Hawaii false missile alarm

Target was booting people, too.

I wonder if the Target and Walmart reactions were partly to prevent looting. Horrible of them if that’s the case - but then again, I’d rather take my chances outside than be stuck in a Walmart with a hundred of my closest friends for a week or more...it would devolve into the hunger games in a hot minute.
Wonder if any hotels in LA or along either coast for that matter have any better plan?

I doubt it. Not like many years ago when school kids were trained to hide under their desks or go down into the underground shelters. I wouldn't expect a store or hotel to know more than your employer or the general public.
the key deciding factor if a missile were to actually hit would be if it were nuclear or not, if it is...game over. look at how long it took to get responses to puerto rico, or even new orleans. add to that the immediate need to simply get completely off the island...

you should see how many people run to costco or sams club the day that the news says a hurricane might hit in the next few days (not a lot of anyone prepares for anything that bad)

and I really doubt any business anywhere has a “nuclear missile incoming” plan...where would you even start. hiroshima and nagasaki got leveled by explosions many times less than whats in missiles now...
Yes Puerto Rico still doesn't have electricity from what I've heard. Aren't there some type of pills you can take for the radioactivity? We are within a 15 mile radius of a nuke power plant and the schools are given pills to administer to students and staff in case the nuclear power plant blows. Schools and towns within the radius around the power plant have procedures in place in case of a melt down. There are evacuation routes to follow and schools within the radius have meeting places outside the area where parents can pick up their children. Yearly calendars are given through US mail that states evacuation plant in case the power plant melts down. I wonder if the schools there have a plan for a missile hitting them. There are so many new drills for schools to have now.
pills for radiation might work for something as low level as a leak, but if they really had pills that good, chernobyl would still have people living there, hospitals could discard the lead shields used during x-rays, etc.

probably the biggest takeaway is that aulani cms (and other staff at other hotels) didn’t just immediately run to their cars and take off to get home (which is the only way they’d even have a small chance at getting there), so no matter what logistical issues may have come up, that should merit some praise.
The incompetence inside the Hawaiian government is staggering.

Officials give tour inside "whoops central" and leave post it notes of passwords on their computers. You couldn't make this up. In case you wanted to send out another false alarm, the password is "warningpoint2"... smh.


No comment on the article's content, but I find it amusing that it keeps describing the State government as being "Hawaiian". The monarchy was overthrown more than a century ago, so there is no Hawaiian government anymore. Also, the article kept referring to people as being "Hawaiian" not realizing it's a race/ethnic group. You're not Hawaiian just because you live in Hawaii. But considering who/what this website is associated with, it shouldn't be a surprise they don't know any of that. But it makes them look sketch to people that do. I can't take any article seriously if they don't even know what to call the people that they're criticizing even if their information appears to be valid.
Californian, Oregonian, Floridian.... it's in reference to the name of the state. Holy triggered, lol
noun: Hawaiian; plural noun: Hawaiians
  1. 1.
    a native or inhabitant of Hawaii.
  2. 2.
    the Austronesian language of Hawaii.
If you dig a little deeper than the first few lines of a google search and go to an actual dictionary like https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Hawaiian
You will see that:

Definition of Hawaiian
1: a native or resident of Hawaii; especially : one of Polynesian ancestry
NOTE: In Hawaii, the word Hawaiian is understood as an ethnic designation for a native person of Polynesian descent, and its use in the more general sense "a resident of Hawaii" is considered an error.
2: the Polynesian language of the Hawaiians


I was born and raised in Hawaii. I have never once heard a local person without Hawaiian ancestry refer to him or herself as Hawaiian. people who move to Hawaii learn really quickly that they are "kamaaina" and not Hawaiians.
@MolonLabe Just because it's in a dictionary doesn't mean it's correct. If living here made everyone Hawaiian, then why does the census say "Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders" are just 10% of the population here? Shouldn't it be 100% Hawaiian if your dictionary definition is true?


I've seen American dictionaries that state that a "Native American" is anyone who is born in the Americas. But, like Hawaiians, our own census states that "Native American" is a race.

Down here, we don't call Hawaii residents "Hawaiian". We do not call things "Hawaiian" just because they are associated with the State. Here, we say "local government" or "Hawaii state government" or just "state government". Never "Hawaiian government" unless they are talking about past history when Hawaii was sovereign. These are facts that you can accept or reject at your leisure.

The missile hitting Hawaii is unlikely. But airports closing due to this sort of false alarm can be pretty serious. Planes have nowhere else to re-route. And most don't have enough fuel to back track to mainland.

Yes, especially if they are coming from Asia or mainland USA. Depending on when they get the news people coming from Australia and New Zealand could land on another Polynesian or a Melanesian island. But once they've passed that point, then they are out of luck, too.

Edited to merge posts.
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Midoria is 100% correct. I live in Hawaii. I am absolutely NOT hawaiian. It's laughable to me, and to anyone who lives here to even suggest that all residents are Hawaiian. It is absolutely not the same as a resident of Texas being a Texan, or a Californian. It would be akin to calling people who live in New Mexico, Mexicans.

And to go further, there's "local" and there are people who are residents. Locals can be Hawaiians, or any other nationality or race. Local usually means "born here, raised here", like kama'aina. I'm neither Hawaiian or Local just because I live here. I"m simply live here.

As to the attack warning, the local and state government (hey everyone, the same one you all have in every other state...) goofed. Oh well. But I think most everyone that lives here knew what to do as we have been getting warning notices on how to prepare for months or more. We were dropping our son off at an airport, so we just all huddled in a safe location in the center of the building. I don't know that most of us thought nuclear missile, but the airport is right in the middle of all the military bases. We knew that we were dead center.
Midoria is 100% correct. I live in Hawaii. I am absolutely NOT hawaiian. It's laughable to me, and to anyone who lives here to even suggest that all residents are Hawaiian. It is absolutely not the same as a resident of Texas being a Texan, or a Californian. It would be akin to calling people who live in New Mexico, Mexicans.

And to go further, there's "local" and there are people who are residents. Locals can be Hawaiians, or any other nationality or race. Local usually means "born here, raised here", like kama'aina. I'm neither Hawaiian or Local just because I live here. I"m simply live here.

As to the attack warning, the local and state government (hey everyone, the same one you all have in every other state...) goofed. Oh well. But I think most everyone that lives here knew what to do as we have been getting warning notices on how to prepare for months or more. We were dropping our son off at an airport, so we just all huddled in a safe location in the center of the building. I don't know that most of us thought nuclear missile, but the airport is right in the middle of all the military bases. We knew that we were dead center.

I can only begin to imagine how terrifying that must have been for you and everyone else. I have read a few first hand accounts and the very thought of huddling with my kid (or worse - without him! - imagine the total panic had this happened on a school day after drop off) truly believing that my world was about to dramatically change or end...there are no words.

Had social media users not started contradicting the alert so soon, I would not have been surprised had we seen people taking their own lives (think War of the Worlds when folks thought that was real too). This “goof” didn’t just cause some stress - it put lives at risk.
I think this was a lesson for us all. Living in the DC area during 9/11 having just moved from NY, I remember the concern/panic appropriately so. After that we developed a family plan, as well as had emergency supplies in the basement. We also had a plan on where to evacuate too if needed and where to meet if we weren't together. Unfortunately the tensions and real potential of an attack has grown.

We are redeveloping a plan. One thing that we learned during 9/11 was while phones were useless due to phone lines being jammed, texts would go through-though delayed. We all need to study up unfortunately. If an attack is ballistic or nuclear, be familiar with blast zone impact 1,3,5,20 miles or greater. Understand when it is safe to come out, travel opposite of wind direction, cover all exposed skin, keep cars fueled etc. For those of us old enough we remember the drills in school of going in the hallway and covering your head with a book. Yes we can joke that we will watch teh fireworks etc., and that works if you dont have a Spouse, children, grandchildren or other loved ones.
If an attack is ballistic or nuclear, be familiar with blast zone impact 1,3,5,20 miles or greater. Understand when it is safe to come out, travel opposite of wind direction, cover all exposed skin, keep cars fueled etc. For those of us old enough we remember the drills in school of going in the hallway and covering your head with a book. Yes we can joke that we will watch teh fireworks etc., and that works if you dont have a Spouse, children, grandchildren or other loved ones.

Actually, I do know Oahu resident families who were at home and carried on doing what they were doing. One friend put on a movie her kids loved to watch, hugged them, and sat calmly in the living room. I've heard a lot of parents say that did/would do the same thing. Some entire families went outside to see what they could see. I've only lived two places in my life. Here and the DC area. People in Hawaii tend to have this sense of acceptance that is much deeper than I realized at first. Not all, of course, but way more than the DC area. I can see lots of residents ready to fight for survival, but I can see a lot simply being at peace with whatever happens - and that includes entire families with old people and kids.

In terms of putting gas in the car, we have to take into account that Hawaii is a small island chain in the middle of nowhere. It makes sense on the mainland, but as the kids in my neighborhood say, "Where you go?". We can only travel so far here. Even Oahu, with the largest population, has limited roads anyway. If a blast takes a part of the highway out, everyone is trapped in the city.


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