid "discussions". To some degree most are you correct, but it really does not matter what your or my opinions are...

We should be offering our sincere hopes, prayers, good vibes and pixie dust to this family for a quick recovery. They have already had their magical trip shortened by something out of their control, so please be kind to them!

Original poster...may your days be brighter and more magical soon!
Just FYI, Covid is far from the common cold. I spent two Saturday evenings ago in the ER with my five year old who tested positive. She had a fever of 105.8! The nurse said she's only ever seen a child with a temp that high one other time in 10 years. She was sick for two weeks - she's double vaccinated and she was as sick as I've ever seen a child. I've got three kids, and no cold has ever done that. Some people may do okay and it may be a simple cold for some, but it's far from that for others, and unfortunately, it can be a roll of the dice. My daughter is healthy and active and was vaccinated, and it was still horrible.

It is absolutely not.

the common cold doesn't kill. covid does. there is NO comparison other than similar symptoms. If you're lucky
As mentioned above anything can kill you. The variants of COVID going around now are equivalent to the common cold or the flu. We can't stop our lives for this. I do wish that everyone stay healthy and enjoy life. But the science is clear at this point.
Just a morning (early afternoon?) update. The three others sound and feel like they're almost done with colds. I feel like I'm in the middle of one. No Dayquil here. I tried to order, but delivery times are when we're leaving.

I can't help but think about it, though. If my older daughter hadn't had tightness in her chest, where would we be? Would we have thought it was just a cold going through our family? About 4-5 weeks ago, I felt almost exactly the same as I'm feeling now. I took 4 tests (3 rapid, one PCR at Urgent Care), all negative. I took Halls and Day/Nyquil and I was fine in few days, as usual for a cold. Would there have been any reason to think that this wasn't the same thing?

Would we have stayed at MNSSHP? Gone to H2O Glow? Walked around Epcot yesterday (and MK now) without masks?

How many other people think the same thing, that it's just a cold and will pass?

Maybe 1-2 percent of the people in the parks are masked. I'm not sure I've seen any at the resorts except for us.
I wonder the same thing. My voice always sounds like I have strep. My DD gave her kids a ton of covid tests when they had sniffles. All ways negative. My DGD looks at a picture of grass and gets stuffed up. I'd be more on the side a little sniffle, no big deal , coughing achy, better test. Plus if you test and get negative, do you keep testing for the next 3 or 4 days? Someone I know was having chest pains, went to hospital, nothing there, but they always test for covid. It was positive. Had no idea.
So, just an update.

We're all home, and have been since Monday. Disney gave us a late checkout until 5, which was very nice of them. Can't really say what else Disney is doing, but they're being accommodating. We're going back in 7 weeks or so or a long weekend, and my younger one is ecstatic that Fantasmic will likely be back by then.

Moved the older one to her dorm, and I started to feel MUCH better that day. She's at 100%. She had her friends help her set up her room (has a single), and I left in plenty of time so I wouldn't be in the room with them.

Younger one is all done as well, though she's masking in school as is required in the 6th-10th day after symptoms start.

I have some chest congestion and am coughing a little, but getting better by the day. I'm guessing I'll be done by Saturday. I haven't taken any medicine today and feel similarly as I had yesterday when I had. Oddly, my senses of taste and smell aren't gone, but they're... muted? for lack of a better term.

My wife is right behind me. She'll probably be done by Saturday as well.

And, of course, the new shots will be out in a week or two. Not sure when we'll be able to take them.
So, just an update.

We're all home, and have been since Monday. Disney gave us a late checkout until 5, which was very nice of them. Can't really say what else Disney is doing, but they're being accommodating. We're going back in 7 weeks or so or a long weekend, and my younger one is ecstatic that Fantasmic will likely be back by then.

Moved the older one to her dorm, and I started to feel MUCH better that day. She's at 100%. She had her friends help her set up her room (has a single), and I left in plenty of time so I wouldn't be in the room with them.

Younger one is all done as well, though she's masking in school as is required in the 6th-10th day after symptoms start.

I have some chest congestion and am coughing a little, but getting better by the day. I'm guessing I'll be done by Saturday. I haven't taken any medicine today and feel similarly as I had yesterday when I had. Oddly, my senses of taste and smell aren't gone, but they're... muted? for lack of a better term.

My wife is right behind me. She'll probably be done by Saturday as well.

And, of course, the new shots will be out in a week or two. Not sure when we'll be able to take them.

Glad to hear Disney helped you out. They were great to us when we had to bail on our 3 night trip in July. We did a redo 3 weeks later that went off without a hitch. Glad to hear you are all feeling okay.

Wait a bit on the newest boosters. Aim for 2-3 months from now. You won't get any benefit if you do it now, since your own immunity will last a good 60 days. I plan to get mine in October after an early July infection. I'm getting my kids done next week. After recovering from flu, the LAST thing we need is for them to get covid and miss even more school.
I thought it important to add some additional first hand experience to this thread. I too just returned from a trip during which both my husband and I tested positive for Covid. We arrived last Sunday Sept 4 and on Monday my husband developed a sore throat and became very tired as day went on. Tuesday morning he tested positive and I was negative. We notified the front desk and were soon contacted by the guest team that deals with this issue and they provided their requirements and our options.

First and foremost, once positive they requested that anyone positive remain in their room for 5 days and any negative but exposed parties were welcome to leave room but requested to mask up. If all guests in a room are positive and thus no one able to go get food, they said they’d assist with bringing mobile orders to room. Also, any positive guest was placed on a park block for 5 days no access.

We clearly had brought this with us and thankfully for others had masked on the plane coming in. I ended up testing positive on Tuesday morning also and we made the decision to leave 4 days early. We canceled our Delta flight home, rented a car, and trekked our sickly selves back to MA stopping at hotels with digital key access to avoid exposing anyone else.

We‘re on the mend and just hope our efforts in combination with the help of the Disney staff managed to limit any potential spread. I thought it important to note that Disney very accommodating to this issue and will help in any way they can but also expects their guests abide by CDC recommendations once positive as a courtesy to other guests.
I thought it important to add some additional first hand experience to this thread. I too just returned from a trip during which both my husband and I tested positive for Covid. We arrived last Sunday Sept 4 and on Monday my husband developed a sore throat and became very tired as day went on. Tuesday morning he tested positive and I was negative. We notified the front desk and were soon contacted by the guest team that deals with this issue and they provided their requirements and our options.

First and foremost, once positive they requested that anyone positive remain in their room for 5 days and any negative but exposed parties were welcome to leave room but requested to mask up. If all guests in a room are positive and thus no one able to go get food, they said they’d assist with bringing mobile orders to room. Also, any positive guest was placed on a park block for 5 days no access.

We clearly had brought this with us and thankfully for others had masked on the plane coming in. I ended up testing positive on Tuesday morning also and we made the decision to leave 4 days early. We canceled our Delta flight home, rented a car, and trekked our sickly selves back to MA stopping at hotels with digital key access to avoid exposing anyone else.

We‘re on the mend and just hope our efforts in combination with the help of the Disney staff managed to limit any potential spread. I thought it important to note that Disney very accommodating to this issue and will help in any way they can but also expects their guests abide by CDC recommendations once positive as a courtesy to other guests.
Kudos to you for taking responsibility and being so considerate of others, knowing it would affect your trip. I think a lot of people, especially those who think “it’s just a cold”, would keep quiet and do their trip as planned.
I wanted to finish this thread on a good note.

We decided to continue our trip with a three day trip down (went down Thursday night, back Sunday night). Stayed at BWI, room 3204, which is WAY down at the end of the hall. The fact that there's no other way out than the main entrance area really isn't great. We did really like the lounge on the Inn side. Had a nice conversation there with a guy and his wife and sister-in-law when he recommended Blanton's to me.


We kept talking about things we didn't do, but then put them in the context of "we did it on this trip... just back 7 weeks ago".

I'll be relatively quick. Spent Friday morning in Springs, and evening in Epcot. I couldn't reliably get ILLs because of timing (had lunch at the Boathouse), so no GOTG. Tried going to the DVC thing at the Atlantic Dance Hall but didn't feel like waiting. Had some good food around F&W, but didn't explore some of the places that we normally like to in the front. Girls wanted to go on Ratatouille, so we missed the fire after Harmonious because we were on the ride.

Saturday we went to Typhoon Lagoon to make up for our H2O Glow night. Cost was similar (day passes were less with the DVC discount). Holy crap did my legs hurt from all of the climbing; my Apple watch registered *101* exercise minutes. It was a great day - didn't really get too cold. Came back, went to Epcot in the evening so my younger one could finish the pumpkin hunt and the Remy hunt and we could actually see Harmonious. She was finishing up Remy when we went into the Mitsukoshi store in Japan.

While walking around, I spotted someone that looked really familiar. I asked my older daughter if she thought it was him; she looked up a picture and agreed. He was just with some friends. I got on line behind one of them and asked, and he said "yes, and he'll likely do a picture with you if you ask". So I did.


And that's how I met Kevin Feige. No VIP tour guide - just a guy with his friends (co-workers?). My daughter commented "aren't you glad we got COVID now?".

Sunday we went to MK.. nothing special, really. Ended our day with Dole Whips and just made it back to the Boardwalk before our ride got there.

Just figured I'd end the trip report when we felt we actually ended the trip!


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