Halloween...Do you dress up


DIS Veteran
Dec 26, 2002
As an adult do you dress up for Halloween? Do you go all out or do you do something simple ?

And of course what are you dressing up as ?
I’m a witch every year. Sometimes I go all out and paint my face green, but I mostly only do that when Halloween falls on a weekend.
Sometimes I do. This year I am not doing anything but handing out candy. We usually decorate our house, I almost always carve a pumpkin. Not this year though.
I dont but if the situation was right, I would dress up and have some fun
My kids are still little enough to dress up and go trick or treating so yes I dress up too. When else will I have the opportunity?
I've always dressed up. Before kids it was to go to parties or events, now it's to ToT. DH and I usually dress to go with the kids or else he goes as Darth Vader. This year YDD is Alice and ODD is a boy version of Alice, so DH is Hatter and I'm White Rabbit. We decorated our yard Halloween meets Wonderland.
We dress up with our 3-year-old son. Last year we were the Frankensteins - DS was the Monster, I was the Bride, and DH was Dr. Frankenstein.

This year, DS wanted to be Batman, so DH is Superman and I'm Wonder Woman ;)
I’m a teacher, so I dress up every year. I always use things I have on hand. I’ve been a cowgirl, witch, mime, fortune teller, Mary Poppins, Wednesday Addams, etc. one year my husband and I borrowed a couples costume and we went to a party as bacon and egg. I was just the lone egg at work.
A few years ago at a party I was Meg from Hercules, but that’s a little too risqué for work.
I usually dress up to hand out candy.....I tend to lean towards the Disney Villains and I have my choice of Ursula, The Evil Queen and Maleficent. Not sure which I will be tomorrow. I have been a witch, a pharaoh, a pirate, a gypsy an a Ghost Host (from Haunted Mansion).....I have a tons of costumes and just picked up a Queen of Hearts costume at the Disney Store today that was on sale...oh and a Mad Hatter hat. Good deals on Halloween stuff!!

I work at an Elementary School and so I always dress up. I am pretty much always Minnie Mouse. I have several different Minnie dresses that I alternate each year.
We just got back from vacation, so been scrambling to get decorations up, so this year just a tee shirt while handing out treats
I’m heading to work today as a Mouseketeer. I don’t always dress but when I do it’s either that or a witch (black clothing and a witches hat). Funny thing is my employer said we had to follow “Disneyland Rles” for our costumes. I guess this year I’m taking it literally.
I have a halloween t-shirt that says "Boo" in orange/yellow/white letters (candy corn coloring) and festive halloween socks with pumpkins, ghosts and candy corn on them. But I don't wear a full costume.

This is the first year that nobody in our family is dressing up. Sounds like it's going to be nasty weather for trick-or-treat though, so I can't say I'm too disappointed. And I've never worked anywhere where employees get dressed up (or if someone chooses to, they're the exception, not the rule.) Halloween is not my favorite holiday anyway, so I don't go all out.
My aunt throws a gigantic Halloween party every year, so I dress up for that. I don't have kids, so I don't go out trick-or-treating, so the party is the only time I get in costume. This year, I was Cookie Monster. Some of my favorite past costumes include Betty Rubble to my sis-in-law's Wilma Flintstone, Columbia from Rocky Horror Picture Show, Minnie Mouse, and Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter.
I'm not this year at home. I may pull out my Minnie Witch Hat for handing out candy.

I didn't even decorate the front yard or porch this year. We did get the new Jack and Sally figures from Spirit of Halloween and I'll put those on the front porch late this afternoon.


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