Grossest Thing You've Seen at the Parks

After 42 trips we've seen more than our share of yuckiness, but inappropriate diaper changing ALWAYS tops the list.

The best one was on the benches in Mission:Space by the kids play area-all the tubes, y'know?

The kid comes crawling out of the tube DROPPING DINGLEBERRIES AS HE GOES, and the mom doesn't get up from her bench, beckons the kid over to her, and changes him, without a pad, right there on the bench.

The kid had to be dehydrated because it was like smooshed deer poop rolling out of his diapers. Then she puts a new diaper on him and sends him back into THE SAME TUBE THAT HE POOPED IN to play, throws the diaper away, and sits back down. Doesn't wash her hands.

I'm watching, frozen in fascinated horror, until I realize my younger kid had gotten off the ride and was running towards the tubes. I was like (imagine slo mo here) NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

I've ended up in Celebration hospital twice with gastroenteritis. You can bet I am literally lathered in hand sanitizer from head to foot before I head out in the mornings. And I normally *never* get sick.

Here's a tip: Get the first seating at buffets, because that same woman's probably grabbing the handles of the same food you're ladling out onto your plate.

Seriously, it's the handles every time.

I'm well on my way to developing a phobia.
After 42 trips we've seen more than our share of yuckiness, but inappropriate diaper changing ALWAYS tops the list.

The best one was on the benches in Mission:Space by the kids play area-all the tubes, y'know?

The kid comes crawling out of the tube DROPPING DINGLEBERRIES AS HE GOES, and the mom doesn't get up from her bench, beckons the kid over to her, and changes him, without a pad, right there on the bench.

The kid had to be dehydrated because it was like smooshed deer poop rolling out of his diapers. Then she puts a new diaper on him and sends him back into THE SAME TUBE THAT HE POOPED IN to play, throws the diaper away, and sits back down. Doesn't wash her hands.

I'm watching, frozen in fascinated horror, until I realize my younger kid had gotten off the ride and was running towards the tubes. I was like (imagine slo mo here) NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

I've ended up in Celebration hospital twice with gastroenteritis. You can bet I am literally lathered in hand sanitizer from head to foot before I head out in the mornings. And I normally *never* get sick.

Here's a tip: Get the first seating at buffets, because that same woman's probably grabbing the handles of the same food you're ladling out onto your plate.

Seriously, it's the handles every time.

I'm well on my way to developing a phobia.
DINGLEBERRIES!!! OMG, haven't heard that one in ages! :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: I hear you though-I'm not really that much of a germaphobe but Poop scares me everytime..I also have had gastroenteritis and it is horrible. It's even worse for little ones and the elderly-they can get very sick from EColi. Buffet foods are breeding grounds for all sorts of nasties-between Mrs Poopie Hands and Mr. I Sneeze and Don't Cover My Mouth and their offspring, the Little Nose Miners...Yeccchhhhh!:sick: :scared: There are some very talented people on this board as far as writing-I'm laughing so hard i have tears in my eyes. Kudos to the person who used the term "pendular teets". Also, one of the other boards I post on has a puking smilie that would be so appropriate for this topic-how do we get new smilies on here?
Here's a tip: Get the first seating at buffets, because that same woman's probably grabbing the handles of the same food you're ladling out onto your plate.

Seriously, it's the handles every time.

I'm well on my way to developing a phobia.

wear rubber gloves? or maybe just knock the ladles you want to use on the floor and they'll bring you a clean one
I'm horrified and hysterical at once from all of these stories.

Fortunately, I haven't witnessed any of this disgusting behavior first hand -- barring one guy on the bus from MK to Pop, with his hand about elbow-deep into his nose. Hey, Mr. Nose-Digger - just because it's dark on the bus doesn't mean no one can see you... :crazy2:
My DH was in one of the bathrooms in MGM. A small boy, probably 5 or 6, went to the bathroom and in turning around lost the gum from his mouth. He quickly picked it up from the bathroom floor, in front of the urinals, and popped it back into his mouth!!! My husband went up to his mother outside the restroom and told her that she may want to remove the gum from his mouth and told her the story. She was horrified and quickly stuck her fingers in his mouth to pull it out!!!! GROSS!!!!
My DH was in one of the bathrooms in MGM. A small boy, probably 5 or 6, went to the bathroom and in turning around lost the gum from his mouth. He quickly picked it up from the bathroom floor, in front of the urinals, and popped it back into his mouth!!! My husband went up to his mother outside the restroom and told her that she may want to remove the gum from his mouth and told her the story. She was horrified and quickly stuck her fingers in his mouth to pull it out!!!! GROSS!!!!

OH THE HORROR! I would just die if one of my kids did that!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
On the straight walkway from FW to WS there is a little water fountain play area that many people allow their children to play in. One lady took it a little to far and let her ~3yo. son run naked in it. To top it off, it was during the busy Thanksgiving weekend and actually a little too cold to be playing in it anyway. We told a CM on a Segway down by the fountain and she had to do a double take to make sure she heard us correctly. She made that Segway move when she took off towards that area.

I was on line for Stitch and a very scary looking family was popping each other's pimples. There was another family who saw this and we were all trying to keep our distance from the grossness of it all.

OMG That is quite possibly the most disgusting thing I have ever heard, but I can't help but :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: And people go to the zoo to watch monkeys and chimps and gorillas groom each other. Why waste your time at the zoo when you can watch even more disgustingly (yet strangely humorous) people.
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: OMG! I cant take it!! My stomach hurts from laughing so much! I hope I forget about these stories in Sept!! Hopfully I wont have any to tell! Thanks everyone for sharing! (I think) :rolleyes: On that note!! I`m off to bed!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
While this does not contain viewings of public spewings, poopie diaper changes, "instant gratification", or any other such charming subject matter surely posted with the intention of being appetite suppressants, what grosses me out COMPLETELY are men wandering about shirtless and barefoot, and sweating profusely. Pleasepleaseplease wear shirts and shoes!!!
We were standing in line for Stitch when a CM comes along and asks the people in front of us to move. He then bends down and proceeds to clean a big brown stain of the carpet! At first we thought that someone had been eating too many pretzels then realised that it could have been something else!

After the car stunt show at MGM my bf used the bathroom. He came back out with a look of disgust on his face. Apparently a large man was standing at the urinals with his shorts round his ankles. The mental picture was more than enough for me!

Not as gross as some of the stories but i thought i would join in!
These are brilliant, keep 'em coming!

Now before anyone slates me for this, I am British. Not always proud of it. I find it embarrassing when the only bad language and lack of respect I see and hear in a park all day is from my fellow compatriates. Don't know if it means anything in the States but we commonly refer to these type of people as Chavs.

*ducks in case any Brits read this*

I've got another one. I saw a little kid in the MK (me and MK again!) running around with no shoes on. He starts squealing because he ran over something that hurt. His mom sat him down and sucked his toes and foot for him. Eewwgh - give me turkey leg any day!!
Haha you don't have to duck!, chavs are so embarrassing :scared:
ok, not the grossest, but certainly the most frequent we've seen...

what is it about the MK that brings out porno-style PDAs? I really didn't *want* to see what color underwear your girlfriend was wearing when you thought it to be a good place and time to reach your hand up her skirt in the queue, all the while with your tongue so far down her throat you could taste her breakfast. Get a room.

I'm with you there on that one...I don't need to see or hear you people sucking face!!! One of the worst experiences I've had with this was last Christmas watching the fireworks at MK. The music was drowned out by lip smacking. :scared:

Another gross one was last summer when I was sitting next to this lady while waiting for the parade to start in MK. She had to have the worst body odor ever!! God, it was like sour beef stew :scared1: I swear it could burn your eyebrows off.
The grossest thing I ever saw was at the Odyssey potties on New Year's Eve. Some potty "hoverer" missed the toilet and left a huge turd on the toilet seat and another on the floor. The second grossest was a t-shirt worn by a teen-ager. It had three pictures in boxes ... the first one was a a flying bird (a swallow), the middle one a french poodle, and the third another bird. I actually spoke to the adults who were with the young man and chastised them for allowing him to wear so an utterly offensive t-shirt to the MAGIC KINGDOM!
It had three pictures in boxes ... the first one was a french poodle, the middle one a flying bird (a swallow) and the third another poodle. I actually spoke to the adults who were with the young man and chastised them for allowing him to wear so an utterly offensive t-shirt to the MAGIC KINGDOM!

I must've worn my stupid brain today, I don't get it.
The second grossest was a t-shirt worn by a teen-ager. It had three pictures in boxes ... the first one was a french poodle, the middle one a flying bird (a swallow) and the third another poodle. I actually spoke to the adults who were with the young man and chastised them for allowing him to wear so an utterly offensive t-shirt to the MAGIC KINGDOM!

I think I may be naive because I don't understand what is offensive about a tshirt like that? (Am I still innocent? LOL)
The grossest thing I ever saw was at the Odyssey potties on New Year's Eve. Some potty "hoverer" missed the toilet and left a huge turd on the toilet seat and another on the floor. The second grossest was a t-shirt worn by a teen-ager. It had three pictures in boxes ... the first one was a french poodle, the middle one a flying bird (a swallow) and the third another poodle. I actually spoke to the adults who were with the young man and chastised them for allowing him to wear so an utterly offensive t-shirt to the MAGIC KINGDOM!

:confused3 :confused3 Am I brain dead today? I don't get that one... can you please PM me what it means? Thanks!!! I'd love to be... informed... about the meaning of this :)
Gross and funny at the same time - I saw a man walking towards me at MK with white lycra cycling shorts on. No, it gets worse! He had, how can I say this delicately, err, a rather large bulge at the front but it was all mishapen and knobbly. Now (honestly) I don't make a habit of casting my eyes southward but this was just mesmerising.

As he walked closer the bulge got lower and lower until eventually a pair of socks fell out of the bottom of one of the legs. I double-up laughing and he went very red, took the socks out and walked the other way :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl:

What made it gross was that it was at the MK!!

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl: I'm seriously going to pee my pants I'm laughing so hard.....You have caused irreparable damage to my mind with that one!!! :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao:


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