Grand Theft 3D Glasses: A May 2022 Report. FINAL THOUGHTS 9/26

Day 6, Part 3

We were back in Hollywood Studios!




I knew my uncle would get a kick out of Prime Time’s decor so I took him into the waiting area and let him look around while my dad waited outside with April. He loved it. Mid century modern is one of his favorite decoration styles so he really got a kick out of it. The hostesses loved his enthusiasm and offered us a table, but we weren’t quite ready to eat yet.


Instead, my uncle wanted to go back to Galaxy’s Edge to take more pictures.








We considered Docking Bay 7 for food, even though the options weren’t super appealing to us. Millennium Falcon only had a 30 minute wait, so I offered that up as an option as sort of a “last hurrah” ride. If the wait time was accurate, then it should be enough time for my uncle and I to ride, and then for my dad to ride with the rider swap pass, before grabbing something quick and heading back to the Boardwalk.




Spoiler: It was not accurate.

I think it ended up being closer to 45 minutes. My uncle really enjoyed the ride, even though he’s not super familiar with Star Wars lore. But by the time we got out we were all hungry and my dad didn’t really care about not riding.




I checked the app and saw that Prime Time actually had walk-ups available, but we had to be closer to the restaurant to sign up. So we made our way back towards it and I kept refreshing the app until I was close enough. It said it would be about a 10 minute wait, which seemed like more than enough time to get there, but lo and behold we were told they were ready for us after only about 2 minutes!

We had a lovely meal at Prime Time, which is another family favorite for us. April was a bit too young for the antics, which was why it wasn’t really on my radar this trip, but I think she’ll really get a kick out of it in a few years. For food, I got the sampler and shared it with April.





The park was officially closed when we left, so it was nice to leave a mostly quiet park and then have a leisurely walk back to the Boardwalk.

Since April had had such a late nap, it wasn’t quite time for bed when we got back (we go by wake windows instead of set sleep times, otherwise it’s a fight if we try to put her down too early). It was my last chance to go to Abracadabar this trip and I really wanted to show my uncle, so my dad happily watched April while my uncle and I went down to the bar.

I can’t remember what he got, but I got my favorite drink there and maybe anywhere, the Pepper’s Ghost.



We had some nice bonding time and then walked around the lobby area for a bit before heading back to the villa, where it was finally time to put April to bed, and shortly after, myself.

Up next, our check-out day!
Can’t believe this report is almost over!

It’s the worst when soemthing tears or busts at Disney. I’ve sewn so much after I’ve gotten home!
Day 7 (Tuesday, May 10th)

We woke up at about 9:30 and finished packing. I have no idea what was going on here.


We called bell services I think around 11, and then it was time to drive my dad to the airport. We waved a sad goodbye to Disney and headed out.

It was about a 30 minute drive to the airport, and April got fussy again just as we were pulling up to the departures line, so I wasn’t entirely surprised when she barfed again as my dad was getting his bags out of the car. Luckily, since she hadn’t eaten breakfast yet, there wasn’t much to lose at this point, and a few wipes did the trick temporarily.

My uncle’s flight didn’t leave until later in the afternoon, and I had to get back home and do a little bit of work before then, so we drove another half hour back to my house. He watched and played with April while I did a couple of hours of work, and then it was time to drive him to the airport. She very eagerly showed him her “monster,” which was part of my Sully costume from the previous Halloween (she was Boo).



We took the smaller car this time, which April for some reason does not get sick in, so I will be driving her in that one as much as possible.

We said our final goodbyes, and once he went into the terminal, our trip was truly over!

Next up, I'll give final thoughts and summarize some of our plans for October!
Final Thoughts and Future Plans

Sorry for taking awhile to post this. We recently returned from a family vacation to North Georgia! I highly recommend it if you’re close-ish (it was about an 8 hour drive for us). Beautiful hiking and we spent a lot of time in a town called Helen which is made to look like a Bavarian Village, so basically a giant Germany pavilion haha.

Anyway, this was a wonderful trip overall. As I mentioned earlier, if you’re an old hat at Disney trips and you are looking to inject some life into your visits, I absolutely recommend finding yourself a friend or relative who A) has never been to Disney, B) knows very little or nothing about Disney, and C) is interested in going. Those birds are quite rare now, but they are out there! Seeing my uncle experiencing everything for the first time was loads of fun.

Genie+ was fairly new to us during this trip (I had used it once or twice as a day guest before but never multiple days in a row). I definitely found it to be more useful for MK than any other park. We didn’t use it at Epcot at all and I have no regrets about that, and due to so many rides being down in HS it was not as useful there. I would say after MK, AK is the most useful park for Genie+. ILL I would definitely use again for Rise and Avatar, but not for Remy.

I also don’t recommend a split stay with a toddler. It completely messed with our nap schedule on our changeover day. I would also say we loved Boardwalk way more than BRV and I wish we had just stayed there the whole time, but it wasn’t like it ruined our trip.

As always, your mileage may vary, but after so many day trips and overnight trips with a toddler, I really do believe the magic is what you make of it. Even if you know this will be your only trip for the foreseeable future, you’ll have much more fun if you go with the flow then if you try to cram everything in. Now that hugs are back, I would recommend scheduling at least one character ADR, and after trying a few I do think Topolino’s is the best one on Disney World property.

Now, onto future plans!

We are about two weeks away from our fall trip. My dad and sister will be arriving at my house on Tuesday, October 11th, and then the next day we will head over to the Polynesian, where we’ll be staying in a standard view studio for six nights. My sister is set to move to Pennsylvania to live with my mom later this year, so this may be her last trip to the world for awhile as it will make traveling with my dad harder (though she is capable of traveling alone).

We don’t have a ton planned for this trip. I have three regular ADRs lined up: Crystal Palace lunch, Ohana breakfast, and Prime Time dinner. I also recently snagged a Hoop Dee Doo for their 8:30 pm show one night, but thinking that will probably be too late for us and we may drop it if I can’t snag an earlier time (side note, I am still using Mousekepros to find some of these reservations and it has been 100% worth it). I am also hoping we can get Space 220 as it is something I’d like to try, though I haven’t heard spectacular things about it.

But one new thing we’re doing that I’m excited for is a cabana at the Oasis pool! I was nervous about not getting one since the only way to book one is to call, but I had no issues and was able to book a cabana for our non-park day, which will be a Saturday. I was really impressed by the price, too. It’s about $105 for the whole day, which I know isn’t cheap, but for Disney standards it seemed pretty darn reasonable. So we will have a nice, shaded spot and I think that will make our pool day a lot more fun.

We’re not doing MNSSHP this year which I’m a bit bummed about but my sister and dad just weren’t into the idea. DH and I talked about doing it on our own at another point during the season, but we kept dragging our feet and then all the parties sold out. Oh well! There’s always next year.

Overall, like all our trips, the goal will be first and foremost to have fun. I intend to do at least a couple of trips to Trader Sam’s, and hopefully April will be more into the splash pad this time. I’m a bit nervous about us all being crammed into a studio, but I think if we are smart with space we can make it work, especially since April no longer needs a pack n’ play and can sleep in the pullout under the TV.

If you’ve stuck with me throughout this report, thank you for joining me! Since my uncle isn’t joining us next time, I can’t promise it will be as well documented in terms of pictures. But I will try to make another report and will post here when that happens. Until next time, stay safe!
Great report as always. My DD is a bit younger than April so I definitely take all of your tips into consideration! We will be in the World around the same time as you! Arriving on the 11th at night, then heading to BLT on the 12th. We do have a hotel switch, which I am nervous about. DVC is sold out, so I don't have high hopes our room will be ready when we get there for an early check in. We are going with some friends. She and I have been planning this trip for about 15 years now. Way before we even met our spouses lol. It will be her girls first time (4 and almost 3). Her hubs is a resistor but is playing along. Cannot wait to see the little ones take it all in!
Thank you for wrapping up your trip! I always enjoying reading your TR's. It's great you could experience Disney with your newbie Uncle. Looking forward to reading about your October trip. It will be fun to see how much your DD has grown!
Nice trip report! You must go a lot of times in a year! I bet that really changes the dynamics of how trips work- you can gladly spend ages in the themed restaurants and not care if you miss rides so much. I've learned to take longer trips since I live so far away (though it looks like most places in the States are $300-500 round trip to WDW; about half of what it costs a Canadian like me- hardly cheap), which provides SOME of the same effect.
Thanks for the trip report.

hope you got through hurricane Ian ok. I was thinking of your husband last night as I was watching the coverage by reporters in the field.
Great report as always. My DD is a bit younger than April so I definitely take all of your tips into consideration! We will be in the World around the same time as you! Arriving on the 11th at night, then heading to BLT on the 12th. We do have a hotel switch, which I am nervous about. DVC is sold out, so I don't have high hopes our room will be ready when we get there for an early check in. We are going with some friends. She and I have been planning this trip for about 15 years now. Way before we even met our spouses lol. It will be her girls first time (4 and almost 3). Her hubs is a resistor but is playing along. Cannot wait to see the little ones take it all in!
Wow, yes same time! We should get together. I will say, a resort switch is better than not going to Disney at all haha.

Thank you for wrapping up your trip! I always enjoying reading your TR's. It's great you could experience Disney with your newbie Uncle. Looking forward to reading about your October trip. It will be fun to see how much your DD has grown!
Thank you for being here!

Nice trip report! You must go a lot of times in a year! I bet that really changes the dynamics of how trips work- you can gladly spend ages in the themed restaurants and not care if you miss rides so much. I've learned to take longer trips since I live so far away (though it looks like most places in the States are $300-500 round trip to WDW; about half of what it costs a Canadian like me- hardly cheap), which provides SOME of the same effect.
Yes, we live 30 minutes from property so most of the time we're just there for a few hours which I don't usually write about here. But when my family comes we make a little vacation out of it.

Thanks for the trip report.

hope you got through hurricane Ian ok. I was thinking of your husband last night as I was watching the coverage by reporters in the field.
We're hanging in there! We did end up getting some water in our house and DH had to race back home to help me move sandbags. Luckily his bosses were okay with that. After the storm he covered the flooding in Kissimmee. It's been a rough week and there are some repairs our house will need but overall we were very, very lucky compared to some of our neighbors who lost everything. I'll put more details in my next report but our neighborhood was hit bad. Thank you for thinking of us! I'm glad to be on the other side of it.
We're hanging in there! We did end up getting some water in our house and DH had to race back home to help me move sandbags. Luckily his bosses were okay with that. After the storm he covered the flooding in Kissimmee. It's been a rough week and there are some repairs our house will need but overall we were very, very lucky compared to some of our neighbors who lost everything. I'll put more details in my next report but our neighborhood was hit bad. Thank you for thinking of us! I'm glad to be on the other side of it.

Glad you and your family ok. Family is most important - the house can be fixed. Sorry to hear your neighborhood was hit hard. We were at Boardwalk Villas and got stuck an extra day (were supposed to leave Thursday 9/29 which of course did not happen). We felt very safe at Boardwalk. But the news coverage showed so much that was so scary and close to where we were.
Glad you and your family ok. Family is most important - the house can be fixed. Sorry to hear your neighborhood was hit hard. We were at Boardwalk Villas and got stuck an extra day (were supposed to leave Thursday 9/29 which of course did not happen). We felt very safe at Boardwalk. But the news coverage showed so much that was so scary and close to where we were.
Yes, it was insane! I just watched a video of a house in Fort Myers Beach literally being carried away by the storm surge. I've lived through several hurricanes during my time in FL but this was the worst by far.


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