Hakuna Kidani, What a Turtleful Phrase!

Hello :) I'm here and ready for the fun. Loved seeing the pictures in your opening post of the girls. I remember Brooklyn back then. We were taking our first trip to stay on property just shortly after your first trip with her. If I remember correctly, Memom and I both turned 50 that year. I've been following you ever since. :goodvibes And I'm looking forward to this report.
I'm here! Can't wait to hear the latest adventures!

Good to see you. Sorry you couldn't make the hippo meet, but it looked like you had fun!

Hello old friend, glad you are here!

I know I am late for the party, but checking in to join the fun.:goodvibes

Not late at all. MeMom hasn't joined us yet!

I'm here! popcorn:: I love y'alls TR's!

Glad you are joining us for another adventure.

Here! We'll never be tired of your trip reports!


Hello :) I'm here and ready for the fun. Loved seeing the pictures in your opening post of the girls. I remember Brooklyn back then. We were taking our first trip to stay on property just shortly after your first trip with her. If I remember correctly, Memom and I both turned 50 that year. I've been following you ever since. :goodvibes And I'm looking forward to this report.

Yes you are truly an "old" friend! Yep that was the start of all the fun adventures. MeMom turned a half century at Pop Century!
Wow, Jill..time flies! The girls have grown so much since their first trips! I remember reading that first TR and look how far you've come! I'm so happy you share it all with us!
Wow, Jill..time flies! The girls have grown so much since their first trips! I remember reading that first TR and look how far you've come! I'm so happy you share it all with us!

You have been with us since the beginning! I'm so glad that you have been with us to share in the joy when we added Bella and Sophie to our crazy family. I'm also glad that you have let us be a part of your life and celebrate your marriage and now the upcoming arrival of our newest Distown baby!

I'm here but I have to go back and read! :surfweb:
I just got caught up on your last TR because my laptop and desktop quit on me. :furious: :badpc:

Computer troubles are no good in such a technological age. MeMom would be lost without hers.

Seriously, page 4????
Well, I'm in and ready to roll!! :yay:

Glad you are here. Page 4 and still no MeMom. She must be busy spoiling my eldest princess!
What's happening over here? :scratchin

A bunch of fun Disney friends hanging out together ready to look at horrible to semi-decent Disney pictures? :jumping1:

Well, I guess I'm in, then. :wave2:

I've been in the attic weeding out old never-got-sold-at-yard-sale things and assorted goodies that a pack rat teacher keeps with hopes of doing something creative. I also found a box of animal things I should be able to use in my class them for this year. Mostly, I tossed stuff out and came down sweaty and dusty. Brooklynn went up for a few minutes and was a help at scooting boxes to different places, but then she freaked out over a spider web and came back down. I really think she was just hot and used the spider web as an excuse, but that's okay - she was a big help for a few minutes. :)

Then Brandy and Micah came by for a short visit, and she was telling me about their St. Louis trip. Micah needed a banana, so 'Brookwen' got him one, and then he needed something to wash it down, so he got some strawberry lemonade, and then they were on their way.

I went back to the attic, took a huge garbage bag to the trash can, and then made my way to the computer. So, I have found a comfortable seat on Page 4, and I am ready for the ride. Jill is going to load Day One of pictures as soon as she gets the chance, and then we will begin. I love that she has already done more responses on this report than she probably did on the last two put together. :thumbsup2

This trip was so different than any one we have taken before. It was broken into three parts - Art of Animation and Disney World for two partial days, Vero Beach for I think five days, and then back to Disney World for a day at Sea World and two nights at Kidani Village. This trip would not have happened at all or would have been reduced to a long weekend, if it were not for the kind hearts of Miss Anita Wigd, Fairy Godmother Extraordinaire, and her faithful bag carrier and car loader, Mr. Marc. The girls adore them, and we big people think they are pretty special, as well. ::yes::

So, :welcome: everyone! Please make yourself at home here, and comment when you can. I will apologize ahead for the quality of the pictures you will see, but I hope you can still imagine yourselves right there in them as we go along.
:yay: Memom made it! I'm sure all that fun time with Brooklynn and being productive in the attic is worth keeping you away from the DIS for a bit. I'm getting a bit inspired to do a little purging of my piles of "stuff".

LOVE those baby pics of the girls - you can really tell which one is which (although I might have guessed just by the sequence). ;)

I can't wait to hear about your time at Vero. We own points there and have only visited once for lunch during a Cocoa Beach stay - before we bought the points. I really would like to stay there some winter. For most of the winter!
Hi Jill. This is Connie. I followed you here from your FB Disney Story post.

I didn't realize that your daughter, Brooklynn, and mine, Erin, are the same age. I love reading about the Disney experiences of kids her age. With all Brooklynn's experience I'm sure I'll learn something that will be useful on our trip next month.

Can't wait to hear all about your trip!
Checking in from PHL waiting for my flight to Denver. Can't believe how fast the girls have grown!

Jill in CO
Jill is going to load Day One of pictures as soon as she gets the chance, and then we will begin. I love that she has already done more responses on this report than she probably did on the last two put together. :thumbsup2

I told you I was going to try really hard to do better. I'm getting myself organized and scheduled which is truly the only way an OCD person can function.
:yay: Memom made it! I'm sure all that fun time with Brooklynn and being productive in the attic is worth keeping you away from the DIS for a bit. I'm getting a bit inspired to do a little purging of my piles of "stuff".

LOVE those baby pics of the girls - you can really tell which one is which (although I might have guessed just by the sequence). ;)

I can't wait to hear about your time at Vero. We own points there and have only visited once for lunch during a Cocoa Beach stay - before we bought the points. I really would like to stay there some winter. For most of the winter!

Yes she has finally appeared. I think it was just her way of seeing if I was really going to do a better job of keeping up with my own report this time. Yes, they each are very different. I won't have any trouble telling apart baby pictures when I'm old and senile! We did enjoy Vero and I definitely think it would be a great way to end a long week of Disney craziness to transition back into the world.

Hi Jill. This is Connie. I followed you here from your FB Disney Story post.

I didn't realize that your daughter, Brooklynn, and mine, Erin, are the same age. I love reading about the Disney experiences of kids her age. With all Brooklynn's experience I'm sure I'll learn something that will be useful on our trip next month.

Can't wait to hear all about your trip!

I'm glad you came over. I love watching my girls experience Disney. When we went in April with my husband's family I needed a break and Brooklynn did too so while everyone else took the boat from Hollywood to Epcot we walked. She is getting to be such a big kid now and we had fun just talking and walking. I am toying with the idea of sneaking away just she and I for a long weekend in October.

So excited to be here from the beginning and to get to see all the new stuff you experienced this time!

Glad you are here! We did do a lot of new stuff. It was fun to sprinkle our love of Disney World with new experiences. We are excited to share our thoughts to hopefully assist others in decision making.

Oh yes, you got me.........the truth is out! :rolleyes2 If you ever need to find me, just check the local mall. It's almost like I live there......... :faint: :sad2: :laughing:


Checking in from PHL waiting for my flight to Denver. Can't believe how fast the girls have grown!

Jill in CO

Have a safe flight! They are growing so fast. It is hard to believe Sophie will be a year old in less than 2 months!
Thanks for the good thoughts for my DMom. I appreciate them so much.

Just wanted to share our back up Plan B is now changed from Myrtle Beach to a week at WDW. :yay:
So depending on when my DMom's surgery will be, we will have a Disney trip!
I am looking at the last week of August.
I was able to get some ADR's so that was a relief. :thumbsup2
Lexi is excited again. (she cried last night when we told her the trip may be cancelled)
I am excited again cause I would have gone happily to Myrtle Beach but it is no Disney let's face it. ;)
I will have to purchase all new flights if we change our dates. Going back to JetBlue!!! :woohoo:
I will loose all the money I paid for the "other flights" because Delta's cancellation fee is $200 and the flights were $208. Bummer! :(

Glad you were able to get some cleaning done in the attic today Memom.
Thanks for the good thoughts for my DMom. I appreciate them so much.

Just wanted to share our back up Plan B is now changed from Myrtle Beach to a week at WDW. :yay:
So depending on when my DMom's surgery will be, we will have a Disney trip!
I am looking at the last week of August.
I was able to get some ADR's so that was a relief. :thumbsup2
Lexi is excited again. (she cried last night when we told her the trip may be cancelled)
I am excited again cause I would have gone happily to Myrtle Beach but it is no Disney let's face it. ;)
I will have to purchase all new flights if we change our dates. Going back to JetBlue!!! :woohoo:
I will loose all the money I paid for the "other flights" because Delta's cancellation fee is $200 and the flights were $208. Bummer! :(

Glad you were able to get some cleaning done in the attic today Memom.

Disney over Myrtle Beach - definitely. :thumbsup2
Although, if your mom wants some quiet beach time, maybe she can go sit on a beach at GF, Poly, or CBR, or wherever and just have some relaxing time. Hope all goes perfectly with her surgery. ::yes::

I have a huge garbage bag, two boxes, and a broken old window pane ready for the trashmen. There is more to be done up there, but it was too hot to stay any longer. I'll be happy with doing a little bit at a time and making continued progress. :goodvibes
Cute title!!

Been around for all of your other trip reports...so definintely won't be missing this one! Your girls are just precious! :cutie:

I'm finally getting to go to Disney World in just 18 days!! I'm extremely excited but definitely nervous after over 1000 visits to DisneyLand this is going to be a huge difference! I'm sure my OCD is going to be on the back burner while we just enjoy ourselves.;)

Ready to follow along:thumbsup2
I came here after seeing your post on Disney Stories. I've seen your postings on some others I follow, so I wanted to read your TR.

Your little girls are so cute, I wanted girls, but got stuck with four boys! They are keepers even though they weren't girls.


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