Help please experts!


Doughnut researcher
Jan 17, 2005
I am from the UK and we are making our first trip to California this August.
I am reading through everything on these very useful boards and getting lots of great information and ideas.
One thing that doesn't seem to be discussed much is Native American Culture. I would love to visit some historic sites or see some Native American Culture of some kind while we are enjoying the Cities Disneyland and National Parks - can anyone here help?
Our itinerary is San Francisco for 4 nights, drive to Yosemite for 3 nights then to Annaheim for 8 nights.
It may be a long shot and possibly not a very PC idea but I would really like to see America away from the theme parks just for a short while. I don't believe that the USA has no culture or history and I'd like to see something not in the guide books we get here in England.
Hoping you can help!
At Yosemite you will see many exibits on the Native American residents of California.

San Francisco has a natural history museum, which should provide information on the Native American culture there. Most of San Francisco's history that is emphasized dates from the gold rush and concerns Asian-Americans and other immigrants who worked at the wharves or worked on the railroad.

Near Disneyland? Hmmm - don't know if that area was utilized too much prior to the Spaniards coming and later the orange groves and farms. I would check with the Anaheim chamber of commerce site and see if there is some sort of center that honors any Native American residents. Note that the west is VERY BIG and many areas were never inhabited by any people at all in early days. Only modern conveniences and access to water made these areas habitable.

If you want Native American experiences - there are Indian Casinos on the way to Palm Beach with some theming.

The United States has hundreds of Native American nations, each with its own distinct culture and customs. Good luck in your research!
I don't believe that the USA has no culture or history and I'd like to see something not in the guide books we get here in England.
Hoping you can help!

Thank you for recognizing that we do have culture and history here in the USA. :goodvibes

Unfortunately, my one suggestion for seeing American Indian history would not fit into your itinerary since it is in Colorado. In Mesa Verde National Park you can see the old ruins of the Cliff Dwellers. It's amazing to see the cities they built into the sides of these cliffs. When I was there (about 15 years ago) they let us walk around some of the ruins and we took a tour that led us up and down some ladders to get to the sites. Not sure if they still let you get that close but it was really interesting. Even though it's not in an area you're going to I thought I would mention it in case you ever get over that way.

Have a great trip!
The Chumash Indians inhabited the CA coast.....their culture was gravely harmed from the "mission" system, who's goal was to convert the Indians to Catholicism. The CA Missions have been perserved and have tours etc. I think within the Missions they try and also represent the Native cultures of the time.

But of course, the tribes of Nevada or Arizona were very different....the West is vast and represent so many cultures.
I would suggest that you go to San Juan Capistrano while you are in Orange County. It is beautiful there and you can get a glimpse of the early life of California. While you are at California Disney go to the mission tortillia factory tour.
I agree with the other posters - there is lots of Indian culture in CA, but most is off the beaten track.

The Chumash Indians inhabited the areas along the west coast of California, from north of San Luis Obispo to Santa Barbara and all the way south. If you are on the west coast, you should visit one of the many missions along the coast so you can learn the story (although it's not always pleasant) of the Indians and how the Spanish came to convert and "civilize" the natives.

There is information on the Missions at wikipedia.

and you also might think about a trip to the Grand Canyon in Arizona! It's amazing, and I am sure there is Indian information there as well.

Hope this helps!
Thank you all so much!
I will have a serious look through your replies and try to find some places that we can visit.
Unfortunately we won't be able to fit in the Grand Canyon this trip. Thats the worst aspect of planning a US holiday - deciding what you simply can't do that visit.
I love the theme parks (especially Disney) but I would hate to visit such a wonderful place and ignore such an important aspect of the history of the modern USA. I'm sure my teenage kids (who are studying Human Rights as part of citizenship) will enjoy it very much.
The La Brea Tar Pits (Page Museum) it is in downtown LA if I remember correctly (it has been about 16 years). It is a natural history museum, I honestly don't remember how much native american culture was displayed here but it was an extremly interesting place to visit.


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