Heely's skate shoes in Disneyland ?


"That's me: wife, mother, superhero, I'm sure you
Jul 23, 2005
I was wondering if it might be a good thing or a bad thing to get my boys (age 6 1/2 twins) Heely shoe/skates to wear to Disneyland while we are there? (I would get them now though so they can practice and get used to them) I can think of a few reasons "not" to get them and a couple "to" get them. Does anyone have experience with these shoes? do you think it is a good or bad thing? I know it will be crowded (end of June) so not sure how that would come into play. I also know that when they get tired they can just kind of "roll" around. Are they even permitted in the park?

Any info would be greatly appreciated, especially before I plunk down $70 on each pair :)

I saw lots of kids with these in WDW last week.
I'm not sure whether they are a good thing or a bad thing. Kids looked like they were having fun zipping around on their heels.... but they were not very mindful of who they were cutting off or bumping into.
The parks were very crowded, and there wasn't much spare space for kids to skate around.
It takes a while to become proficient at them so I would take that into account and in bumper to bumper traffic (end of June) they wouldn't be much use. If you can't go more than 5 feet they would likely just be more of a hinderance than a help. My boys each have a pair and another consideration would be that they are very heavy in my opinion when compared with a regular shoe. I'm not sure if they all are but it's worth checking out.

Something else to think about... chances are they could get soaked on some of the water rides.
They're not supposed to be worn in DL and I've seen security get after kids for skating in the park. So if you're looking for a reason not to get them, there's one. Granted security is very inconsistant about enforcing this, but should you decide to get them and the kids wear them with the wheels in, make sure you bring the device that can get them out, because security might make you take them out.
Yeah, I definately can see the "good" and the "bad" of getting them, LOL.... I know that myself and my husband are VERY conscious of treating others w/respect and enforcing that our kids do the same (ie: cutting people off and zipping around etc....) so I know that they would be as respectful as they can be *if* I was to get them.
I am pretty sure one of the boys would wear them and be ok w/them if he practiced enough before hand, but my other son is more "cautious" so I am not sure if he would be comfortable in them.
I also thought about the other 2 points that were brought up as well, 1) how heavy they are-I know they are heavier than normal shoes 2) getting really wet/soaked on a ride-EEK, so maybe it is not such a good idea, also since the boys are still kind of "young" for them maybe? (they will be 7 in Sept)... it is not like they are asking for them at all, they barely know what they are, lol...I just thought they might come in handy, but sounds like they might be more work than they are help.

Thanks for the info :)
I've seen a few kids "wearing" them in the mall. When they weren't rolling, they had to walk on their toes since the wheels don't go completely in. I think that would be rather uncomfortable (and bad) for feet if they had to walk like that for any length of time. Could be just them - I really don't know anything about the shoes. I also wonder if it would be difficult getting on and off rides that have moving platforms :confused3
I once saw a family denied entrance to DCA at the turnstiles, because their child had the wheels down on their skate shoes. The parents were arguing with cast member, but they called a security guard over and he explained that the child would not be allowed in the park with the skates on. I would suggest not getting the skate shoes, or at least, not having them on when you first enter the park.
As a mom that has been knocked over by a child wearing them while carring my infant at DL. I am not too fond of them.

The kid apologized to me, but it took a long while for my baby to calm down... The parents didn't even say anything to their child about what they did.

I feel that they are fine at the park and taking a walk, but not at an Amusement park where there are so many people.
Those things are annoying. Way too many people in the park for skate shoes. I mean really what does it hurt to have kids wear shoes it's not like disneyland is really all that big. The security needs to be more strict about not allowing them in the park sounds like they are working on it!
I'm another person against wearing Heelys in the parks. We just returned from WDW a couple of days ago and while I was there I saw three different kids fall flat on their backs while using the wheels inside attractions. Not only do they risk injuring themselves, but also the people around them. Big thumbs down IMO.
The shoes should also be treated like rollerblades with regards to saftey equipment. Those shoes have resulted in many broken bones, concussions, and even a death recently. I wouldn't let my kids use them if they weren't wearing helmets and wrist guards at the very least and that wouldn't be any fun to wear at disneyland. I had to learn the hard way growing up...broke both arms and my legs. My arms being broke could have been prevented if I had wrist guards on.

I know they are the cool thing to have right now, and I do admit my 8 year old has a pair. If she is caught with the skate down without a helmet on, she gets them taken away for a pre-determined amount of time. After so many warnings, they get taken away permanetly.

That's just my opinion on them.
If your kid knows how to use them, why not? Now, if he is just learning, forget about it.
my kids have them and don't zip in front of people like I have seen others do but that is because they know they will lose them for a VERY long time. I do think though since they will need to actally walk alot that they would be very uncomfortable. You have to walk on your toes when not skating around. They are quite fun though and I'm sure they would like them just for another time though.

I have to agree about injuries and the shoes ---- they are not treated like inlines by parents, so they are not using safety equipment with them. It just matters how concerned you are about having your child with a head injury, broken arm or broken leg.

Mind you I grew up when we took our blows without all the protective gear. A number of sprains,bumps, bruises, and fractures later.....I survived into adulthood. :sunny: But it could have easily been a head injury. :sad2:
IMHO..I would not bring them. If you wouldn't put your child in regular skates at the park (besides not being allowed)- then they shouldn't be in these. I have seen lots of kids zip around - cutting off people and falling. I am not saying that your sons would be disruptive but over all..I dislike them. I have girls in my girl scout troop who wear them to meetings (in my home! I am not sure what the parents are thinking of) and at events. I have now had to put my foot down and state that the shoes are not allowed unless the wheels have been removed.

Just my opinion.

Unless you plan on tethering your kids and you pull them around the park while they ride on their heels, I'd say skip them :) Although the image I'm picturing in my head does make me laugh :thumbsup2

The risk of them hurting themselves or someone else isn't worth it IMO.

I would not bring them either! I went with a friend in February that had a 9 year old son, who only brought these shoes. It was a pain to keep stopping everytime security saw him wheeling. We would have to stop and pop them out which happened about 5-6 times, so I would say they are starting to crack down on it. Not worth the hassle to me.

Thanks everyone. I appreciate all the responses. :)

My husband and I decided over the weekend, after doing much more research on them etc....( as we knew NOTHING about them, about how they worked etc, before....) that we are NOT going to buy them for Disneyland, NOR will be be buying them anytime sin the near future, LOL. Our kids are not allowed to ride bikes or their scooters or anything for that matter w/out helmets on etc.... and it just seems like it would be a bad idea right now. *IF* we decided to get them down the road (big IF) we would wait until the boys are much older and more efficient, LOL...and they would not wear them to an amusement park/fair/mall etc.....

As for it hurting for them to wear regular shoes in the park, like someone posted...it would not hurt them at all to wear normal shoes, they have the past 3 years in a row that we have gone and they will this year too, I just thought for a second (without researching them too much-that is why I was asking here at this forum for advise/suggestions) that it might be kind of cool idea. I, however have since decided that it is not such a "cool" or good idea anymore, for *my* kids that is, :)

I don't want my kids to be in harms way, nor do I want them to harm anyone else, intentionally or unintentionally, I would be upset & mortified if my kids ever mowed down someone wearing those. :eek

I do appreciate all the input, thank you everyone! :)


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