Help!! It's yearbook time!

Aug 18, 1999
The kids want me to write something profound in their books and the well is dry! ACK!

Got any ideas?
Hmmmmmmm. I'm guessing the old standby from my days won't work-------2 sweet 2B 4got. ;) That seems terribly old fashioned these days.

Are you a teacher? Maybe an inspirational quote from some famous person?
Dream, Believe, Achieve

The distance is nothing; it is only the first step that is difficult.
How much room do you have, I just found this poem yesterday when I was cleaning out my desk. My Mom gave it to me when I had my first little girl.

The Cost
I'm torn each day between relief
and just a tiny hint of grief.
Although I do enjoy my sleep,
a part of me would like to keep
my babe from growing up too fast.
I want each day to last and last.
But that is just my silly heart
and it makes up just one small part.
For in my mind I do accept
and know that babies can't be kept
I only hope one day she'll know
It cost a lot to let her grow.
I'll never forget you.

Best wishes.

Don't forget us little people.

You're special, don't forget it.

Enjoy life.

It's not where you end up, it's how you get there.
sorry, it was late last night I see that you are being asked as a teacher, not a parent. Poem does not really apply for your comment in the yearbook!!

Ahem, many, many years ago, but I've never forgotten it. And it has gotten me through many "alone" times lately.

"Friendship is the only reality that cures loneliness."

Not very profound, but it sure struck a chord with me!



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