Height req-ok, but is he too young?


Feb 14, 2000
We will be there in December. Ds will be about 3.75 years old.
We know all about the baby swap, etc. etc. We went last Christmas, and when he first turned 1.

So, here is my new delimma...
He is tall enough for many of the rides we have swapped on in the past. I will not force him to ride anything. (He seemed a bit scared on a few last time, so we will have to wait and see about those: Haunted Mansion, Snow White...)
His personality has really changed, and I think he will actually enjoy them.

Unless the height req. have changed, he is tall enough for tower of terror, dinosaur, splash mountain, and big thunder mountain, and there may be a couple more.

What is the youngest child anyone has taken on some of these? I, personally, am extremely hesitant about even considering Dinosaur. But, he absolutely loves Jurassic park. Even today, he made me pretend to be on a dinosar ride and T-rex was chasing us.
OK, I just saw somewhere that Dinosaur has a taller height requirement and age req. ok, at least that is off my list.

My though was to start slow, and build up. Maybe we have to give the teacups a try...

But, I would like to hear some of your experiences/opinions. If he meets the height reqs, then he would be physically "safe", but the last thing I want is for him to be completely scared.
ok, i am finding conflicting information regarding height age requirements. The disney map was different than what I am finding.
I am jumping in here because I would like to know the same thing. We leave in 1 1/2 days. My daughter turned 4 in September and she, too, is tall enough for all of those. I am still concerned about her riding those rides though. My DH is wanting her to ride TOT with him. (I don't ride it!) I don't want my "little baby" riding it!!! He thinks I am crazy!!! I can see her riding Splash Mountain and even Thunder Mountain Railroad, but not TOT!!!!! I don't think she could handle Dinosaur either. I hope that someone can help with advice on this before I leave.
Unless the height req. have changed, he is tall enough for tower of terror, dinosaur, splash mountain, and big thunder mountain, and there may be a couple more.

I would give both Splash Mountian and big thunder mountain a try..... BOth of them have dark spots but they dont last long..... If they deal with the Tomorrowland Transit Authorty ride well... they should do okay..... :-)

Tower of Terror is DARK and the theming is intense.... the ride itself (well before January when the drops are changing) is tame..... but DARK very very dark..... use caution. If HM scares them this time around... then I would steer clear of ToT

Dinosaur is also very intense......

I have my little routine I do with our girls.... I remind them that Mickey would never do anything to hurt them..... he loves them.... but some people like to get a little scared.... to them it is fun....So Mickey has some rides that are a little scary..... and some that are a lot scary.... but in none of them does anyone ever get hurt.

HTH and have fun!

BTW I think both Splash and BTMR ht req is 40 inches...... Space mountian is 44 inches...... Not sure what ToT is..... but I would check Deb's site at www.wdwig.com She has them all listed somewhere plus a wonderful section on what may scare kids.
My youngest is a daredevil my oldest is more timid - that said they both rode btmr and splash mt as soon as their heads hit the 40" mark - about 4yo and LOVE them. My oldest rode space mt 44" req at 7 and was not crazy about it my youngest just hit the 44" mark and can't wait for dec to ride space. My youngest rode tower of terror on her fifth birthday and loved it, my oldest dd and I haven't rode it yet LOL. If your child likes barnstormer then give btmr a try, if that's a positive then give splash mtn a try.

Dinasour is very intense and jerky, my girls like it but many children wouldn't not- I would ride it first and take it from there. If he dosen't like snow white or haunted manison, avoid tot and dinasour.

Have fun riding and don't worry about what you miss, use child swap, have one parent ride and decide if the child will like it and then ride again if necessary.

I agree that every child is different. If there are any of the rides in question that you have not ridden yourself, ride them first! BTM is a great first roller coster and should be fine. Also splash mountain should be OK with lots of touching and reasuance. I would not encourage TOT or Dinosaur unless he just insist that he wants to do them. Both are quite scary for a toddler! HM and SnowWhite are very much a personal judgement call. No rough ride but scary things to see. I think TT is also 40 inches and I bet he would be Ok with that and end up loving it.
I too have also reminded DS that "sometimes it's fun to be a little scared and WDW wants everyone to have fun so they try to scare us just a little". Also the reminder that nothing at WDW could ever hurt them.
A personal story. The first time my DS road TOT he did just great and even said he liked it. All was well untill we got back to the resort and he REFUSED to get on the elevator! Good thing we were on the 2nd floor.
Good luck and have fun.

Jordan's mom
My DS was a little older than 3.5 when we went in August. He is much more timid than his older sister and I'd planned to skip a lot of the rides in deference to his feelings. However, he begged and begged for all of them once we got there. We rode:

Haunted Mansion (he loved it and rode 10+ times, but hid his face in my shoulder at some parts every time)
Splash Mountain and BTMRR (absolutely loved both)
Barnstormer (a bore after the other two coasters)
Tower of Terror (rode 5+ times - was apprehensive about the dark and noisy part at the top of the ascent but loved the drops)
Kali River Rapids (loved every minute)
Dinosaur (I was terrified that he'd be scared - and he thought it was great - but told me later that he did not need to ride a second time until our next vacation, so it may have been a little intense for him)

He thought that the rides in Fantasyland were ridiculously tame, including Snow White, about which I'd been warned. The kids could not find anything worthy of a warning there. He was too short or young for the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster, Primeval Whirl, and Alien Encounter (no one in my family will do that ride until they are at least 16!). In the end, you may do best taking each ride as it comes and letting him decide - if he feels comfortable with it, chances are he'll do OK.

Good luck!
My 8 yr old (who is teeny tiny, just broke 50 lbs a few weeks ago...) did not like the sensation of weightlessness on TOT- she didn't feel safe because the bar didn't hold her onto her seat. She loves Space Mountain, BTMR, Star Tours, etc. TOT just didn't 'fit her'.

DS has been riding anything he could since he was 3.

The only ride he didn't like was HM. He hid his face most of the ride.:eek:
Let your child decide for himself With reassurance from you. Now that is the sensible thing to do, but if you are like us crazy parents we used to bribe our son to ride Splash Mtn. Now the only thing he does not like is TOT because of how it affects his stomach. As for the teacups, unless your stomach likes to be spun around, avoid it at all costs.
Thanks for the advice!

We have ridden all the ride, so we know what to expect from the ride itself. I realize that all children are different. I also know how unpredictable my own son is. The last time he went (last Christmas) he was "leary" of all the rides (he was scared to ride the little rides at the Mall if you put the quarter in). But he has changed drastically in that aspect. He absolutely loves the scrambler and other "spinning" rides like that now. And on our last trip, even though he was initially afraid to get on the rides, he request goofy's barnstormer. I tired to say he was too little, but he was way over the height req, and he rode. He did fine on it.
My just-turned-3yo was fine on Splash and Big Thunder mountains. We only did MK this trip, so I didn't try her on the rest of the thrill rides she was tall enough for.

She refused to go on Haunted Mansion, but she like Pirates.
When our twins were 3 1/2 they went on Haunted Mansion, Big Thunder Mountain RR and Splash Mountain and loved it. When they were 4 yrs 2 months they went on TOT 10 times! I admit we had to bribe them the first two times (bad parents-LOL) but after that-all they wanted was TOT. DS liked Dinosaur but hated Haunted Mansion, DD hated Dinosaur and It's a Bug's Life but loved Haunted Mansion. DS is now tall enough for Space Mountain, but I think it's still too intense for him-especially since he would have to sit by himself. I think you have to just give each ride a chance and go from there.
My DD rode Splash Mountain, Tower of terror (her fav) nad dinosaur last year when she was 3 1/2. She liked them all.

This year at 4 1/2, she also rode Space Mountain. She again was thrilled.

She also rode the Scorpion (at Busch Gardens) 10 (yes 10 times)in a row. I finally got tired.

I think that it depends on the child. I have a real daredevil.
YES! Another parent who bribes their kids! I don't bribe them for everything. When it comes to responsibility they are expected to contribute and not because of what's in it for them. Bribing to go on a ride is like helping them to learn how to get over a fear and enjoy something new. The only exception is when a child physically can not tolerate a ride. I would never bribe my son if meant that he would throw up or get a headache, but to get them over a fear is OK.
If in your schedule is visiting Epcot before than AK, then the ride in Universe of Energy is a great training for Dinosaur.
Emily has been riding ToT, SM, BTMRR, HM, and Dinosaur since she was just over 3. We tell her upfront what the ride is like and then she decides. She loves them all and now rides repeatedly. Just judge as you start out how much fun he's having and go from there. Enjoy.

Dinosaur and ToT are the only rides I think my almost 5 year old dd might not do. I think no on ToT just because of the theming,not the actual ride, I think she would love that part. But what about Dinosaur - it wasn't there when I was there 8 years ago, so I don't have the advantage of having expierience. Have any of your young ones enjoyed it or is it just too intense? Tonia
I did not read all the responses, so forgive me if I repeated what was said.

For rollercoasters, try Goofy's Barnstormer first. It lasts 30 seconds and it is outside. If he likes that, then he will probably like Big Thunder Mountain and Splash Mountain. I would avoid Space Mountain, Dinosaur, and TOT. If he was leary of HM, then he won't like TOT.

We have taken all our kiddos at the age of 3 when they are tall enough. My DD was 3 1/2 when she did Splash for the first time and the second time she did the drop, she held up her arms just like big siblings did (gotta keep up with them!). DH also took her on Matterhorn in DL when she was less than 3 since there was no height requirement, she did fine except with the snow monster growls at the cars.

Last year, DD did TOT at 4 1/2 and loved it, but big sis who was 8 HATES it and is scared. It depends on the kiddos and how they react to each ride; feel your DS out how he acts with rides and let him try whatever he is ready for.
This thread was right up my alley. I have been wondering about letting my children ride the rides. When we were there last year, my oldest (boy 6) was to afraid and my daugher (3) was to little, so it worked out. However my daughter will be tall enough and she is not timid!!! My son has this if she is going to do it attitude then I can to. BOYS!!!:D
I'm glad to see that other younger children have ridden and have had an enjoyable time.


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