Hakuna Matata March-ing in like Lions!!

H Kids, actually have a little break here,

Did some TM tiem this morn, noon I am off to Huntsville, meeting the next couple of days. Hope to be home 0100 on Sat, late for me.

I did treat myself to a new toy yesterday, film on Sat if the weather is nice, Eva, Jordan my appreciate it.

Hey anyone doing the TOT????
Scott - Did you get a bike?!?!?! :moped:

I almost registered for the Cleveland Half today, but Jordan is still on the fence about the 10K. Part of me really wants him to run it (and I would love to run it with him) but part of me wants that MEDAL!!! I'll be ahppy either way I gues..and that's always a good thing! :thumbsup2
Hi everyone! It's been a busy week at work - I think everyone is back from their March break vacations. I've been running but having a little bit of knee pain again. This time it's on my right knee - go figure! It comes and goes so my PT is having trouble figuring out what's causing it. I've still been running but going much slower than my usual pace.

Denise - Gorgeous purse! I love the colours and the beads!

Margie - Congrats on getting in your 200 miles and for continuing to go to the gym at 5AM! How do you do it? I can barely wake up for 6:30 AM (unless I'm going to Disney). Speaking of... glad to hear you got direct flights for January :)

Scott - Nope not doing the ToT :( I had booked plane tickets last year before I knew the dates of any of the fall WDW races. Safe travels this week!

Eva - Hope your ankle is feeling better. I will be at WDW for the first week of October. Looks like we'll just miss each other. Which restaurants are on your ADR list?

Jen - Glad you're feeling better!

Dave - Keeping my fingers crossed for cheap airfare. Not sure I can spend enough $$ to get tickets on points.

Sue - I never seem to get a seat on the train either... Doesn't seem to matter whether I leave early or later.

Have a great day everyone!
Good Afternoon Team!

I'm back from a lunchtime weight class & will be running tonight.
Did a very windy 5 last night. Come on warmer temps.

Vicky, We will be down the 2nd week of Oct. Have flights already & just purchased passes at the Disney store. Great deal at par. Bought the 7day hopper & will upgrade at Disney to the annual pass.

Happy Wednesday Training......Sue
Vicky...:hug: to you and your knee. I understand so well! My knee began to bother me some today. Went to the gym to work with the trainer and we did lower body work, so the knee got a workout. No running until tomorrow, so we'll see how it does. Hope your knee gets better soon!
Hi all,

I still have a lingering cold and its spring break, so I haven't been pushing it too hard with my training. I did 5k in 25 minutes today and I'm going to get spoiled by a pedicure and a massage this afternoon.


Hummmmmm everyone must be off on Spring Break! If so ENJOY!

All the continued training did was to make me feel worse, so I am in serious Taper-nothing-or very minimal until I get over this or until the 5th, which ever comes first. :sick:

Jennifer: Glad you feel better - Enjoy the pedicure & massage - they are necessities of an active life style! :flower3:

Eva: I could not find my registration confirmation. They had switched my first and last name. Was told it was a first...LOL This year's Martian is taking a different route so it will be like a whole new race. :upsidedow

Scott: how's the elbow? What did you get? Does Lynn have one also or prefer to ride with you? :goodvibes

Vicky: It's a sing of No Life -as you have to go to bed early to get in 6-7 hours of sleep. :sad2:

My knee is still feeling a little swollen today, so skipped my run until tomorrow. Used the time today to clean out a closet. Now you know what I did on my spring break!

Jennifer....hope you enjoyed you pedi and massage! That sounds great to me!
It's cool and raining tonight but I had a stress headache from work and needed to get out. Mark was busy with a friend and it's light out till 7 now so I went on my own. Feeling much better now.

65 min and 5 miles -------ahhhhh it feels so good.

Jen - my cold is 99% gone so I know what you mean. It really stinks.

Massage is the best. Well a glass of wine and some dinner is in order.

Scott take care of that elbow and when you ride the bike get a helmet! Pretty soon we'll have to wear one to run/walk too!

Enjoy your night.

Happy Friday everyone! Went out last night to do my 3 miler... the weather was on the cool side but felt nice once I got warmed up. I started out slowly for the first mile, just trying to be careful not to aggravate my knee. Sped up for the final 2 and managed to get in a couple of laps that were under 11 m/m. There were lots of other runners at the track so I used them to push myself faster. Didn't seem to have an issue with my knees (knock on wood) but I have been icing them a little more.

Sue - Looks like I'll just miss you at WDW too! I still have AP which are good until Jan. I might have enough Air Miles to redeem for a 7-day pass ... I could get a plane ticket instead but would end up having to pay the taxes. Thanks for the tip on the DS tickets! I'll keep them in mind.

Margie - I don't know about the no life thing... I thought it was more a case of good discipline :)

Jen - What a relaxing way to spend the afternoon!

MaryJ - Hope your knee is feeling better! Do you ice or keep it in a knee brace when it's sore? Speaking of cleaning out your closet ... I have to do a little bit of that this weekend!

Denise - I love the extra daylight in the evening - it means I don't have to rush like crazy back from work to go running.

Connie - How's your foot? Are the blisters beginning to heal?

Scott - Did you get a motorcycle bike or a pedal bike?

Have a great weekend everyone!
Hi all,

DH & I are headed up to Indianapolis, both to visit our daughters and to attend the Log Home Expo. (A girl can dream, can't she? :goodvibes) My knee is feeling better today. I did ice it and was able to go for a short run today....30 minutes. Long run will have to wait for Sunday.

DD that lives in Denver is experiencing her first big snow of the season! She closed her business early and hunkered down with her dogs last night and watched three movies! She said if she can't have a spring break now that she's out of school, at least she got a snow day.

Have a great day everyone!
OK so here's the dilemma...Jordan is only up to walk/running one mile and he still thinks he wants to run the 10K on May 17th. I have been warning him that he should crack down for 3 weeks now and he just hasn't. When I warn him about injuries, he says "it's only 6 miles...I won't get injured". I have told him about a 5K that I planned on running that is 2 weeks earlier than the 10K and said that maybe that would be a better option for his first race and he is still thinking that he'll be fine for the 10K. I cannot find ANY training plan for 3 weeks to train for a 10K...let alone a Couch-10K in that time.

My question is...in your oppinion, can it be done safely??

Vicky - Glad your knee is better!! I just found out about the 90 day ADR system...UGH! I was so looking forward to booking those ressies! We are planning on Cali Grill, Le Cellier and Wolfgang Puck Cafe. We were impressed with the WG Express last Sept and we are planning a day for Disney Quest so I figured we'd eat at WGPC, but thats the only one I'm thinking to change right now.

Margie - That race course is literally in my old neighborhood! I so wish I could have gone!!

Mary - I wuld LOVE a day to hunker down and watch movies all night...but I'm hoping for a summer storm more than a winter one!

Denise - Pretty speedy there woman!!

Jennifer - Hope you are feeling better!
I hope its ok for me to pop in???? but I just wanted to say that if he really wants to do the 10k then he will, I know I don't run or walk but I only got my crank chair 4 weeks before the Princess and I did the distance. I do think that he would be better starting with the 5k though, better to finish your fist rance than not.
OK so here's the dilemma...Jordan is only up to walk/running one mile and he still thinks he wants to run the 10K on May 17th. I have been warning him that he should crack down for 3 weeks now and he just hasn't. When I warn him about injuries, he says "it's only 6 miles...I won't get injured". I have told him about a 5K that I planned on running that is 2 weeks earlier than the 10K and said that maybe that would be a better option for his first race and he is still thinking that he'll be fine for the 10K. I cannot find ANY training plan for 3 weeks to train for a 10K...let alone a Couch-10K in that time.

My question is...in your oppinion, can it be done safely??

Vicky - Glad your knee is better!! I just found out about the 90 day ADR system...UGH! I was so looking forward to booking those ressies! We are planning on Cali Grill, Le Cellier and Wolfgang Puck Cafe. We were impressed with the WG Express last Sept and we are planning a day for Disney Quest so I figured we'd eat at WGPC, but thats the only one I'm thinking to change right now.

Hmm... this sounds familiar. My DF didn't train much before the 1/2 in January. He'll tell you that he ran (on the street in his mind... :laughing: ) but he didn't do enough. Nor was he really physically active before so he didn't even have that. I told him the best way to do it was to walk half the distance and then to run the other half - if that's what he really wanted to do. He decided to try and run the whole thing... well he finished but he hobbled all the way back from the monorail to our room.

Maybe have Jordan follow a 10K training plan anyway. I looked at the Hal Higdon 10K (novice) plan and in the 3rd week, it has a 4 miler down as the LR. That's not too far off from 10K. Maybe just tell him to speed walk part of course.

I didn't know the ADR system changed back to 90 days. I guess there were too many people booking things too early :confused3 I like WGP too - though some of the items at the cafe are the same at the Express (like the ribs). I like the DD Express a bit better but no ribs there.
Good afternoon My Peeps!

It has been one of those days. Had to put out fires started by kids all day long and on top of all that, there's a dadgummed white out! .. "There's no blizzard like a plains blizzard! There's no blizzard I know...There's just nothing like the feeling of Not seeing through snow.....There's no Blizzard like plains blizzard, there's no blizzard I know".......:mic: (sung to the tune of "Show Business")

For awhile, I couldn't even see the lilac bushes that form a hedge in front of my house! All roads are closed! What a mess.

Did new flooring in the kitchen this week. Also a mess! But it's done and we are getting things back in place and back to normal...except for the white out, that is. :upsidedow

So, that's it for me. It's been a week!

Don't forget your times and minutes! We have a new thread on the horizon!

See ya -- Connie
Good Evening Team!

Connie - sounds like you got the storm we had yesterday! It was miserable!

Margie - I am hoping to manage my time better, now that I have most of my crew trained, and get here more often! Good job on the milage! Yes, I have my own bike - a Honda Pacific Coast. Scott is getting a sport bike, he still has the touring bike.

Vicki - we are talking motorcycles not bicycles! Of course, we have bicycles too, it is just not quite the weather for them yet! With our wind, it is rarely the weather for them:lmao:

Good luck to those who are racing this weekend - I remember that Dave is, but I thought there might be others that I was missing!

After a week of terrible weather - today was really nice, still rather cold, but sunny and NO WIND! The dogs and I got out for our first walk of the week! I have put on a couple of miles canvassing with my crew in training! Several of them in the storm yesterday!

Have a great weekend everyone!
Good morning, Everyone!

It's interesting here today. THere are 6 ft snow drifts in my yard! I'm not going anywhere! It's supposed to stop blowing later today. Can't wait! :faint:

See ya! Connie

Wont get much PT in on this bike.

I would tell Jordan give the 5K a go, with the goal to be just to finish regardless of the time, do what he can. Be smart and don't push it to injury. If it hurts stop, listen to the old body.
Scott H- Very NICE!!!! Enjoy & Be Safe.


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