HELP! Whic guide book!


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Sep 24, 2003
Oh my goodness, there are so many! I had narrowed it down to the Unofficial guide, but there's more than one of those! I saw the Unofficial guide for grown-ups, which applies to us on this trip, the Mini Mickey "pocket" sized version, as well as the regular Unofficial book.

Another question. My next trip is this Dec (04) and then June 05 and Oct 05. I am guessing I should just get the 05 book, right? Is there ane reason to get the 04 book for this Dec?

HELP! Too many books to chose from! I did get the 2004 Pass-porter because I like the functionality of that one. Do I really "need" another one?

I usually take the Passporter, and the official WDW w/o kids book, because it's tiny and portable.

In my opinion, you should be just fine with just the passporter, but I always like some variety, so I end up with a whole slew of guidebooks ;) Try checking your library, most carry a pretty good selection, or, where you can get them cheap!
I usually buy the unofficial guide and read it cover to cover. I love reading all the books on disney.

I bought the 2005 UG, and am very happy with it. It has a grid showing every day of the upcoming year with the crowd level rated for that day.

It also has some very funny comments about the rides and attractions (I still chuckle every time I think about the family riding Kali River Rapids in trash bags).

I also found the info about where in each resort you may want to request depending on what you are looking for(i.e. close to the pool or food court).
The Passporter and the UG all you will need. They have everything you can imagine.
The UG is wonderful! Do not buy the 2004 version. The 2005 version begins at the time they went to press, which must have been this summer, since I was able to buy it in August. So actually, it is more up-to-date for your Dec trip than the 2004 version. For example, the calendar they include with the crowd levels in the 2005 version covers Sept. 2004- Dec 2005.

It is so much fun to read! Enjoy!
Another vote for UG 2005. Read it all and you'll have a pretty good idea of what to expect.
In my opinion are the two best offered.::yes:: :wave2:
That's what I was looking for! 2005 is the answer. It's tough trying to figure out which year to get when you're trip is at the end of the year!

Passporter. My husband calls it my Disney bible. Its my favorite of the official and unofficial and a few others I have seen.
Always buy the very most current version of any guide book. THe 2005 UG is the best. I get that and my PassPorter and I am set to go. Don't need any other books.


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