Grossest Thing You've Seen at the Parks

To continue the thread with a gross non-Disney story. I used to manage a retail store, on weekends we were very understaffed, but I brought in a big box of doughnuts to make things go faster. We had so few employees that Saturday that only a few doughnuts were eaten. I left them out overnight and people had them again on Sunday, by this point they were stale and I had poked one and didn't want one. I saw others picking at them cutting one and splitting it and poking. Our warehouse guys were gross (like nose picking, no hand washing gross) and when I saw them picking them up and turning them over and putting them back, I tossed them box and all in the garbage. We had these giant trashcans in the kitchen without lids. I noticed when I locked up, there were coffee grounds and stuff on top of the box. Monday morning I came in later and saw a plate with two doughnuts left and some other employees finishing the rest. It seems the janitor came in Monday, saw the box and pulled out the doughnuts and set them out on a plate where they were promptly eaten. I didn't even know what to say. He acted like I was wasteful for throwing them out...
To continue the thread with a gross non-Disney story. I used to manage a retail store, on weekends we were very understaffed, but I brought in a big box of doughnuts to make things go faster. We had so few employees that Saturday that only a few doughnuts were eaten. I left them out overnight and people had them again on Sunday, by this point they were stale and I had poked one and didn't want one. I saw others picking at them cutting one and splitting it and poking. Our warehouse guys were gross (like nose picking, no hand washing gross) and when I saw them picking them up and turning them over and putting them back, I tossed them box and all in the garbage. We had these giant trashcans in the kitchen without lids. I noticed when I locked up, there were coffee grounds and stuff on top of the box. Monday morning I came in later and saw a plate with two doughnuts left and some other employees finishing the rest. It seems the janitor came in Monday, saw the box and pulled out the doughnuts and set them out on a plate where they were promptly eaten. I didn't even know what to say. He acted like I was wasteful for throwing them out...

Originally quoted by mpls-mm
To continue the thread with a gross non-Disney story. I used to manage a retail store, on weekends we were very understaffed, but I brought in a big box of doughnuts to make things go faster. We had so few employees that Saturday that only a few doughnuts were eaten. I left them out overnight and people had them again on Sunday, by this point they were stale and I had poked one and didn't want one. I saw others picking at them cutting one and splitting it and poking. Our warehouse guys were gross (like nose picking, no hand washing gross) and when I saw them picking them up and turning them over and putting them back, I tossed them box and all in the garbage. We had these giant trashcans in the kitchen without lids. I noticed when I locked up, there were coffee grounds and stuff on top of the box. Monday morning I came in later and saw a plate with two doughnuts left and some other employees finishing the rest. It seems the janitor came in Monday, saw the box and pulled out the doughnuts and set them out on a plate where they were promptly eaten. I didn't even know what to say. He acted like I was wasteful for throwing them out...

:scared: I work with this guy who is in his late forties. Very nice guy, but very sloppy and has horrible hygiene. He actually dosen't emit body odor, but my guess is he probably showers once a week.

It is a running joke at the office, the guy will eat anything that is leftover and I mean anything. At this point I really believe he has some sort of disorder. For instance, during Christmas time, the attorneys we work for send up lot's of goodies for us to eat. One of the box of chocolates when opened had all mold on it and was tossed in the garbage. This guy went and retrieved it and ate the entire box. Some of the theories around the office is that at one point of his life he was homeless and learned to eat from the garbage.

It takes all types, and I'm glad I'm not that type.
Paunchy, pasty guys wearing Speedos.
Is it just me or is this board getting way off topic?

Yep. Let's get back to discussing magic nose goblins (see OP), picking off dead skin, urinating in public (including, gasp, a grown man taking a pee on top of the slide at the Poly pool...), protein spills (projectile or oozing between teeth and running down the chin), where to clean "bare pendular teets", men who eat hot dog saugages dipped in naval salt, changing poopy diapers on CS tables (or in full view of diners at Chefs de France), socks falling out of pant legs (my favorite), floating "chocolate" in any resort pool, people who use cleavage as a cup holder (or cell phone holder or pickle holder), people popping each other's pimples, letting your 3 yo. son run naked in the fountain at EPCOT, filling a baby bottle with water from any attraction (SpM, IASW, PotC or JC), anyone who rides MS or ToT immediately after eating, no deoderant in August, everything about post #206, full frontal body-to-body kissing (esp with substantially younger persons), and, of course, the pink candied Cinderella's Castle.

The current discussion has gotten way too esoterical and high-brow. Let's get it back down to an acceptable level.
Sorry. :confused3

I do think that speedos are gross, and if they're in the park, then I thought it was on topic.
Yep, the "board police" are on patrol...:sad2: They were probably talking about my post(about the freegans). Whatever.

Another gross thing, guys with hairy backs. I suppose I should be happy when they're wearing T'shirts but some are so hairy, that they have a pelt poking out from the neckband. I'm not big into the metrosexual guys( men who get facials, fuss over their hair, yet they're straight) but I do wish the guys with hairy backs would get them waxed.:scared1:
I have video of a woman standing across the road from us while watching the Jammin' Jungle Parade. Her b00b$ were completely lopping out of her leopard print bathing suit (it was a one piece that she wore with shorts). I had a hard time concentrating on the parade with that in my field of vision.:rotfl2:

OK Morbidly wrong curiosity here, but have you posted this video on Youtube? Can we get a link? I know it's wrong, but I've obviously read this whole thread and would love to see at least one of these.
To continue the thread with a gross non-Disney story. I used to manage a retail store, on weekends we were very understaffed, but I brought in a big box of doughnuts to make things go faster. We had so few employees that Saturday that only a few doughnuts were eaten. I left them out overnight and people had them again on Sunday, by this point they were stale and I had poked one and didn't want one. I saw others picking at them cutting one and splitting it and poking. Our warehouse guys were gross (like nose picking, no hand washing gross) and when I saw them picking them up and turning them over and putting them back, I tossed them box and all in the garbage. We had these giant trashcans in the kitchen without lids. I noticed when I locked up, there were coffee grounds and stuff on top of the box. Monday morning I came in later and saw a plate with two doughnuts left and some other employees finishing the rest. It seems the janitor came in Monday, saw the box and pulled out the doughnuts and set them out on a plate where they were promptly eaten. I didn't even know what to say. He acted like I was wasteful for throwing them out...
Maybe the janitor was an aspiring freegan..;)
Let me start this post with this warning. For those that are unaware of it, any ride that is "in the dark" at WDW has nightvision cameras for safety, and a CM somewhere is watching those screens, so they can see you and what you think you're getting away with.

A friend of mine who worked at the TTA while I was a CM told me this story. While she was watching the cameras, she saw a woman, how should I put this, "giving her husband an extra special kiss". She made an annoucement over the ride's speakers that there were cameras in the dark zones, and the woman quickly stopped. My friend called security and they were waiting to take the couple on their merry way when they finished their ride.

Over zealous PDA aside, who would think that "THAT" is ok anywhere in public, much less a family theme park?
Let me start this post with this warning. For those that are unaware of it, any ride that is "in the dark" at WDW has nightvision cameras for safety, and a CM somewhere is watching those screens, so they can see you and what you think you're getting away with.

A friend of mine who worked at the TTA while I was a CM told me this story. While she was watching the cameras, she saw a woman, how should I put this, "giving her husband an extra special kiss". She made an annoucement over the ride's speakers that there were cameras in the dark zones, and the woman quickly stopped. My friend called security and they were waiting to take the couple on their merry way when they finished their ride.

Over zealous PDA aside, who would think that "THAT" is ok anywhere in public, much less a family theme park?

:scared1: :scared1: :scared1:
Let me start this post with this warning. For those that are unaware of it, any ride that is "in the dark" at WDW has nightvision cameras for safety, and a CM somewhere is watching those screens, so they can see you and what you think you're getting away with.

A friend of mine who worked at the TTA while I was a CM told me this story. While she was watching the cameras, she saw a woman, how should I put this, "giving her husband an extra special kiss". She made an annoucement over the ride's speakers that there were cameras in the dark zones, and the woman quickly stopped. My friend called security and they were waiting to take the couple on their merry way when they finished their ride.

Over zealous PDA aside, who would think that "THAT" is ok anywhere in public, much less a family theme park?

Obviously the couple in question thought it was ok!!:rotfl2:
Let me start this post with this warning. For those that are unaware of it, any ride that is "in the dark" at WDW has nightvision cameras for safety, and a CM somewhere is watching those screens, so they can see you and what you think you're getting away with.

A friend of mine who worked at the TTA while I was a CM told me this story. While she was watching the cameras, she saw a woman, how should I put this, "giving her husband an extra special kiss". She made an annoucement over the ride's speakers that there were cameras in the dark zones, and the woman quickly stopped. My friend called security and they were waiting to take the couple on their merry way when they finished their ride.

Over zealous PDA aside, who would think that "THAT" is ok anywhere in public, much less a family theme park?

Let me see, my DH probably would have felt this way about the whole thing :woohoo:. Little kids aside (do you really thing they saw anything?), um, a lot of couples are probably trying to put a little spice in their lives:rotfl2: .
Well my friend obviously saw, and also, you can see the cameras on the TTA from the loading dock if you just look back at where the cast members are putting people on.

I'm all for spicing it up, I really am, but not on a ride at WDW in the MK. That's like doing it in the back row at Sesame Street Live.:eek:
You know, besides the overzealous PDA couple on the TTA, does anyone else try to spice up their marriage in Disney? I mean there are tons of people on Disneymoons in those fancy suites; I wonder if anyone ever gets "a little noisy" and if you do, does Disney come-a-knockin?:rotfl:
You know, besides the overzealous PDA couple on the TTA, does anyone else try to spice up their marriage in Disney? I mean there are tons of people on Disneymoons in those fancy suites; I wonder if anyone ever gets "a little noisy" and if you do, does Disney come-a-knockin?:rotfl:

Now this thread's gettin' good again!!:woohoo:
I saw several very disturbing things.

I have a very close friend who is a CM (he is an actor in the Nemo show). He took me backstage and underground.

I saw Minnie walking around without her costume head. It was a guy in the costume. I was crushed.

Then he took me to his room where they were letting him live and I saw Belle walking around with a cigarette and drinking a beer out of the bottle. She was a little on the wild side.

I saw other things, but it would be going into the rated R category.

Let's just say I will never look at the characters the same way again.


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