Hakuna Matata - Gobbling up the pavement and thankful we can!

Hi everyone!

Saylan - Sorry to hear that your supervisor is forcing you to chose between a vacation and job certification. That just isn't right... :( Sounds to me like she's on a bit of a power trip. Get the certificate and go... With the industry that I work in, that's actually really common. I've worked jobs before where vacations were limited but my managers always worked with me if there was a day I needed to be off. Yup and I have no problems on picking up the medals for anyone on the board who needs them :)

Beth - Good luck with the lottery and great job feeling like you're up 5:1 intervals. What's your eventual goal for the intervals?

Margie - Glad you liked Wicked! I keep meaning to go and see it :) Take a picture if the little ones make that snowman!

Elizabeth - I hope the ortho is able to figure out what's causing your shin splints. Make sure you're icing in the meantime. Any news on the house?

Dave - My feet have increased a size since I started running. I started out in size 8 runners and now my regular shoe size seems to have increased to an 8 as well. Go figure! At least it's not our heads :laughing:

Lynn - Happy belated birthday! Sorry I think I missed saying that in the last post. Hope you and Scott are having a blast in WDW!

Regina - Whoa! That's some serious shopping! I'm going to miss our shopping trip in February :( Tips for running in the snow... some people I know swap their runners out for trail shoes which are supposedly more grippy. I just stick with my regular runners. I try to run on the roads because I find them less slippery than the sidewalks and you'll have to go slower. Avoid running on sidewalks that are partially covered in snow or have snow packed down in patches. The snow can cover ice and the packed snow creates an uneven surface which is bad for your ankles - trust me I know from experience :( I never found the Yaktrax or the other grips did much for me.

Kim - How's the heel?

AFM - I picked up a copy of Epic Mickey last night! I'm so excited but probably won't have time to play it until Friday or Saturday.

Went to boxing last night and worked on different combinations of punches. I actually reached a point where I was tired because I'm not use to standing on the balls of my feet so my shoulders were fatigued and so were my calves. I guess it was a good workout! I've got 30 minutes of training tonight and then I'm going to meet quickly with my chiro so we can discuss my sports doc appointment tomorrow. I just want to make sure I'm asking the right questions.

The eating is going well so far. I'm managing to avoid white foods, fried foods and I'm staying away from the refined sugar. Now if I could just increase the cardio, I'd be set :)

Have a great day everyone! :wave2:
Vicky ~ Thanks! I'm not positive I'm up to it, but I think I'll give it a go. Maybe not this weekend - depends on the cold. I think that would be a cool ratio to run the half at...I'm not sure my running partner is up to it since he kind of freaked when I mentioned it. Right now I just think it would be fun to do for a few runs before the half if dropping from 5 to 4 will make 4 feel like 3 did last night relatively speaking. :) And of course eventually I'd love to be able to full run at least a 5K. But for now the run/walk it shall be.

Good luck with the eating!!! :) I've contemplated finding a kickboxing class for x-t, but my next thing to try after the half will be pilates. Groupon had a deal for a studio here, so I'm going to give it a go on x-t days after the half and see how I like it. (Don't want to try something that new so close.)

Good Afternoon Team!

Vicky, I'm interested to hear what your thoughts are about Epic Mickey. I was also thinking of buying but am hearing mixed reviews.

Lynn, Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you had a great day.

Margie, Glad you enjoyed Wicked. Was Lion King coming to your area?
I bought tickets as a Christmas gift but it doesn't come to Toronto until later in April. Can't wait to see that one.

Regina, That's some Black Friday shopping. I'd just like to experience it just once. It's not quite the same as our Boxing Day.

Need to run. Much work to get done.........Have a great day..........Sue
Sounds like everyone here is doing well! My December resolution is to be more involved with the board!

AFM- I am still not walking. I have done the bike and find it tedious, however being at my mom's house using the bike and watching TV helps. My leg is no better, kind of worse in the fact that my sore spot is no longer just 3 fingers but a nice line about the size of my hand. The PTs at work are being great and using their lunch/open times to do treatments on me. They hurt but hurt so good. I am now able to walk about 30 steps before I feel any pain instead of 20 so something must be working.

Keep up the great work everyone! I hope to do better this month in replies!
Beth, I'm going to look at their site but since they have my home town's university football team listed at the top, I suspect they'll support Canada too (Go Mustangs! lol). [Edit]: Looks like the promo has ended. I'll take a look at them in a store somewhere.

Vicky, yeah, I'm not sure what to do as I don't want to give up the race but the sooner I get the certificate, the sooner I can list it as completed on my resume and hopefully get out. I just can't find a loophole to get me off work for those two days. :confused3
Hi Kids,

Just stopping in to say HI!

Jack~ Thanks for stopping in! GO PATRIOTS!!

Dave~ bigger feet? Does that mean you'll cover more ground? :rotfl:

Four to six inches of snow predicted here starting at midnight tonight. First real snowfall, we have had only a dusting so far. I think I'll ignore it when I get home tomorrow morning after work, and sleep all day!

-Mike :cool2:


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