Hakuna Matata: Dash away, dash away, dash away All!

Hi everyone! Still no carry-ons so I will be wearing my running outfit on the plane because I really can't take the chance of it getting lost. I'll probably look pretty dorky in tights, running jacket and my long sleeved shirt - but at least with the weather being cold, I won't have to layer my shorts and t-shirt :)

Dave - Wow! I never got slippers before. Gee - all you need is a hot tub and fireplace and you're set! Thanks for the cold weather update.

Margie - We've got a direct flight from Toronto to Orlando. I think we're scheduled to land 9:30 or something like that so I'll keep an eye out for you :) If it snows or security is bad, we may get delayed.

Scott - Guess I'll have to pack some winter stuff afterall. Orlando is still warmer than Toronto. At least it's above freezing and best of all no snow! :laughing:

Wow! I can't believe we're here already. See everyone in a few days :) :wave2:
12 MPH, not even blowing.....

Salvation Army Score two sweatshirts $3.00, Also made a donation, Salvation Army is an excellent charity and they do great work.

No work phone or computer going with me.... YEAH!!!!!

Also we all complained that the RFTT it was too hot... LOL picky picky picky...
Jack, Thanks for the vote of confidence! Hopefully next spring I'll be convincing you to come up from RI and cheer me on.

Sadly I won't be at the POP meet either, so make sure to say hello during the corral wait time.

10k in 56 minutes. Ugh. Taper always makes me feel slow and fat (even though I know it's for the best)
40 degrees in Denver and 32 in Orlando..... take that Al Gore....
Also Jack, given my line of work I want to start a class action suit against Al Gore fro inventing the Internet.... LOL
Good morning guys.

Look at the post I made on clipping your toe nails. If you are already on the road, bet you forgot didn't ya.

I'm all showered and ready to travel this morning just waiting for the sun to come out and the parks to open. Trying to get in 7 hours of walking around evey day to acclimate to that long on my feet. Makes a difference don't cha know.

They are working on the Mexican counter service place at Epcot and with the way the wall is placed there it is going to cause a bottleneck like you have nightmares about. It's worse than the loop around the fountian, at the worst it's about a ten foot wide space to channel 30,000 people through.:scared1:

So this is surely going to be an interesting race.

Love you all and can't wait to see you guys.

If any one has a way of contacting Vicky, please let her know that I need to speek to her eurgently. She gave me her cell no. but it is not working.

She is running the half with my Dh and they need to change there corall letter, but I must have her last name to confirm this in an emial today!!! so that they are ready to do it tomorrow.

I've only just been able to talk to the RD thats why I couldn't tell her earlier.

Thanks. I got hold of her, and I think she was surprized!!!
Hey Teammates!

I'm sure most of you have a WISH shirt, but in case you don't, I'll be bringing one with me that I'd like to unload. I ordered it for DH as a Christmas gift, but it is huge on him. It is a large, and I guess with all this working out, he's toned up more than I thought. :) So, I'll have the shirt with me at Pop if anyone's interested. I just wanted to offer it to my team first. :grouphug:
From the Race Director::

Dear WALT DISNEY WORLD® Marathon Weekend race participants:

Race weekend is almost here! Our team is making final preparations for your arrival, and we wanted to take a moment to provide you some information to help you pack for your trip.

The weather forecast for Marathon weekend is for cooler than normal temperatures across Central Florida. Temperatures at the start of both the Half Marathon on Saturday and Marathon on Sunday are projected to be in the low 30s with highs reaching the low 50s each day. The best approach is to plan to dress in layers so that as you warm up during your race you can remove layers as needed. (All clothing that is discarded on the race course will be donated to charity.) In addition to extra layers of clothing, other items you should consider packing include gloves and hats. Mylar blankets will be available for runners at the finish line on both Saturday and Sunday.

We encourage you to keep checking weather forecasts leading up to the weekend on sources like www.accuweather.com so that you can plan to dress appropriately on race morning. We will provide updates throughout the weekend at Disney’s Health & Fitness Expo as well.

We look forward to hosting you to a fantastic WALT DISNEY WORLD® Marathon experience this weekend. Best wishes to you for a great race!

Jon Hughes
Race Director
Jack that's the plan... LOL... 1.5years to go..the pulling the pin...or maybe jan next year, will see,I have the best team in the wrld.

Dave my fflipping frog is froze
Good morning y'all. I think we are finally going to have a real Florida day, sunny and 59.

Today is expo so I'll be seeing everyone there. Make sure you fill any holes in your cold weather gear.

7 miles in 63 minutes ( 3 at race pace 8:30 the rest at about 9:20).

Note to add toe-nail clipping to the to do list

Jenn~ I got 5.5 in in 45min. your rest pace is my cardiac arrest pace :lmao:

Last run till The Big One! have to pack tonight we usually leave our coats in the car, I think we'll be bringing em' this year. At least the parks will be less crowded :cold:

My plan is to arrive around 1030/1100 get settled end head over the the center to get my package. I'd like to check out the expo while I'm the family will be in a park and I'll meet them there.

POP meet is what time? Hope to see everyone over the weekend. if not at pop. Green Red Sox hat!

Anxiety setting in ; breathe breathe
Best of luck to all Wish members and of course MY TEAM. Like Eva, I won't be there this year but will be thinking of all of you, especially at 2:30 am tomorrow morning when I open one eye, look at the clock and roll over because I don't have to get out of bed to catch a bus. I'll still miss the excitement of the start, the smiles of the volunteers and that tearful moment when I get my medal.

Stay strong, do the best you can and enjoy the moments.

Good Evening Team - from chilly Orlando!

Dave - sorry I did not get to see you today! I did not see many folks, I was way at the back - I did finish at 3:48:52, and I was with the sweepers from mile 8 on, they kept on threatening to sweep us, (meaning those I was near), and by mile 10 I was ready for that bus, I even saw several busses and vans along side the road, but no one ever said "get in the bus/van" so I ended up finishing the race. Because of the cold, my knee hurt more than normal, but my frozen toes hurt even more! We got "home" and got into the hot tub for about an hour before we thawed!

Tomorrow I will be volunteering at the water stop near mile 13, so maybe I will see all of you who are racing tomorrow!

Have a great evening team!


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