Hard to sympathize?


True...but some people just cannot fathom doing ANYTHING alone! It is like some people think there is this unwritten law that says you MUST do things in pairs/groups. :confused3

Maybe because I'm a bit older now - I don't wait or stop myself from doing anything I want because I don't know someone else who likes or will do it. I just go do it! (and interestingly, you can meet some very interesting people that way)

I am a very solitary person so I have a hard time understanding why anyone would not want to go to WDW alone. I *like* going alone. (I also like going with people but honestly, sometimes it's really more relaxing to go it alone).

For a handful of people I think they don't feel safe traveling alone, but for the majority, I think it really boils down to not being comfortable with being alone. Some people are just never comfortable being by themselves, on vacation or elsewhere. The reasons why, I'm sure vary by person.

But here's an example from my life. My friend is obsessive about her DH and he is with her. I used to work with her and she would either call him 10 times a day or he'd call her. They never go anywhere apart, even if it was do stuff one wanted to do but the other despised. They simply could not deal with not having the other one there. If for some reason they couldn't be in the same room, they HAD to call each other repeatedly all day long. Now, nevermind my opinion on how unhealthy that is, these are people who could never travel alone. They just couldn't do it. They'd go crazy.

That's an extreme reason, where the person is simply not in a healthy way and can not psychologically deal with not having constant companionship. But there are also probably people who want their friends and family to LOVE Disney so badly that they can't accept that they don't and so, won't go alone. They keep waiting for "someday, when they see the light and love it as much as I do".

I think, once you are comfortable with keeping yourself entertained, and being alone AND feel safe and secure at WDW AND realize you might not always have people who want to go...these three things are key to going alone to the World.
spiceycat said:
purplebell - try it once.

when you are solo - the CM are more likely to talk to you - so are families.

I like to talk (bet you didn't know that - at times) - when I do - hey I goto the parks, DD, or any of a thousand places.

People generally like people and most people will talk to you. Now I have meet some people who wouldn't - but on the whole at WDW you are in with a very friendly bunch.

Some singles have been adopted by a family - if that is what you want - when you check into your hotel and look around.

I don't want that - because if I don't get some alone time I would go :crazy:

everyone is different!!!

Oh, that's kind of cute...families adopting you. :blush:
Hey, I'm one of those people who have never done anything alone, not even eat by myself in a restaurant. I was married for 27 years (been seperated about a year now and want to celebrate). My husband and I did everything together and were totally involed in raising our two sons. Suddenly we realized we had nothing in common (except our sons) and now we're each on our own after 27 years of total togetherness.

I took my elder son and 8 y/o GD to WDW in January and when I told him I was going to do a solo trip in May, he said there was no way I would do it and laughed. While we were down there, I offered to babysit my GD so he could go to PI or off by himself, but he absolutely refused, asking why would he want to go off alone and besides he didn't want to leave me and Aubriee by ourselves. Anytime I suggested he spend time alone or he spend time with my GD and I offered to go off by myself, he would ask why I'd want to be alone in WDW and would stick to me like glue. Living by myself for almost a year I so desperately needed time to myself, but he just couldn't get why and said there was no way I'd go by myself to WDW. Guess what he was wrong!

I leave next Friday. It will be the first time I've ever traveled alone, flew alone, ate alone, toured alone, however you want to phrase it. I can't wait, but both my sons are saying they can't believe I would even consider going that far alone for ten days. At first they didn't believe I would do it, now they're in shock that I'm actually doing it. My mom told me my elder son has said he would like to go with me 'to keep me company'. After I told her I didn't want company and wanted to be alone, she told him, and he says he can't believe I would even consider it. Both of my sons, my GD, my mom, my D-I-L, and even my soon to be ex has offered to go with me, but NO WAY. This trip is for me and they are NOT invited. I'm a little nervous, but am so proud of myself and can't wait!

Really I'm ALOT nervous (DME can't seem to keep my flight information in their computer and I'm afraid I'll be stranded at the airport). Also I'm renting DVC points for five nights of my trip and am a little nervous about that too. I am NOT nervous about being alone though!!!
I'm a very shy person, so when I told my family and friends that I'd be taking my first solo trip 2/04, they were :eek: . Some even accused me of having a secret rendezvous down there!:rolleyes2 I wish!:rotfl2:

I was a bit nervous, but everyone is so friendly that soon I felt fine. I love the freedom of doing whatever I want to do, when I feel like doing it!

I've never had a complete solo trip...just bits and pieces of days away from friends and family. I like the feeling of getting to ride things as many times as I want, utilizing the single riders line, etc. I would have never thought that I could have as much fun solo as I do with my friends and family if it hadn't been for those brief afternoons away. Maybe that's what your friend needs to do first. Then he can experience how fun WDW can be alone. All the talking in the world will get you no where with some people. They need to experience things first hand to believe them.
He does'nt really want to go - he just likes talking about going.

I would take everthing he says with a pinch of salt, he may eventually get around to going once he knows your fedup of listening to he's tales of woe.

I went on my own in 2002, although i was nervous once I actually got there I was fine. The best thing for me was doing things at my own pace and not having to rush around every park. Eating alone was a bit odd at first, but the peace and quite was excellent. The one thing i would've changed about that trip, was the amount of days i went for - 10 days would have been more than enough - I went for 14 days and found the last 4 days just dragged for me.
Joe Carioca said:
Thanks for the opinions everyone! It's not that I don't sympathize with his fear of going alone, it's that he constantly complains to me he desperately needs to go to WDW, but he can't, because he can't find anyone to with him :confused3. I'll try to be more open, but sooner or later this guy has gotta learn its one or the other :scratchin

Hey Brant! It's not a certain Dingy complaining, is it? I haven't talked to
him in ages. I'd try to convince him to "bite the bullet" if it is him. :earsboy:

I don't have much sympathy for him, even if he is my honorary "younger brother". LOL!


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