Hard to sympathize?

Joe Carioca

Earning My Ears
Apr 17, 2005
I fully understand the difficulty of getting that first solo trip under the belt and the conflict of talking yourself into the first solo venture, but does anyone know a self-proclaimed Disney lover who frequently complains about wanting to take a trip to Disney World, but refuses to go alone? I know someone like that and I've been finding it hard to be sympathetic with his plight. I feel bad that he can't (won't) go, but lately I can't help but question how much he really likes WDW if he won't go solo to get there. P.S. He won't even remotely accept the potential positives of a solo trip, so this isn't meant to include anyone who would like to do a solo trip, but can't :). Am I wrong for questioning how much he says he needs to go??
Joe Carioca said:
Am I wrong for questioning how much he says he needs to go??

I do not think your wrong at all! hey, I was going with someone on this trip, but I am solo now. Did it stop me? nope...because I LOVE disney ...nothing would stop me from going ...even solo! and this is really my first solo trip(I did a half a trip solo)...

I think if you love Disney as much as he says he did......he would move heaven and earth to go!!! ;)

(maybe he just doesn't completely get it? :confused3)
there are some people who need and I mean need people. I tend to avoid them - they can be very draining.

they would need to go to WDW with someone - because they can't go ANYWHERE alone....
spiceycat said:
there are some people who need and I mean need people. I tend to avoid them - they can be very draining.

they would need to go to WDW with someone - because they can't go ANYWHERE alone....

I totally agree with spiceycat! I worked with a woman who wouldn't even go to a vending machine alone! :earseek: They are draining and are way too needy. :sad1:
now im on the other end of this--i have been thinking about a solo trip, but i like to be around people--its not that i cant be alone, i would just rather go on the trip with someone..Most likely, i will end up doing a solo trip if i renew my AP..
....are the luckiest people in the world :cool1:

heehee, just kidding, (that was an old song, wasn't it?)

Maybe your friend is a perfect candidate to get involved with an online forum, (like the Dis), and then can go to WDW as part of a group "meet". It wouldn't be all couples, surely there would be some singletons to join up with, even share a room. :grouphug: ?

I do sympathize, though. Sometimes it can be so hard to see around some psychological barrier that you've created for yourself, even with someone right in front of you waving their hands :banana: and saying, "look, nothing there! nothing is holding you back, just do it".
Jen - you are not one of these people - I mean it they can't be alone - they will bother you to go to the restroom with them.

they are almost afraid of being alone.

I would feel sorry for them if they didn't drive me crazy. :rolleyes1
spiceycat said:
Jen - you are not one of these people - I mean it they can't be alone - they will bother you to go to the restroom with them.

they are almost afraid of being alone.

I would feel sorry for them if they didn't drive me crazy. :rolleyes1

i know what you mean..i just didnt want to seem like that!
Gosh...I must be weirder than weird. Even on my family trips I have to block out some "alone time" or I would go bonkers. The idea of a short solo trip just tickles me pink!
This past Oct there were a few times Id go off by myself - take boat to Contemp from WL, walk to MK, boat to GF, walk to Poly, monorail to Contemp, boat back to WL - good exercise
I was alone at those times but noone would really know if I had ppl back at the WL or not. So on my first solo trip Id keep that in mind
"noone really knows if Im on a solo trip or not"

not at that point YET but I know someday I will be
I wish I could go alone... There will always be someone that will want to go along - parents, sister, cousins.

I do agree that everyone needs some alone time, because envitably your gonna get on someones nerves during a family/friends trip :crazy:

That's why in December we're getting two rooms!
I love alone time here and there, but I can't see myself going on a trip to WDW solo. Standing in line by yourself... eating alone... riding the bus alone... walking back to your resort alone... No one to share the magic with? :wizard:

It's not worth the $ I would spend on the trip to go alone. Before the boards, I never knew people went alone, except for maybe the Florida residents who live fairly close and went to the park for a day.

I think I would definitely feel like something was missing if I couldn't share any of Disney with someone...anyone! Plus looking around and seeing all the other happy families would make me miss mine! :sad1:
Yes, there are people who are afraid of being alone and yes, those people can be very draining.

There are people who have a hard time being emotinally connected with other people, including their families, and those people can also be very draining. (I was married to one for 25 years!)

Some people fear traveling alone (as opposed to being alone) for the safety issues and perhaps for self esteem issues of needing someone else to 'handle' the problems that come up with traveling (example: traveling to Mexico and believing that you need to have someone who speaks Spanish or you won't survive.)

BUT, it could also be that a person doens't want to do Disney solo because of the desire to enjoy it more by sharing it with someone. Without knowking your coworkers history, it is impossible to conjecture why he might be disinclined to go to the World solo.

So unless you really want to get SOOOOOOO involved with this friend, why not just accept him as he is, for what he says, which (according to your impression) is " I love DIsney" but drat I can't seem to find anyone willing to go" You know, he may be hinting that he'd like to go with you.......
spiceycat said:
there are some people who need and I mean need people. I tend to avoid them - they can be very draining.

they would need to go to WDW with someone - because they can't go ANYWHERE alone....

When my god daughter was 2, her nickname was Velcro Girl. You'd peel her off my sister and she'd be reattached in a few seconds.
Sadly, there are adult versions of this.
purplebell - try it once.

when you are solo - the CM are more likely to talk to you - so are families.

I like to talk (bet you didn't know that - at times) - when I do - hey I goto the parks, DD, or any of a thousand places.

People generally like people and most people will talk to you. Now I have meet some people who wouldn't - but on the whole at WDW you are in with a very friendly bunch.

Some singles have been adopted by a family - if that is what you want - when you check into your hotel and look around.

I don't want that - because if I don't get some alone time I would go :crazy:

everyone is different!!!
I have had many interesting discussions like this.

Some people just can't fathom doing anything without other people. For instance, going to see a movie. Now, just like WDW, I enjoy going to the movies with friends and loved ones, but I don't NEED them to go just so I can.

I've just found that some people don't feel like they can experience something on their own and have it have value without someone experiencing the same thing with them.

I'm definately not one of those people. :) Sure, I may want to talk to a friend or family member throughout the day at WDW - but that's why God invented cell phones. :)

You can't help someone who can't help themselves, though - you can try to educate them, but only they can choose to take the step.

I can definitely sympathize. Sometimes it's very hard to get through the first step, of psyching yourself up about going to a park by yourself ya know? It all goes back to personality prototypes. :) Some people are energized by beign around others constantly, others are energized by having alone time. I fall into the first category, but am not co-dependent like a lot of people in the first category are. Does it stop me from going places by myself? Nah. But do I enjoy it more if I go with people. You betcha. It all boils down to this: If your personality type is energized by other people around you (people you know rather and are at a place with) then it's hard to justify spending the money to go someplace like WDW alone, particularly if you have no idea whether you'll enjoy it or not. Have I went to WDW alone? Nope, been with my husband (dating at least) since I was 16 so haven't had to go anywhere alone except for Cedar Point. Did I enjoy that alone. Yup! But I prefer it with people and decided I have more fun with a group. I think when he complains he may just be asking you (without asking ;) ) to psych him up about going solo. Maybe he just needs to keep hearing the benefits of solo trips to get it through his head. Just be patient and try to not let it bother you too much. :)

Some people just don't feel comfortable doing something like this alone. On one trip I was forced to go solo for part of my trip due to a last minute scheduling glitch. I ended up loving it! While it IS great to have someone to share things with - I also found it's great to do EXACTLY what you want, WHEN you want! No waiting around extra half-hours because you are waiting for someone to get their act together, etc.

And I found I love talking to people in the lines! I have a GREAT time and have done it solo many, many times since. Now that I live here - I go solo all the time. Yes, I'd love to meet other people to go with - but I'll still enjoy solo. But that's my personality - I found I CAN do things alone and be happy. Other people just aren't comfortable.

I'm getting ready to take my first solo trip in a little over a week. I had a few solo days at the end of my trip last December, so I know what to expect. I'm so excited, I can barely stand it. I do have a few meets set up with other DISer's and a friend from another WDW site, but I'll be solo for most of the trip. Although I really enjoy my WDW trips with friends and family, I am so looking forward to a week of doing exactly what I want, when I want, without worrying about whether everyone else is having fun too.

When I tell people that I'm going solo, I get one of two reactions. Some people are excited for me and say that they would absolutely love to go on a solo trip someday. Other people look at me like I've lost my mind and say things like, "Why would you possibly want to go all by yourself?" I guess there are basically two kinds of people when it comes to this issue - those who enjoy being alone and those who don't.
Thanks for the opinions everyone! It's not that I don't sympathize with his fear of going alone, it's that he constantly complains to me he desperately needs to go to WDW, but he can't, because he can't find anyone to with him :confused3. I'll try to be more open, but sooner or later this guy has gotta learn its one or the other :scratchin


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