Help using Photo Impact 11---THANK YOU!


DIS Veteran
Feb 18, 2004
Hi again.

I've about given up trying to figure out how to use PI 11. I got the 30 day free trial, and have had fun playing with it, and have figured out how to do many things.

BUT...can anyone explain to me how to do "layers" (I think that's what people have called it)? I can put one design on and play around with that, but if I try to add anything else (text or clip art), it automatically replaces the first one. Maybe if I can get hints on that, I might be able to keep trying to figure this out.

I tried looking through the tutorial pages, and I haven't found anything about this, specifically. Maybe it's so simple that they figure it's not an issue....and I just don't have the computer smarts to do it?????

Is there anyone out there who can help someone who is not as technically gifted in these areas? I keep telling myself that "I give up....I just don't have time to figure it out". But then I keep coming back to it and it's making me crazy. :goodvibes :rotfl:
Hi there! :wave2: I don't use PhotoImpact, but I was hoping to steer you in the right direction. I was going to explain layers, as that's usually the question.... but you have that perfectly! So I thought I'd let you know that triplefigs and Julia&NicksMom use PhotoImpact and could maybe explain where to find it in that program. If you don't get a response on here, you could maybe PM one of them with your question!
Thanks for the suggestion. I may have to bug them soon LOL.

I've had a little luck, and have been able to add a clip art design to the top of another clip art. I'm not sure how I did it, but if I did it once, I'm sure it can be done again.

I do have other questions, though (in case anyone else knows):

Can anyone give me insight on using different fonts? I can add the basic fonts that are listed on the top, right. But, when I try using the fancier fonts that are on the left, under what might be called the gallery section, it says "URL can't be found from push file"...or something along those lines. I tried downloading a font , and don't know where that will turn up, since I can't find it under the font section.

I would also like to be able to use a border and perhaps a background, eventually (if I make it that far), but can't see how to do it.

OK...of to play again. Kids are hungry, house is a mess...but here I sit, playing around with my Mickey images .
OK...this stuff is really putting me over the edge LOL. I can't even remember my left and right now. All of the info in my previous posts regarding where the font sections are, are all reversed. The "gallery", fancy fonts are on the left. The plain ones are on the top right.

I best take a break before I go any crazier.
I have Photoimpact 10 so our versions probably aren't that different. OK, so let me see if I can answer your questions.

I'm guessing what you mean by this is that you want to put clip art on top of each other or a word/phrase over clip art. If this is the case, you want to right click on your object and look for the word "Arrange", when you put your arrow over that another menu should pop up on the right saying things like: "Send to back"; "Bring to front"; etc. Click whichever one you need and it will put your picture in front or behind your other picture.

Since you have a trial version, it may not have all of the features you're looking for, so that could explain your "URL" message. The only fonts I have on my version are on the upper left in a regular drop-down box. But, if you want to download a font, here's a way to get it into your list of fonts: Download the font, when it's done downloading have the program open (I think you can do that by unchecking the checkbox that says "Close this program after download is complete"). After you have that separate window with your new font open, go to "Start" -> "Search" -> Click "Files and Folders" -> Type in "Fonts". Let it search. A folder titled (amazingly enough ;) ) "Fonts" should pop up. Double click that and a new window listing all your fonts (most likely in icon style) should pop up. Once that's done, go to your first window with the newly downloaded font, click it and drag it over to your "Fonts" window and drop it in there. Give it a second (you may have to close PI and reopen it) and your new font should be listed in your fonts drop-down box.

OK, I know that's a lot to take in... lol, sorry for being too wordy, but hopefully you got the gist of what I was saying. If not, feel free to PM about it. I've been using PI for about 4-5 years now, so I'm pretty familiar with it. Good luck!
I usually start with a blank page. choose file, new then set up the size page that you want. Next I go under object and select insert object, from file. This will allow you to keep inserting pictures or clipart. Each one will create a new layer on top of your previous layers. The previous poster gave you tips on arranging layers. As far as fonts go. You will only have access to fonts that are saved on your computer. It should be the same fonts that you would have access to in word or any other program that you open. Those can be selected by using the font drop down bar on the left of your screen. To add fonts you have to download them from a website (choose an area of your computer where you can easily find it, like your desktop) Then I have to unzip the files. I go under control panel and find my fonts folder. Open the fonts folder, click on the file tab and you should be able to choose add new font. Then you will need to tell the computer where the font is saved. Once it is loaded into the fonts folder it should show up in PI under the fonts tab. On occasion I have to restart, but not always :confused3 to get the new fonts to show up. I hope that helps. If you have more questions I'll try to answer.

Thank you all for your suggestions. I'm still playing around with everything. At least I've learned how to add multiple images without covering up the old ones....that's a big step with easing my frustration.

Does anyone have suggestions for doing a background or a border? I can't seem to figure that out. I'm fiddling around with an extremely simple design, but it won't let me change background color. I don't know if that checked pattern would show up on the shirt or not. So, how do we change background color? Also, how would I go about adding a background that I get off of a clip art site. I can only get one of those backgrounds to add as an object, and then I can't get it behind everything else....or to cover more than one little area. I'd love to use a border or something, but don't see that option. Any suggestions for borders?

I'm making some progress (thanks to all of you :banana: , but still have a lot to figure out). Sorry to keep bugging you.
Wow! I was able to post it here. I wasn't sure about that. And now I know that the checked pattern that was on the PI page isn't showing up on the shirt.
To add a basic background you can choose the fill gallery from the list on the right. Choose one that you like and double click. Make sure you make the background the active area before you select the background that you like. You can change the background available by right clicking on one of the thumbnails and there is an option to make changes then apply. For borders you would also want the bacground as the active area then choose photo frame from the options on the right. There are tons of them and they can also be changed before applying. You really just need to play around with the program. I've been playing since Christmas and still find more things that can be done.

I just wanted to say thanks for asking these questions and thanks to the people who answered them! You're not the only one out here trying to learn this program and it helps us all when you speak up! That way I don't feel like I'm the only one asking questions! :teeth: I can't decide if I'm annoying people or if they take pity on me because I'm stupid. :lmao:
Thank you all for your help. I'm doing a little better, and thought I'd share what I've done. I'm still not having luck with regular background colors (ie selecting the background for colors,etc.), but at least I know more now than I did yesterday.

Stenogoddess....Thanks for your comment. It's good to know I'm not the only one struggling so badly. I hope I didn't bother or annoy anyone with my bombarding of questions, but I'm glad my pestering may have helped you. Good luck!

This is for the back of the birthday shirts...3 of my kids have b'days within weeks of each other, so we're having a big celebration in October.
MickeyHereWeCome! said:
Thank you all for your help. I'm doing a little better, and thought I'd share what I've done. I'm still not having luck with regular background colors (ie selecting the background for colors,etc.), but at least I know more now than I did yesterday.

Stenogoddess....Thanks for your comment. It's good to know I'm not the only one struggling so badly. I hope I didn't bother or annoy anyone with my bombarding of questions, but I'm glad my pestering may have helped you. Good luck!

This is for the back of the birthday shirts...3 of my kids have b'days within weeks of each other, so we're having a big celebration in October.

That looks like a great start. I can't stress enough just playing with the program. I try all the features and usually end up deleting the changes, but at least I know what each feature can do. I have PI 10 so I'm sure that 11 has even more options.

Good for you MickeyHereWeCome! I'm so happy for you. That's amazing progress in my book. :Pinkbounc

I wanted to share my very small, but yet still very important to sanity, accomplishment today.

Sis Autumn with Tree Frog:



Now, I erased all of the background out but the frog using a paint brush. Took forever. At least it felt that way. But at least it's a step forward. If someone else knows an easier way, please tell me!

And in the spirt of thanks and giving credit where due, on the picture of the day thread someone named Dzefreak(or something like that. spelling maybe off) gave me this idea by doing a B/W scene and then having the little girl in her pretty dress in color. So that's what I was going for, but working with a frog instead of the castle!

And I made this one out of the Main Street Dances. I forgot to make a copy first and so lost my original. Which is a drag but I like the result so I'll live. Must remember to copy picture!

Thanks for helping me celebrate my small steps forward! :cheer2:
I just wanted to thank all of you, again, for helping me figure some of this out. It's starting to make sense.

Anyway, I wanted to share a design I made. Although it's nothing fancy, I was pretty proud of myself for figuring out how to add my kids' pictures, and do special things with them :) . I figured out the extra fonts, borders, and backgrounds.

So, a big thank you, to all who helped :goodvibes

That is really neat!!!! I like the way you added the Mickey ears to each of them. Good job.
Thanks. It took me an hour to do kid #1, and then I was able to whip out the others in minutes. So, that's major progress for me. I still have no clue how to crop part of an image and add that part to a previous object, but I got around that somehow.

This stuff is really if I had any free time to begin with, now I don't get anything done around the house :rotfl2:
Yep, you are now officially a Disney Design Addict! I hate to tell you but it seems to only get worse. Though, with the support of my DDA friends, I have gotten some projects completed that I've been procrastinating on for quite some time and have lost 22 pounds since the end of October. There are benefits to the addiction I guess! :rotfl2:
Look at you with the gradient and the frame and the fill in color! I'm so happy for you! (and a tad jealous but mostly happy!) :cheer2:
Thanks, Stenogoddess!! I'm sure this is "nothing" to the pros, but it's a major accomplishment for me...considering I couldn't even change background colors a week ago :cool1: We'll get there :) ....eventually.


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