Have you been to Disney this year and did anyone in your party get COVID?

Did anyone in your party get COVID during a Disney trip in 2022?

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Our family went to WDW for marathon weekend. All adults are vaxed and my husband and I are boosted. Our son and his family got Covid but mild-no symptoms. We just got back from Aulani. My husband and I got our 2nd booster 2 weeks before we went. We wore KN95 masks on the flight and at the airport but not at the resort. There were a lot of people coughing around us at the pool. The day before we left my husband started coughing. He was sick all weekend when we got home but thought it was a cold, on Monday I started gettting a headache. That night we both took an at home test and sure enough, positive for Covid. It finally caught us after all.
I know this is not a scientific sample, but I’m a little shocked that 1 out of 4 families experienced Covid after a trip to WDW.
What’s so shocking….the latest variant is airborne and people have vacationed in a very crowded place with little to no protocols. When we were there in January most people were not wearing masks and CM’s were not that vigilant about enforcing it in the places that it was required.
My husband and I went December 2021. Wore masks in airport/airplane and per rules on transportation and indoors at Disney.

We went again in March 2022 with our daughter, son, and son's girlfriend (all 3 are college age). Wore masks only airport/plane and on Disney buses.

We were all fine but were all vaccinated and had booster. My husband, daughter and I did have COVID in September 2020 though (no travel that year). It was not fun!
What’s so shocking….the latest variant is airborne and people have vacationed in a very crowded place with little to no protocols. When we were there in January most people were not wearing masks and CM’s were not that vigilant about enforcing it in the places that it was required.
Yes, I know. But 25% still seems pretty high to me.
We went quite a few times during the pandemic and never caught it. We are all fully vaxxed and boosted. We ended up getting it in Toronto in April despite barely going anywhere. I went for a solo trip May 9-19 and assumed I’d be pretty immune at this point, and my hunch paid off. However, I have been going to WDW for many years and have honestly never experienced such a brazen lack of basic hygiene from people. I’m talking non-stop hacking, honking, horking, you name it…no tissues, hands, elbows, nothing. It was genuinely just appalling.
There are thousands of people in each park/resort each day........we will never know the true number.
Plan for the worse, hope for the best is my mantra for Covid right now! We are going in July (all double-vaxxed and adults are boosted) and I already took an additional vacation week off after our return since I have to isolate 10 days if someone in my family tests positive instead of the 5 days for everybody else (I work in a hospital). That way, I won't have to empty my sick day bank if we get it and DH works from home anyway. It's also nice not to have to go back to work right way. We will bring masks but I doubt we will use them much except maybe indoor in crowded situation or if we feel uncomfortable. If we were flying, we would wear one in the plane but we are driving our own car. While I still wear one all day at work and don't mind wearing it, I'm looking forward not to have to on vacation. We had multiple scares the last few months, including my daughter in close indoor contact for hours with her best friend who tested positive the next day but so far, we did over 30 tests between the 4 of us and all were negative (I'm overly cautious because of my work and test more than average).
We were there in March. Only wore a mask on busses. No covid. we just got off the Disney transatlantic to Barcelona. We didn’t wear masks on board and in ports, only on busses. No covid.
So far we've escaped. We had never taken a test post 6 WDW trips cause we've never felt sick.

We just returned from Europe and needed to have a negative test result before flying, which we had. We were mask less the entire trip - plane, bus, metro, ferry, excursions. We are vaccinated and I've had 2 boosters, although it doesn't seem to make a difference as people still contract the virus.
Went to Disneyland in mid November just as Omicron was kicking off. We were all fine. We all got Covid this past April, our DD13 (triple vaxxed and still masks at school eventhough no longer required) got it first courtesy of high school.
’m sure if you asked what % ended up with a cold/flu/etc it would be the same or higher. People catch things when traveling all the time.
Yup...I picked up a cold/flu while there. The next day, I started to feel it. Still fighting to get rid of the cough.
…I’ve been 6 times during the Pandemic, so it was bound to get me 😂 I knew odds were high going during the high of Omicron. But, it’s made the last two trips easier as I haven’t had to be concerned with all the restrictions gone.
We have been back a week and we have all tested positive. To be fair, patient zero arrived several days later than the rest of us to Florida and timing wise, it seems he contracted it before he got to Florida and then we all got it from him.

Nobody has gotten really sick. It has basically been like a mild cold. The baby had a light positive line for a couple of days and then nothing. Same with the vaccinated 5 year old.
Just got back on 25th. No positive results (so far) for any of us (5 adults, one baby) but 3 of those adults had it in the month before going, so likely semi-immunity. A few of us have had weird stomach issues though, which I attribute to having fun and being exposed to other humans for the first time in almost 3 years :P :P
We just got back two weeks ago. No one got COVID, but all of us are vaxxed and twice boosted. I asked my doctor if it was safe to go to WDW. He approved as long as we masked (KN95s) on the plane, indoors and in crowds outdoors and washed our hands frequently. We followed his directions and were fine, but there was a lot of coughing on the buses and planes. I don’t know what the cause of the coughing was—some people who have had COVID cough for a while after—-but it made it easy to keep my mask on.


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