Hear me out on this...

Tina Louise = Ginger from "Gilligans Island"

Joey Heatherton = Hot 60's babe from shows like The Andy Williams Show, The Hollywood Palace, The Ed Sullivan Show and This is Tom Jones. She was big in movies and stuff too! ;)

Rick - you ARE Chandler! ABSOLUTELY!

Mike - Uncle Arthur? You are Paul Lynde. Period. :)


Don't you have some shorts that match that shirt he's wearing?
Alrighty then, if I don't have to be a character from Laverne and Shirley; I want to be Serena from Bewitched!
Who would I be? The only person I can think of is a thinner, gay version of Doug Hefernan from "The King of Queens." :rotfl2:
If I'm anyone, it's probably Paul Buchman from Mad About You. Just ask Rick.

If it has to be a gay character, I'm Dr. Bombay!
InfernoGirl, as a straight Mom who has taken young kids to WDW over Gay Days before, let me say that what my family and I saw was nothing I was concerned about. My kids were 3 and 5 at the time and they were either so busy enjoying their day at the Magic Kingdom that they didn't even notice 2 men or 2 women holding hands or hugging or they noticed and it just wasn't any sort of big deal to them. They see 2 little girls or little boys who are friends and playing holding hands all the time. The one in preschool knows when they walk anywhere as a group they are "buddied up" and hold hands with their buddy so it's not so unusual. They hug their same gender friends so again, it's not unusual. There were no uncomfortable questions. Honestly, when my oldest asked a question it wasn't because of Gay Days, it was because the PTA president of DSs school is a lesbian. She and her partner are VERY involved at the school and DS saw them at an event and asked if they were both B's moms. I said yes. My son said "I didn't know you could have two moms." It was a simple answer; all families are different. The next door neighbor's kids have 2 families because their parents are divorced and both remarried. The little boy up the street just has a Mom because she adopted him as a single parent. That little boy has 2 Moms because they love each other and wanted to have a family together. Families can be made up in lots of different ways but they are all the same in that they are a group of people who love each other and occasionally drive each other crazy! ;)

I've found that the questions are only uncomfortable if you make them uncomfortable. No 5 year old is going to make the jump from "Mom, why are those 2 men holding hands?" (easy answer, because they love each other) to "what do they do in the privacy of their bedroom?" or "what does the president think about their right to marry each other?" or even "what do YOU think about their lifestyle and rights?" Kids don't ask those questions at a young age. They don't think about that and there is no need to give that sort of info to them. You answer their question with only as much info as you have to and with age appropriate info.

Personally, I had an easier time explaining why B had 2 moms or why those 2 men are hugging than I did when I was pregnant with my youngest and my 6 year old asked "how did the baby get in your tummy and how is it going to get out?" :scared1: ;)

If you go and are not in the same parks as the scheduled events you will see no more gay and lesbian couples or families than you do on any trip. If you are in the parks for the scheduled events, by my experience you don't see anything that would be of concern either. I see more PDA from straight teens at my hometown mall or at WDW than I did from any gay days participant on our trip! If you have the chance to see the HBO documentary about Rosie O'Donnell's R Family Cruise, THAT is the sort of thing you'll see more so than what you see in news coverage of a pride parade. ;)

We're going back again this year and from the schedule Mike posted, we'll hit 3 of the event days. My boys are now older and I'm totally AOK with that. :)

I have to admit that the first thing I wanted to do after reading this "heads up" thread was to sit down and beat a certain someone soundly about the head and shoulders with a strongly worded letter.

I am so glad that I didn't waste precious energy to that end.

Your words were perfect and I feel honored to be amongst my new friends.

Now, someone pass me a tissue and help me down from my delightfully decorated soapbox. <g>
"What you won't see is the men in chaps with no pants under, men in thongs, and women in transparent togas grinding to pulsing music."

Well now I'm depressed. :rotfl2:

Hi there :) I'm Liann and while I'm straight and married I am actually kinda pumped my vaca falls during this time. It's not really a big deal for me, my hubby, or kids to see same sex relationships, I WANT my children to be comfortable with ALL humans all the time, I want them to respect and know that we are all the same but different and that's okay. Better yet, I want my kids to know it is not *our* place to judge ever. Our kids shape the future and if our kids are a even a *little* more understanding it's a huge step. And while I joked above about being depressed that there wouldn't be men in chaps with no pants under, men in thongs, and women in transparent togas grinding to pulsing music, I knew this wouldn't be happening anyhoo. Disney is about being a child again and just as I wont be sticking my tongue down my hubby's throat or groping at him in the middle of Magic Kingdom I know that every other couple wouldn't be either. Ya ya there may be one or two but most likely it will be a man and a woman. You can't fix stupid.

But in all honesty, ALL kids are uncomfortable with seeing ALL PDAs be it straight or same sexed. Your kids have probably been grossed out more by you and your spouse kissing and hugging than they will ever be while at Disney during Gay Days. I know that and I've never even BEEN to Disney yet! (Look for me ppl, I'm the long curly headed brunette in a pony tail skipping from ride to ride wearing my first ever set of ears I cried buying cus it's a life long dream since I was 5 sitting in front of the TV watching the Mickey Mouse Club KNOWING I was a true Mouseketeer because Mickey HIMSELF invited me to Disney.... oh and also prolly acting stupid and embarrassing my kids)

OP, go and have a blast! Concentrate on your family and the fun you are having. Everyone else will be :) Oh and OP, if you see me come and skip with me and remember, your vacation is about you and yours. Forget about what everyone else is doing and enjoy.

Holy Moley!!!!!!!!! We're both going to see Mickey and his friends!!!!!!!!!!!

Ya think since POTC is gonna be closed we might have more pirates walking around? OMG I hope so! We already have our pirate hats and I'm thinking about getting a wench costume for pictures.... ya ya whatever I'm a dork but guess what?

I'M GOING TO DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think it's interesting - but actually very brave of this person to post that in here..
However, not quite along these lines, but maybe somewhat, what I don't understand is that I'll bet your bottom dollar that the second we'd mention ANYTHING that had to do with 'being intimate with our significant others' in here - yes the privacy of our own GLBT board, we'd probably get bashed by alot of UNcool straight people.

For example, in one of the threads in another forum on here, there is a convo going on about how a couple of parents can get some 'alone time' in WDW even though they have their kids along, because apparently they just 'can't wait' for 8 days. Now, in all honesty, don't you take your kids to Disney because you WANT to spend time with them!? IMHO I think you can wait 8 days to get your giggles on.. why would you really feel the need to send your 5 year old and 14 year old off on their own in a public place (granted it's Disney, but bad people are everywhere) just so you can do the deed?

I personally find that appalling, but over in that thread, people just think

"Oh this is a valid question, ha, well here's what you can do." :sad2:

But I can't help but think if we here in this board were to bring that up - that those people wouldn't run over here faster than a fireman to water just to bash us for even THINKING about being intimate in WDW with one of our kids - let alone we might even HAVE kids because we're not straight.

But guranteed, if I were to go over there, and give my opinion about it - I'd probably be squished like a bug because of who I am. I think this post was handled with the utmost courtesy, and nicer than I could have ever handled it.
You guys are great! I'm glad to be a part of your group!

That being said, has anyone ever used one of those newfangled fridge's that you plug into the cigarette lighter of your car? I was contemplating getting one of those for our trip. DW is a HEALTH NUT and refuses to eat anything other than what I've packed for her.. a fridge (instead of a cooler w/melting ice) would be an awesome way to do it.. but the only ones I've seen hold only 6 12 ounce pop cans. Just wondering if that is a decent size or if I'm wasting my $$?

n one of the threads in another forum on here, there is a convo going on about how a couple of parents can get some 'alone time' in WDW even though they have their kids along, because apparently they just 'can't wait' for 8 days. Now, in all honesty, don't you take your kids to Disney because you WANT to spend time with them!?

I'm right there with you.

I read that thread about how the parents were having sex in the bathroom or in the second bed or trying to figure out how to get the kids out of the room for "10 minutes," and I was :scared1: .
"What you won't see is the men in chaps with no pants under, men in thongs, and women in transparent togas grinding to pulsing music."

Well now I'm depressed. QUOTE]

Darlin', I have a cure for your depression - Labor Day Weekend in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Southern Decadence...

All the chaps and juleps you can handle - :banana:

Thanks for your post!
Personally, I had an easier time explaining why B had 2 moms or why those 2 men are hugging than I did when I was pregnant with my youngest and my 6 year old asked "how did the baby get in your tummy and how is it going to get out?" :scared1: ;)

Isn't that question fun?? LOL
I agree with mommylicious' post. she said it well.
go have fun. don't worry, my goodness, you are going to WDW!!!!!!!!!!
I would love to be going!!!!!
DS has had same-sex couples around him from BIRTH so he would never think to question it. I know my way isn't for everybody, and I will try to respect that.

I wish the heteros who are always griping about Gay Days would take just a minute to think what it would be like if being straight WASN'T the "norm". How would they like to be made to feel like there was something wrong or shameful about the love they have for their DH or DW? :confused:

GLBT folks are surrounded by straight folks EVERY day. And it must get old sometimes. So I think the straight folks who are griping about Gay Days need to have a "shoe on the other foot" moment and appreciate that they don't have to fight the uphill battle that faces the GLBT folks. SO WHAT if there are going to be lots of gay families at WDW? Teaching your children that all humans have the same value is not a bad thing.
For all of those going to WDW for Gay Days, I hope you have a great time. I will be there with my husband, as well. We didn't even know there was such a thing as Gay Days when we booked the trip, but it doesn't matter.

i just came over here to see if i could get a feel for what to expect. Sounds like we all just be having a BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana:
"What you won't see is the men in chaps with no pants under, men in thongs, and women in transparent togas grinding to pulsing music."

Well now I'm depressed. QUOTE]

Darlin', I have a cure for your depression - Labor Day Weekend in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Southern Decadence...

All the chaps and juleps you can handle - :banana:

Thanks for your post!

TammieLand...you're my kind of woman!


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