Help! Leaving in 5 days!!


Jun 26, 2005
Please send lots of pixie dust our way!!! We are leaving in 5 days and DS asthma has flared up & is not responding to the usual meds. We have been doing the breathing treatments every 2-3 hours, oral steriods, making almost daily trips to the ped./urgent care after hours because he can't breathe. He is also developing a nasty cough. His ped. said to keep on top of the cough (with even more meds)so it doesn't turn into pnuemonia :eek:. I am not to the point of postponing our trip yet, but I am seriously worried about DS & our trip. Any suggestions will be appreciated! Thanks!!
Im sending pixie dust your way :wizard: . I know how it is with sick little ones. This year instead of anyone getting sick before, my DS brought something home with him we didnt need- strep throat. We were at the doctors office (Sun) the day after we returned and back at the ER on Tues because my sons pencil lead broke off when he was doing homework and flew into his eye. Luckily it didnt scratch his cornea!! 2 doctors in 3 days from coming home! Now I am hoping for an uneventful Christmas!! Heres hoping things turn out find for your family and your sons asthma comes under control! :wizard:
Please consider yourself to have been thoroughly covered with pixie dust!

I definitely know how you feel. My DS9 has asthma, and when he's had bad attacks it has been so scary. And I can imagine it's even worse when you're getting ready to leave, and wondering if you'll make it. :(

I don't have any suggestions really -- sounds like you're doing all the right things. Sounds like time to give yourself a pat on the back for being such a good Mom, and find a way to have a little fun somehow, even if it's just finding the chance for a good laugh in the midst of the stress. My heart definitely goes out to you.
I hope they can find the right balance of meds for your ds and that he is feeling 100% in time for your trip.

Lots of pixie dust to you and your family! :wizard:

My 1-yr old has asthma that flares when he gets a cold. Right now he has a cold but it seems to be under control. I'm hoping we can keep it that way since we're doing our single-digit dance now.

Here's hoping for good health very, very soon!
I am hope that your DS feels better! We went to WDW in Feb and took my nephew (4) who had been having problems related to his asthma and my sister had the same worries, he ended up just having to do extra treatments while we were there, but he was ok, I hope that your son is better and you can go on your vacation too!
Thanks for all the good thoughts & pixie dust!! My Dh said we are still going. That he has heard to much about this trip the last few months to not go now. He doesn't think he could stand to reschedule & still have to hear how great WDW is. :rotfl: As long as the ped. gives the "ok" we will stop to give him the breathing treatments when he needs them. And not overdo it. Thanks again!! I hope everyone has a GREAT trip & a Happy Holiday season!!
Here's a :flower: and a :grouphug: and some good vibes and we can't forget the pixie dust.

we got lucky our daughter got strep right now and we caught it before it got bad..

this is mine and our daughters first trip to Disney.. and my wifes third

hugs to ya and knowing things will get better
love joe and michelle


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