Hakuna Matata - August Days and Nights!!


Team Hakuna Matata
Aug 9, 2007
Hi Guys!

Time for a new thread! We are doing great! We have the time, apparantly to rack up the hours in cross training and racing! Go US!!

Reporting Date for August is:

August 8th
August 15
August 22
August 31

Thanks guys!
Hi, again!

Just a quick drive-by. I have been under the weather this week. My meds for my shoulder haven't agreed with me very well. So, I have been feeling pretty crummy and haven't gotten any miles or hours in, here the end of our week.

I am feeling better and looking to make some miles, today.

Happy Friday everyone! I can't believe it's August already... we're only 5 months away from January! And I'm only 2 months away from my first 1/2. Yikes! I'd better step up my training! I'm also aiming to run the Nike+ 10K on August 31 (http://nikeplus.nike.com/nikeplus/humanrace/index.jsp) I don't really know anyone else near me who's registered to run it so I'll probably do myself.

So what's everyone got planned for the weekend? I don't have any plans myself. I'm going to out to dinner with my little sister - she's decided for some reason to celebrate her birthday more than a month early. I hope she's not expecting two presents :laughing:

Connie - :hug: Hope you're feeling better soon! Have you been to see anyone about your shoulder? I was thinking a massage might be just thing for sore muscles and to help you relax!

Kim - :wave2: Haven't seen you around in ages! How's the training going for the Scotiabank 1/2?

Have a great weekend and keep up the great work everyone!!


You guys feel better. I guess you guys are sick of hearing how good my training is going. Sorry, but hey when stuff happens to me it's unique, like flying dogs and stuff.

Today was a pilaties, cals, stretching and pool running day. It is different doing the stretching and cals barefoot. It makes your feet and ankles work harder without the support of the shoes. I think the stretches are deeper without the shoes also. Maybe the gals have something there getting out of their shoes as soon as they are done walking or running.

Have an awesome day y'all.

Walking Panda:hippie:
:woohoo: the long weekend is almost here & another week of vacation!

I've started doing the 1/2 12 week training program leading into the Toronto Marathon in October. I'm doing the training. Can't decide if I will actually race. Did my first track workout this week. 5x400m. Not too bad.
There were many walkers and another runner doing something similar to me. Nice change of pace.

Connie, hope you are feeling better & taking good care of yourself.

Vicky, I would be interested in this run but it's on the long weekend.....the cottage comes in first. Still a little confused on this event. I don't have the nike+ and I'm not interested in doing the clinic through the Running Room. The location is just not convenient.

Dave, Doing pilates sans shoes I realize how weak my ankles really are. This is my Monday night crosstraining. Gripping the mat with your toes is quiet the workout.

Have a great weekend.....happy training....Sue
Sue - I think with the Nike+ 10K, you just register and record your time. The only Canadian city that's listed is Vancouver. I don't have a Nike+ either. There was a thread somewhere here with a couple other DIS'ers doing it. For the route, there's a Running Room near my house and they've posted a 10K run through my neighbourhood so that was handy. Even though I'll be running alone, I'm hoping that it will still count as a race and I can double my mileage :)
Today was a rest day for me. Tomorrow Mark and I will have at it again. Actually, it's pretty nice here this evening so I wonder if he would like to venture out instead of our date night. mmmmmmmmmmm:love:

Connie, I know how painful it is to try and workout with neck/shoulder problems. And as suggested a massage is a great way to ease some of that pain- time it so you can go home and drink lots of fluids after - for me a glass of wine is frowned on but shhhhhhhh don't tell her!

In 2 weeks we have a Cigna road race and I want to do the route tomorrow it's only a 5k but I want to gauge my time alone - in the wee hours of the am and then with 5000 participants in the heat of the night to see how a faire!

Well off from work so I'll see you guys later!

Good morning team mates.

Another hot and humid day today in the hills of Kentucky. I decided to hit the treadmill since I wanted some control on my speed and also to beat the unpleasent conditions outside.

I did a very good walk on the tready. Warm up and then progressively increased pace ending with a mile at 10:54 pace. Then a very good weight workout.

Something I've noticed and you have to be famililar with weight training to get any meaning here. I do my weights after doing my walk training, when you exercise extra blood is pumped to the muscles that are working causing them to temperarily increase in size. This is referred to in the weight training speak as a pump. You can feel it when you have worked a muscle group and it is noticeably bigger.

Well what I've noticed is that since I just walked hard for an hour and then go right to the weights I don't get a pump in the muscles I'm weight training. I'm wondering if the pump is necessary for muscles to grow and if so am I being less efficient by weight training after hard walk training.

Have a wonderfull weekend y'all.

Curious Panda:hippie:
Looks like I'm the only one around this morning. Mark and I did the 5 miles this morning rather than the 5K route. It's close to home and quite pleasant. Knocked 2 min off our time whoo hoo!

Plan on a fun day today now that the hair and makeup are done.

Enjoy your weekend!

Hi Denise. Good job on your miles!

Playing catch up this weekend. Nothing much going on here.
Hi Kids we are back, did a 5K on the Magic, hit the deck 4 track every day, Lynn will post our miles etc, still ate way tooo much adn had a great tiem, need to get caught up here,

Saw Wall-e , it was KEWL really likes it.

Soon we will be off to DL for the 1/2, hve the Susan Kolmen this weekend, WOW time is flying,

Later kids, we are atLAX awaiting a flight, lines were nutz here.

TTFN, we missed ya all.
Hello Team!

Tis Hot,Humid, and it make me sluggish... :confused3
Way too many 'Rest' Days with very little rest.

:hippie: I am in NO way interested in pumping up my muscles. But the trainer gets upset if I do more than 10 minutes cardo to warm up - he says it should always be after you do weights. Also I do take my shoes off at the gym when I do my stretching.

Connie, take care you your shoulder...hope you are feeling better soon. :flower3:

Scott & Lynn
glad you had enjoyed your cruise! :dance3:
Scott and Lynn the Disneyland 1/2 - how wonderful!! Take lots of Pictures so we can see.

Sunday night and I could not get my butt out of bed this morning so we put it off then tonight it got a bit cooler so we went out for our 5 miles, its a little warmer than the morning but not too bad.

Some young men (20's) told me I had a nice A** as they were driving by then called me a name - not a very nice one either. If they only knew I was old enough to be their mother and then some. Obviously they were not brought up properly by THEIR mother! Mark was not pleased but he was pretty good about it.

So, tomorrow I go in early and have a Dr's appt in the afternoon so it will be an off day for me.

Take care all, weekend is almost over but it was a good one so I can't complain.

Hi all!

I think missed July! Connie, I just sent my hours for the month. Don't know if you can take some late June hours still or not. And I hope your shoulder feels better soon.

Summer seems to be flying by. Training is going pretty good, I think. A couple weeks ago I had a Saturday totally free and DH AND i did an extra long run walk 7.38 miles! and in that 90+ heat to boot! Averaged 14.49 minute mile So, if I could do that for twice the distance I'll be set. Last weekend we had a horrible electrical storm. at 3AM it took down two wires right outside our house. For about 2 minutes the arc-ing I guess it's called - made it look like there was a HUGE firework like a sparkler outside our house. HUGE like the size of a car. Then the power went out. It was really scary.

I finished reading Running for Mortals and ordered Marathons for Mortals on Half.com. I need to come up with a plan that will allow for increased distances, but also increase times.

Scott and Lynn, lucky you guys - a cruise - what fun!

I can't believe the airfares! Way to high! Was thinking about cancelling my participation in the 1/2, but i think if I don't follow through now, I will probably never do it.

In case I don't get chance to check back in - everyone have a good August!
Good morning, TEAM!

Welcome back, rpsemont! I can take your miles and hours.

Not much happening here, except, that I have a PLAN! I AM going to do the Goofy in 2010.

Margie, how are you doing??

Up for a 4 miles, today.

Everyone make a great week!
Good morning guys.

May I strut a little?

I had a PR on my 4 mile hill route this morning. I did the first mile in 14:30 as my warm up then, kicked the pace up a bit, I did the next 3 miles in 33:42 for a pace of 11:14 per mile. This route is some pretty good hills and it was hot and humid so I was very happy about the walk. I wore the new Brooks Mach X shoes.

I felt so energetic after the walk that I did my complete weight workout and was finally able to do standing bicep curls with 35 lb dumb bells for one set of twenty reps, 30 for 10 reps, 25 for 10 reps and 20 for 10 reps. I hadn't been able to do the 35 lb dumb bells for the full 20 reps before.

Then I did my stretching and calistetics. Now it's time to relax a bit before work.

Everyone have an awesome day.

Relaxing Panda:hippie:
Good morning, TEAM!

Not much happening here, except, that I have a PLAN! I AM going to do the Goofy in 2010.


OMG, that's a BIG plan. I don't ever envision myself doing the Mickey never mind the Goofy! WOW! :yay:

Good for you!

Just a quick post - yes, I met another friend every morning and we walked between 3 and 5 miles every day!!! Saw whales, sea lions and dolphins while we walked!!! Will have to calculate totals for last 2 weeks and give them to Connie - no, I haven't forgotten. Back later when I have time to catch up.
Welcome back Lynn & Scott!! Glad you had a good time!!

Yesterday I did a 7 miler on the dreadmill! 1st mile 14:17, 2nd mile 13:38. 3rd mile 13:20, 4th mile 13:02, 5th mile 13:20, 6th mile 13:38, and 7th mile 14:47!
This was the first walk where most of it was in the 13 min range!!!

Today I did an easy 6 miler at the mall and then had supper with Dave!!

Hope you are feeling better Margie!!

Connie: I hope that shoulder gets better so that you don't have to take meds for it!

Everybody else Hi!!!

Panda, Congrats on the PR!

I haven't disappeared or quit on you guys. I was travelling on a belated 21st b-day road trip with some friends from high school. I managed to squeeze in 4.5 mile treadmill runs on Friday and Saturday. Under 40 minutes, I'm working my way up to the 10k. I'm going back to evening runs starting in about 30 minutes since my race on Friday is a night race.


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