Harvey Weinstein

So Harvey Weinstein is going to challenge his firing from The Weinstein Co. Apparently his contract was written in such a way that if he was charged with sexual harassment, the company couldn't fire him. Instead, Weinstein would have to personally pay for any judgment that was awarded + a fine (payable to The Weinstein Co). First offense was 250k, second 500k, third 750k, 4th and each one after that 1 million.

Should be an interesting case.

I heard about his contract reading like that but I cannot believe he would possibly try to fight it. I eard it mention more in terms of opening company to liabilighy.
He clearly thinks everyone is just overreacting and that it will all blow over. This is the same person who thought he would distract people and gain back support by promising to dedicate himself to fighting the NRA.
I saw the clip where he says "second chance", to reporter but never thought he would try to get his position back.
Besides I think the company was struggling before that might not be muc to go back to and nobody would work wit him, the industry is embarrased enough being somewhat in the knowledge of him presuring woman.
I saw the clip where he says "second chance", to reporter but never thought he would try to get his position back.
Besides I think the company was struggling before that might not be muc to go back to and nobody would work wit him, the industry is embarrased enough being somewhat in the knowledge of him presuring woman.

I disagree. I think people would work with him. Why you might ask? Money.

Roman Polanski
So Harvey Weinstein is going to challenge his firing from The Weinstein Co. Apparently his contract was written in such a way that if he was charged with sexual harassment, the company couldn't fire him. Instead, Weinstein would have to personally pay for any judgment that was awarded + a fine (payable to The Weinstein Co). First offense was 250k, second 500k, third 750k, 4th and each one after that 1 million.

Should be an interesting case.

Who the hell would GIVE any executive those kinds of terms?
Who the hell would GIVE any executive those kinds of terms?
I think/suspect the contract is a tad more complicated than surmised in the post you are responding to.
Still, I haven't read it so difficult to say.
I think/suspect the contract is a tad more complicated than surmised in the post you are responding to.
Still, I haven't read it so difficult to say.

Somebody was reading part of it on air and if real it didn't sound much more complicated then explained

Just read this article posted on Yahoo. First, do you think his brother Bob was really not aware of the extent of Harvey's shenanigans?

Second why would Weinstein go to therapy if he is claiming that all relatinships were consensual? Am I missing something other than his lawyers told him to go and he is looking to be accepted back into that community?
Sallie Hofmeister, a spokesperson for Harvey Weinstein, said: “Any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied by Mr Weinstein. With respect to any women who have made allegations on the record, Mr Weinstein believes that all of these relationships were consensual

He also said he believed the Academy should expel his brother. Its 54-member board, made up of leading actors, directors and executives including Tom Hanks, Whoopi Goldberg and Steven Spielberg, was meeting to consider that question on Saturday. The Oscar awarded to the producer in 1999 for his work on Shakespeare In Love may also be considered for nullification, according to reports

Do you think the award should be nullified? Does that mean that the producing of the movie was no longer the best? Would that as a punishment make people feel better?


I know I did not lay out my paragraphs very well! Lol! Hope it makes sense.

Just read this article posted on Yahoo. First, do you think his brother Bob was really not aware of the extent of Harvey's shenanigans?

Second why would Weinstein go to therapy if he is claiming that all relatinships were consensual?

Who knows exactly how much Bob knew? He may have just thought his brother was a skirt chaser, it's very easy to believe the best about people you love and overlook the worst. ETA: It doesn't sound like he's making excuses now that it's come out. That's good!

Weinstein is playing the sex addiction card. It may be true, but the issue is consent, and I think probably much prevalent with him - coercion.
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Who knows exactly how much Bob knew? He may have just thought his brother was a skirt chaser, it's very easy to believe the best about people you love and overlook the worst.

Weinstein is playing the sex addiction card. It may be true, but the issue is consent, and I think probably much prevalent with him - coercion.

I agree and I think that Bob was maybe at a point where he could be just a little bit thankful that he doesn't have to run interference anymore!!

I think in Harvey's own mind he is in denial and thinks he has done nothing wrong.

Not sure how I feel about the award. It doesn't change the fact that he won it.
Not sure how I feel about the award. It doesn't change the fact that he won it.

Yep. I am conflicted on that subject. I don't think he should have won in the first place though - its a great lineup he "beat" - but he did win, so I'm not sure if personally being a piece of poop should change that. Basically, IDK.
If they took away his oscar, would they give it to a runner-up? I would imagine the runner-up would think of it as tainted and not mean as much as if they received it at the ceremony.

Harvey "got out of Dodge" and checked into a five-star hotel (as opposed to a rehab facility that won't allow him to use his cell phone.) If he balks at giving up his cell phone and other creature comforts, will he be willing to give up his real addiction: the women?
I understand revoking his membership to the Academy. I don't think they should take away his Oscar.

OTOH he's not the only accused predator in the Academy.

I don't think that hideous movie should have ever gotten an Oscar in the first place, but it would be pretty lame to try to take it away now.
Harvey "got out of Dodge" and checked into a five-star hotel (as opposed to a rehab facility that won't allow him to use his cell phone.) If he balks at giving up his cell phone and other creature comforts, will he be willing to give up his real addiction: the women?

Unfortunately, I hear a lot about rehabs of all sorts via some of the volunteer work I do (we work closely with AA and NA, and those guys are dedicated to service work!, I had no idea previously, I've been insanely impressed), and some of them talk about rehabs that sound like nothing more than a time out, with chefs, cell phones, wi-fi, massages, yoga, etc. They don't even have to talk to anyone or the therapists or anything. And, the end of the story always ends up with that rehab not helping one bit. From what I've read he's in a $2,000 night in patient program in Arizona and then will be moved to a place somewhere in Europe. Sounds terrible, right?
Unfortunately, I hear a lot about rehabs of all sorts via some of the volunteer work I do (we work closely with AA and NA, and those guys are dedicated to service work!, I had no idea previously, I've been insanely impressed), and some of them talk about rehabs that sound like nothing more than a time out, with chefs, cell phones, wi-fi, massages, yoga, etc. They don't even have to talk to anyone or the therapists or anything. And, the end of the story always ends up with that rehab not helping one bit. From what I've read he's in a $2,000 night in patient program in Arizona and then will be moved to a place somewhere in Europe. Sounds terrible, right?
I wouldn't even be shocked if you told me his program included visits from high rent call girls. That's how much stock I put into it.


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