Hakuna Matata Hearts and flowers!


Team Hakuna Matata
Aug 9, 2007
Hey Team!!! :love:

This is the month of Valentine's and Healthy Heart Month!! We are the poster children for this month! I encourage everyone to review the signs of a heart attack and stroke (especially the ladies) and make every beat count!!!

What Counts in the Challenge
All exercise: running, walking, wogging, biking, swimming, skiing, cross-training, lifting weights, yoga, Pilates, chasing hotties…. If it raises your heart rate, it counts! If an activity can reasonably be calculated in terms of distance, keep track of both miles and hours/minutes. If not, it still counts for hours/minutes.

Reporting Miles and Hours/Minutes
This year’s challenge begins February 1st. We’re asking all members to keep track of their mileage and hours/minutes and report them to the thread or to captains regularly (weekly or monthly, your choice). We’ll publish the team’s monthly totals on the first post of the thread for our records and so that other teams can feel inspired (intimidated?) by our progress.

If any team member wants to publish their individual totals, place your miles and hours/minutes in your signature area. You can update those totals as often as you would like. Feel free to draw our attention to your many accomplishments, training strategies, any training challenges or injuries, questions, and of course upcoming events.

Most Important Rule
Remember, participation in the challenge is for you! Don’t obsess about the challenge and its miles and minutes. Concentrate on the best YOU possible.

Glad everyone could come back! And checkout our new member!!


January Totals: 543.01 miles and 110:31 hours !

Hey Team!!! :love:

This is the month of Valentine's and Healthy Heart Month!! We are the poster children for this month! I encourage everyone to review the signs of a heart attack and stroke (especially the ladies) and make every beat count!!!

If you guys just want to keep your time and miles in your signatures, I will find it there. Just be sure to have it broken out for the month we are in, so that I can post both the monthly total and the Total total??? :rotfl: Or send me a PM if you like! We won't be using the spread sheet, so I will post it at the top of each new monthly thread!! Thanks!


Good morning Captain Connie. I will begin training again tomorrow so today is only rest and work. I have been doing some easy training to get ready to start back in earnest. I have a lot of goals for the year so I need to get after them.

My conservative goals for the year are to stay healthy and walk a 5K under 33 min. Anyone else have any goals made?

This month my goal is to loose the 10 lbs I put on in January, darn vacation!

Have an awesome day y'all.

Resting Panda:wave2:
Hey Hakuna Matata!

Just driving by to say Best of Luck with your miles and minutes this year! I am so psyched all the Teams are getting new cousins! We are going to make new friends, but keep the old -- and you guys are some of the oldies but goodies!

Thanks Maria!

I got in a 4 mile walk this morning, knee did not hurt as much as in the past, but still hurts enough to make walking without limping very difficult! My pace was really slow, over 16 mm's. But I am encouraged that the knee felt better than 2 days ago!

I am also looking to lose some weight - I did not gain any at WDW, but I have not lost any since I have been home either - and I have been trying to eat better! Quess I'll have to cut some of the quantity!

Have a great evening everyone!
Woot Woot! You folks rocked January! :cool1:

I love your post on Healthy Heart month, too! What a great way to organize your thread. And to keep all us WISHers focused on what's important! :thumbsup2

Connie: I forgot to mention the doubled miles for races on our thread. Thought I'd remind you, too!
Hi TEAM! :wave2:

Love the Heart Healthy Month! ::yes::

Congratulations, TEAM! You did great for January!!!!

Me too: This month I too need to get back on track with my walking, gym, and healthier eating habits. Did not gain at WDW but did gain before and since! It seems I am one who does not lose when I am sick :guilty:

Hakuna Matata guys!!! You all have an awesome team and some fantastic leadership. (I hope I can live up to their model!)

Dave Those are some great goals. My main goals are to break the 3 hour mark on a Half Marathon and just trying to be the best that I can be!!

As for the rest, let's get out there and have a fantastic year!!

Triple D's:thumbsup2
Good Morning Team!

Looks like it is going to be a good week here, warmer, not too windy after today, I am planning some good walks this week. Today is my cross training - leg routine, Pilates tape, maybe some Yoga, and a shorter walk with the dogs.

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning Team!!!

I didn't get my speed work in yesterday. I guess I pushed a little too hard on the cross training. But I will have those miles and minutes! Heck, with training for the Goofy this year, I can't help but have them!!

Good game last night.

I have to take our tractor in for repair today. I will get to see my GS12, whose birthday is today. Nope, he's not a groundhog or a prognosticator of any kind. He was just born on Groundhog Day. He didn't even stay in Holiday Inn Express last night!!

Thanks for the reminder of double miles on races, Debra!!! Thanks for coming by! Thanks for letting borrow your rules, too!!! :thumbsup2

Make a great day, friends and cousins!
Found the new thread

Did a nice cold six miler yesterday.

Did not watch the superbowl, very ambilivant to most sports except the Tour de France.
Good workout this morning. I was hoping for outside but it was 30 degrees and threatening rain so I went to the treadmill.

.25 mile 3.0 warm up
.25 mile 3.5 warm up

.5 mile 4.0

1.0 mile 4.5

.25 mile 6.0

.25 mile 4.0

.5 mile 5.0

.5 mile 4.0

.25 mile 5.0

.25 mile 3.0 cool down

3 sets of 50 calf raises and 3 sets of 50 shin raises.

Leg and chest weight workout.

Good stretching routine.

Concentrated on keeping tight abs throughout the workout. Keep good technique through out walk and weights.

Connie I had 4 miles total and 2 hours total.

Thanks for stopping in guys from other teams. Bryan I have a training thread on the DisneyRunning Walking section, Training Thoughts and Ideas, where I'm tracking my progress toward my goals.

Power Panda is back, wearing white and blackpirate:

Training Panda:goodvibes
Happy Monday everyone! Wow, I can't believe it's February already! I heard on the news this morning that the groundhogs are predicting a longer winter. But the report also mentioned that they're only 50% accurate. So I'm hoping they're wrong this time :)

Connie - Happy belated birthday!!! :cake: Chasing hotties is counted as exercise ... hmm... you must have known that I was looking for a new exercise since I'm taking a short break from running!

Dave - I haven't set any concrete exercise goals this year. I have the usual lose weight. I'm hoping I can drop 10 pounds by the 1/2 in May but I usually can't lose while I'm training. I'm also hoping to run a 1/2 in under 2:20.

Eva - Not sure about the cross border meds. I'm pretty sure you can't do prescription meds but OTC might be okay.

Margie - I lost 4 pounds while I was sick but that was what I gained at WDW. So unfortunately it all evened out. It wasn't the greatest way to lose weight but I'll take it. Cleaner (or clean-ish as I was telling Debra) eating is on my to-do list too!

Lynn - Yay for warmer weather! We had a little bit over the weekend. The roads were all wet with the melting snow. Unfortunately, I've heard the colder weather is coming back on Wedneday. Boo!

JPFamilyMom - :welcome:

Scott - I'm the same with sports, not much into the mainstream stuff either. I do want to check out some of the Superbowl commercials later tonight.

That's all for me! Have a great day everyone!
Happy Groundhog Day Everyone!

It's Monday again. Why do the 2 days of the weekend always fly by?

Welcome! Familymom

My work relocated to a new office over the weekend. Our department really lucked out with the window seats. So bright & sunny today. Just makes you feel better about being at work.

Dropped my paperwork off at the new gym I joined. Had planned on working out today but with unpacking etc. I will start fresh tomorrow.

Happy belated birthday, Connie.

Made it to pilates class on Sun. Finally had some nice temps. & sun but it made the road a melting mess.

Dave, glad to hear your back at it & had a good workout.

I need to get back to work. Havea great evening.....Sue

Just wanted to say hello. I'm just getting back into training after doing the half at WDW. I was on the Herc's Heroes team, and have been placed with you wonderful folks. The Half was my first long distance race, and I was definitely a wogger. (More walking than jogging.)

My next race will be the mini marathon in Indianapolis May 2. DH admitted he was a bit jealous of me doing the half and WDW and signed up for the mini as well. We are both doing the Donald in 2010.


Just wanted to say hello. I'm just getting back into training after doing the half at WDW. I was on the Herc's Heroes team, and have been placed with you wonderful folks. The Half was my first long distance race, and I was definitely a wogger. (More walking than jogging.)

My next race will be the mini marathon in Indianapolis May 2. DH admitted he was a bit jealous of me doing the half and WDW and signed up for the mini as well. We are both doing the Donald in 2010.


Welcome Mary, we are mostly walkers on here also. We do have some runners to so we speak both.:wave2:

Walking Panda:goodvibes
:bday: Belated Birthday, Connie! :flower3: Hope you had a Fantastic Day. Sent the card early then the date completely got away from me :blush:

No training today - I feel better, but everyone else is sick! :crazy2:

Vicky-me too. I keep telling myself it will be easier when we can get outside. :upsidedow

Mary, when did you register for the Indy Half? It's another race that closes early - wish I had registered last November.

:hippie: Glad you are back on schedule and had a good workout today.

Bryan - 3: hr half is one of my future goals also. I did a 3:10 last year.

Hey all, so I'm off to a bad start for February. Sundays are my rest day and yesterday got away from me. We had relocated a month ago and my son had just been diagnosed with ASD, though I still think it's more like ADHD, and I'm trying to get him into preschool down here (I was on the phone all day yesterday, and finally we can go take some tours this week). So today I will do my first jog/walk of the week. I'm on the couch to 5K plan.

(When I log my miles and hours, how does that work? If I run 30 min and make it 2 miles is it 2 miles and also 30 min? And then when I do my yoga or other cross training, do I just add that time into my minutes?Thanks in advance)

Goals: I was never a runner, I walked the mile all through school, and danced my way through college, well until I stopped due to having kids, lol, anyhow so my goals are to first run a 5K sometime between April and October, I found two I would be interested in doing. Then my BIG goal is the 1/2 in WDW 2010. :)

Thanks for the welcome wishes
Mary, when did you register for the Indy Half? It's another race that closes early - wish I had registered last November.

I registered in early December. It has since been closed.
Good Morning Team!

Welcome Mary!

Just live the new office. I can sit at my desk, see out the window & know it's snowing. AGAIN! Not too much today but cold temps. tomorrow.

Goals for 2009.
It will be all about the cross training.
I joined another gym so I can go at lunch for weight training.
I have registered for 1 race - Toronto Waterfront Marathon. Doing the full.
Would love a 4:15 finish.
Using this as a warm up for the Goofy. I have set huge goals for myself for these races. I have said them to my husband. Just not ready to post.

Have a great day & happy training. On the tm tonight........Sue


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