Hakuna Matata - Let's rocket our Independence!

Hi Team!

I'm back from the doctor and she gave me the okay to run. Said there really isn't much I can do for the pain, except if it's a lot worse before the race, she would consider giving me an injection. In the meantime, she is giving me some samples of a topical anti inflammatory, one in a patch, one as a cream, because I can't take NSAIDS orally due to problems with colitis.

So, I guess I will stick with working out and getting massages to keep the muscles stretched. Thinking about going back to my chiro for ART.

Today is a rest day for me. Going to my friend's house for Bible study, then might run a few errands. Have a great day everyone!
Just wanted to let you know we are Thinking of You!
We know school is out, you are busy, on vacation, and life
often just takes over but Team Hakuna Matata Does Miss Hearing from you…

Denise, Elizabeth, Emily, Eva, figment82, Gerry,
Jack, Jennifer, Kirstie, Lorelei528, Pam, Robert,
Shannan, and Taryn
July 27th

Happy Birthday Jon!
(Captain Connie's DH)

Hope you have a Great Day!


From Scott and me also!

Sue – glad to hear the weather cooperated for your week at the cabin! Great job on the duathlon! And what Margie said!

Margie – sure, come over any time to play with the toys!

Mike – good job on your 8 miler!

Mary – glad to hear there is nothing seriously wrong with your knee (it was your knee wasn’t it?), hope the topicals help you.

Kim – good job on your race!

The dogs and I did a 6 miler this morning, it was best walk since the fiasco of the 11 mile last week. Yesterday I did get in 45 min on the bike in the basement, and started a yoga for core tape - it was really hard, I did not make it farther than the "warmup"! But, I think I will like it if I keep it up. Tomorrow will not be much time for exercising - it is "Cheyenne Day" as part of "Cheyenne Frontier Days", and the folks in local and state government get part or all of the day off. We will start with the free pancake breakfast - it is practice for mass feeding in an emergency, and they get thousands of folks fed pancakes, ham, coffee and milk in a very short period of time. Then we will watch the Thunderbirds show later in the morning, then head down to Colorado for Scott's Dr.'s appointment, he has also made an appointment at the bike shop to order his bike, and I should be able to pick up mine (mine is an off the floor model, so it will just involve pedals, water bottle cage to set it up). We put it on lay away last time because we did not have the bike rack with us so could not bring it home. We should make it back home about dinner time.

Pixie dust to all who are in need!

Have a great day all!
Hi y'all.

I spent the night in Nashville so running behind a little today.

Paperwork is sitting at ex's lawyer's office so not sure when we will get closure to this.

PF is about 95% healed and I'm optimistic that I'll be completely recovered soon. I'll do a post about all that went into healing the Panda paw.

Happy Birthday Jon!!!

Everyone have a magical day.

Hi everyone!

Jon - Happy birthday!! Hope you're having a great day!

Dave - Sorry to hear about the slow paperwork. No one ever seems to be in a rush to finish paperwork but at least things are in the process of being wrapped up. Glad to hear that your PF is almost gone!

Lynn - WTG on the 6 miler! What's the name of the yoga DVD you're working on? Core work is always tough at first but the rewards are awesome - tighter abs, better posture and better overall support for your body. The pancake breakfast sounds like fun! I hope you don't have to eat them as fast as they're planning to serve them :laughing:

Mary - Glad to hear you got the clearance to run from your doctor! Hope the ART and stretching help to get rid of the pain. Enjoy your day off today :)

Margie - Yep, I am planning to check them out tomorrow night. I'll post on Thursday as to how it went. Love your shout-out message to our missing team mates! Did you write that yourself :) It's sooo cute!!

Kim - Sounds really disorganized! I can't believe they wouldn't let Mike pick up your bib. There have been so many times, I've forgotten my email and they've just let me have the packet. Glad to hear that you beat your time! That's awesome! Did you register for Scotia yet?

Regina - I was at your pace when I started running two years ago so the speed will come naturally. Have you tried doing speedwork, sprint for a short interval - I usually go 0.25 miles and then go back to a walk or slow jog for another 0.25 miles. If you're running between 11:00-12:00 m/m, maybe try doing the sprints at 6.0 on the TM - that works out to a 10 m/m and see how you feel. They will be tough at first but they do work :)

Mike - Great 8 miler!! Wow that's a generous offer, especially since I such a shopaholic!! You never know what I might send to your house :) I have a friend I use to ship stuff to but he travels a lot now so I get nervous sending stuff to his house because it might sit on his porch for a long time. The prices for running gear (shoes especially) are so much cheaper in the US.

Sue - Congrats on your dualthon! I keep saying I gotta get me a bike and try out a race one day :) I didn't realize you could remove the pouch from the belt. My forearms don't usually brush against the bottles because my shoulders are always up by my ears :laughing: Bad habit really! To be honest, I can't even find a 4 bottle belt in small. I've been to the RR at Commerce Court and by my house - maybe everyone else has the same idea.

I also wanted to ask you since you go to the gym at lunch and workout, how do you cool down afterward? Last week, I took a cool shower but was still sweating a lot after the run. I think I was sweating all the way back to the office which really wasn't comfortable in office clothes. Any tips :)

AFM - Went to the gym last night but forgot my gloves. I have some nice callousus on my hand but that's okay because I don't have to hold anyone's hand :laughing: Don't think I'll be forgetting them next time. We did some deadlifting but didn't go as heavy (because of the gloves), weights and compound exercises. I want to try and fit in a massage this weekend but it's a holiday weekend and I don't think the RMT is around. No running at work this week because Speedy Gonzales is on vacation this week ... And that's it!

Have a great day everyone! :wave2:
Hello team! Stopping in to say hello!

Got 8 miles in today before work...stopped in a portapotty and a mouse ran across my foot!!! I screamed and squealed and got the heck out of there FAST! Woke me up for those last 3 miles though!!

Other than that, just been busy with Baby Gage!

Today I helped Nick move his parents pellets (for their pellet stove) into the house. We stacked two of three pallets (all three total 4 tons of pellets). Nick did most of the running and I did most of the stacking and figuring out how best to cram all the pellets in. Will probably do the last pallet tomorrow.

I got yelled at for helping. But, like Nick said, it needed to be done and people kept putting it off. So rather then having Mark hurt himself, we just did it.
oh my goodness, he is absolutly adorable!!!!

Vicky no I haven't registered for Scotia yet, I was actually thinking of doing the Good Life instead, since I have USAF on the 17th of Sept. However, regardless I will be going to the expo so hope we can hook up. I really wanted to PR USAF or Scotia but don't think it is going to happen so I will see how much new few long walks go and decide if I am going to do Scotia or give myself another month and do Good Life.

Lynn: WTG on the walks, you are really pounding out the pavement. Maybe time for another full ;)

Margie: How was the bike ride?

Better get going to work, it has sucked this week, but Monday is a civic holiday here so just keeping the eye on the prize

Have a great Wednesday all
Good Morning, Team! :wave2:

PM Thunderstorms / High 86°- 87% Humidity

Connie- :wave2: I called you must not be home from
That wild camping trip yet!

Dave- hang in there sounds like things will be over soon…
and you can start to have that needed closure.
Remember to give you self time!
Sounds like your PF is Way Better and you are back training. :goodvibes

Eva-:thanks: for sharing the cute picture of Little Gage!
WTG on your run. And we should probably thank that cute little
mouse for your added speed. :worship:

Hope-I missed something – what happened to Mark? :confused3
Yes, helping is always good for you and them.

Kim- sorry this week at work has been difficult :hug:
:thanks: bike ride was nice. It is still warm, but you
do create a little breeze when riding!

Lynn-WTG on your 6-mile...Wow!
:thanks: you guys are so active.
Not sure I could keep up, Or if you would not be off on
another adventure if I just stopped by, but I do know
it would be Way fun being at your house!

Mary- Take care of that knee :flower3:

Mike- WTG another very nice run! :goodvibes

Regina-I cannot imagine nothing interesting at your house! :goodvibes
I am actually going to try to hold the plank today!
Maybe if I try listening to 'something' and set the timer it will work.
How many reps do you do?

Scott-how’s recovery coming?
sounds like you are do the 'paper work' from home?

Congratulation - will add you to the Goofy Team Race List!

Vicky-hope the new group is a nice fit tonight!
Impressed with how active you are. :hug:
I am like you way too hot-did you start your
Shower start out warm and go to COLD?
It helps me cool down a lot if I can get my hair wet.
:thanks: Yes I wrote the Shout Out-

pixiedust: pixiedust:
Connie & Jon (back, bruising, broken ribs, foot, & cold),
Dave (PF & Left Achilles), Jennifer (car accident),
Kim (foot), Kirstie (arm), Mary (knee),
Scott (recovering from knee surgery) Vicky (ankle & stress)

AFM:Going to try Regina's 2-minute plank today!
only one little guys this morning - then 2 after lunch until 9:15PM
so maybe get in a walk with My Little Hagen after the sun goes down.

Connie, Dave, Denise, Elizabeth, Emily, Eva, figment82, Gerry, Hope,
Jack, Jennifer, Kim, Kirstie, Lorelei528, Mary, Mike, Pam, Regina,
Robert, Scott & Lynn, Shannan, Sue, Taryn, and Vicky

Good Morning Team!

Kim, I'm with you. Was on vacation last week & I'm already anticipating the long weekend. We are off to Ottawa. Are you doing anything exciting?


Vicky, I only had the 2nd gym membership last year when training for Goofy & used it more for weights. Didn't get as sweaty as running. Would have a quick cool shower then back to work to sweat at my desk. There doesn't seem to be any way around it. My face would be bright red for the rest of the day.

Lynn, Enjoy the pancakes & Thunderbirds. Sounds like fun.

Margie, Do you have all the kids today? Doing any thing exciting?

AFM, I made it official. I'm going Goofy again!
Took last night off to see The Sorcerer's Appentice(sp?). Tonight's weather will decide spin vs running.

Have a great day...........Sue
Good Afternoon Team,

Vicky~ I'll check for a four bottle size small fuel belt and the price on the pouch, probably tomorrow. Liz got me a gift certificate for Father's day that I want to use to get some tech socks, so I'll be going anyway.

Margie~ Thanks to you again for keeping track of all of us and our races! How's Hagen? Robert is in his last week at Summer Camp and will probably be going stir crazy next week!

Eva~ Love the Gage pic!

AFM~ I ran six today in the heat. I wanted more, but it was too darn hot! Oh well, more time to get the laundry done! :laundy: I paid for my W.I.S.H. shirts, so I'll be extra cool when we meet up at WDW!

-Mike :cool2:
Mark is fine, Nick was worried that he would get hurt if he helped and he has a trip coming up. He's also, as Nick said, old. Remember, Nick's words, not mine!

We finished the last pallet today, so now the 4 tons of pellets are snug in the basement waiting for the New England winter to come. Today, Miranda yelled at me for doing it with Nick. I can't win! :sad2: Other then a crick in my neck from sleeping wrong and the pellet dust boogies, I feel great.
Hi guys.

I feel pretty good after the 6.5 miles race walking this morning. Thought I might start getting sore during the day but everything is ok.

Hope you can't win there girl.

Mike, yes hot!

Hard to believe we are less than 6 months to the Marathon weekend.

Hello team! I hope everyone is having a good week.

I haven't done any training yet this week. I took a softball to the side of my calf at my game on Monday. It left quite a bruise and hurts to walk on. I've been icing my leg and taking ibuprofen, it seems to have gotten better. I am going to walk tomorrow to see how it feels, not sure when I'll get back to running.
Hi Team,

Jon- Happy Belated Bday!!!

Kim- I’m glad your 10K went well! Seems weird they wouldn’t give Mike your bib when it was informal and not timed? BTW, beautiful roses you posted!!

Margie- You measure by your foot length, but because everyone’s size is different, you should try on different sizes. I went to REI and tried some on but they didn’t have my size in the style I wanted. I like to spend my time up in the clouds sometimes so I practice while I’m waiting somewhere, in boring meetings, when I’m trying to pass the time… :cloud9: :laughing:, it’s probably not the best idea, but I have fun with it. The most interesting thing we have had going on is trying to get our vacation in October figured out and planned. How did you do on your planks?! I only do 1 rep on each side (3 total). I’ve tried to do a 2nd rep after doing them all once and a workout, but was just too tired to hold it for too long.

Mary- I’m glad the Dr. gave you the ok to run.

Lynn- Cheyenne Day sounds really interesting! How did it go? How short of a time period are we talking?

Vicky- I have not tried any speedwork. Since it’s my first half, my only goal is to finish, which I’m pretty confident I can do. I don’t want to stress myself out with time goals for the first race and want to be able to just enjoy my accomplishment of finishing. Once I finish my first one though, my goal is to keep improving and eventually add speed work into my training. Thanks for the suggestions though! I’ll keep them in mind for my next race because I will need them then. Did you get a feel for the regulars at the run today?

Eva- Great job on your 8 miles! I would scream too if a mouse ran across my foot in a portapotty!! Baby Gage is very cute!!

Kim- You’re almost to a long weekend! Only a few days left!!

Sue- How was the Sorcerer’s Apprentice?

Dave- I’m glad your race walking went well! I agree- the time is flying!

Emily- I hope your injury heals soon! It sounds painful! pixiedust:

AFM, I’ve really been slacking. I skipped my run yesterday and my gym workout today. I must go tomorrow so it does not become a bad habit I can’t afford to have! :rolleyes1
Good morning team!!!!!!

Sue: Nope nothing planned for the long weekend, lots of housework that I have been avoiding and it just might be a purge of the garage and a few bon fires that is it. Have fun in Ottawa and congrats on going goofy!!!!!!

Mike WTG on the 6M and WISH shirts

Pudge OUCH that sounds horrible, feel better soon.

ReginaThank you, it was a total surprise, our anniversary isn't for a few weeks but I am big on don't do something special for me when you feel you have to ie Valentines Day, BIrthday etc. Let me know you are thinking about me on a normal day, even just a quick note. I also have been slacking this week back at it tonight.

DAVE OMG I know 6 months can you believe it. BTW under 3 months till USAF and I get my Panda hug. Been to long my friend!!!

AFM nothing special, been a bad week food and exercise wise, just too much going on and me just being lazy when I finally get home. Going out for a 40 - 50 min walk tonight before the football game and only healthy snacks. Back on track

Hi to the rest of the team, hope you are all doing well
Good Morning, Team! :wave2:

Sunny / High 82°- 80% Humidity

Connie- :wave2: I was told to tell you WE MISS YOU! :grouphug:

Dave- WTG nice walk!
Do you consider yourself healed of PF and the problem with your left Achilles?
Do I take you off the injured list?

Emily-Ouch-sorry to hear about your injury!
Take Care!

Hope-Mark is old…:sad2: not thinking so from my perspective!
Was everyone concerned you would cause a problem due to the
surgery you recently had?

Kim-enjoy the long weekend -whatever you do!

Lynn-how was the pancakes?

Mike-Robert at summer camp-day camp?
Does he have kids in the neighborhood to play with?
Hagen is still on medication but he is doing good.
You will love the WISH shirts!

Regina-okay I did 2-2 minute regular planks;
did not do the side planks, as I have not been doing them.
0-2 minutes did not sound like a good idea. btw my DD timed me,
so I could not cheat. Brady and Hagen sat by my head and talked
to me, well Hagen laid on the floor almost under my face.
And I did get a muscle cramp near the top of my rib cage!
Let us know how you like the shoes!

Scott-:flower3: Hope you see progress today!

Sue-:upsidedow Enjoy the Holiday Weekend!

Vicky-:hug: glad you enjoyed the new running group!
You are one busy young lady!

pixiedust: pixiedust:
Connie & Jon (back, bruising, broken ribs, foot, & cold),
Dave (PF & Left Achilles), Emily (bruised calf), Jennifer (car accident),
Kim (foot), Kirstie (arm), Mary (knee),
Scott (recovering from knee surgery) Vicky (ankle & stress)

AFM: :confused3 Hagen is sleeping in!

Connie, Dave, Denise, Elizabeth, Emily, Eva, figment82, Gerry, Hope,
Jack, Jennifer, Kim, Kirstie, Lorelei528, Mary, Mike, Pam, Regina,
Robert, Scott & Lynn, Shannan, Sue, Taryn, and Vicky

Good morning team.

Kimmer, yes to long between hugs from beautiful princesses.

Margie, no I won't consider my self healed, I will consider it an on going challenge to keep up the stretching and all the other parts of treatment for both.

Today was pool work and stretching, I'm only going to walk train every other day.

Everyone have a super day.

Good Morning Team!

Woke up today thinking it was already Friday.

Eva, Don't know what happened to my last post. You have quite the cutie! Any decision on Oct. & leaving Gage with grandma? Got for it.

Kim, After you purge your garage our basement could do with one. Not looking forward to that job.
Any decision on doing GL marathon in Oct? I'm in the minority & prefer it to Scotia.

Regina, Had never really thought about those shoes until I saw a guy on the weekend with them. Now you mention them. Now I want a pair.

Just got home from work last night & the T'storms rolled in. That made the decision to go spinning easy. Out for a run tonight.
Have a great day.................Sue


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