Gotta Perfect That Hula - A July 2010 PTR - UPDATED 8/3 - I STARTED THE TR!!!!

I LOVE your writing style :goodvibes I just read through your whole PTR--so excited to follow along!!! We ate at Tangerine Cafe in January and the hummus was SOOOO good! It had crispy pita to go with it--which I thought I would not like--but we all really enojyed it! I can't wait to read more!!! popcorn::
You are so right about TS3. It was a FANTASTIC movie. It definitely affected me more since I can totally relate to Andy growing up and having to part with old things to make way for the new. It's not easy. It also made for a much funnier experience as well. Pixar seemed to target more of the twenty-something generation that grew up with Toy Story. There is no way that little kids will understand some of the humor in this film. Pixar and Disney did an excellent job. One of, if not THE, best sequel to films they have done in the past. They didn't cut corners nor did they change anything too drastic that would affect us twenty-something viewers. My only complaint was Lotso was too close to the characteristics of Stinky Pete. Nice turned nasty. Otherwise, GREAT movie :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
Excellent post! You really hit the nail on the head. The theater was filled with teens and twenty somethings and I thought that was just amazing. They grew up watching Toy Story and this was the crossover into adulthood movie. I love "the andy generation!" It's like, there was gen x, gen y...and the andy gen! I think you should really start to push that phrase. It could be the next big thing!

Really, it was amazing though. I was a hysterical mess at the end. Even DH cried a little. Having such nostalgic feelings for the first 2 movies makes this third one so meaningful. Just a fantastic movie like only Pixar (and Disney!) can do! :thumbsup2
:laughing: I will definitely start pushing the Andy Generation.

You did a great job summing up TS3 and the significance to your generation :thumbsup2

As a mom of an "Andy's generation-er" it was as hard watching Andy grow up and move on as it was my own daughter. I too was a sobbing mess by the end and Caitlin and her dad were crying too. It was a wonderful movie and sure to be a Disney/Pixar Classic! :goodvibes
I'm going to see it with my mom later in the week, and I'm sure she will be crying hysterically too. Especially now that my younger sister has graduated high school, and in a few short months we'll both be off at college.

I LOVE your writing style :goodvibes I just read through your whole PTR--so excited to follow along!!! We ate at Tangerine Cafe in January and the hummus was SOOOO good! It had crispy pita to go with it--which I thought I would not like--but we all really enojyed it! I can't wait to read more!!! popcorn::
Thanks for jumping aboard!!!

I'm excited that the hummus was good. I'm dying to try it! I mean, eating one of my favorite foods at one of my favorite places? It will be amazing. :thumbsup2
You are so right about TS3. It was a FANTASTIC movie. It definitely affected me more since I can totally relate to Andy growing up and having to part with old things to make way for the new. It's not easy. It also made for a much funnier experience as well. Pixar seemed to target more of the twenty-something generation that grew up with Toy Story. There is no way that little kids will understand some of the humor in this film. Pixar and Disney did an excellent job. One of, if not THE, best sequel to films they have done in the past. They didn't cut corners nor did they change anything too drastic that would affect us twenty-something viewers. My only complaint was Lotso was too close to the characteristics of Stinky Pete. Nice turned nasty. Otherwise, GREAT movie :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
Yeah, I called the fact that Lotso wouldn't be the nicest bear after seing the commercials. He was waaaay too much like Stinky Pete. I think it was the made him seem really suspicious. :rotfl:

It's a shame, though, because he's so adorable! And he smells like strawberries! I want a cuddly, purple bear that smells like strawberries!
I really can't WAIT to see TS3. I'm hoping to see it sometime this week...And the fact that everyone is giving it such great reviews makes me want to see it all the more :goodvibes
I love your review of Toy Story 3!!! :cool1: Makes me want to actually drop what I'm doing and go see it...unfortunately, that's not possible, considering my DH went back to work tonight and won't be home til 11. :( I'm HOPING for Friday night, if he's working days and if not, definitely Saturday!

So when I was watching Toy Story 2 a few days ago and I cried when Jessie thought about Emily, I thought about my dog, Fluffy, that I've had since I was a baby...Fluffy is MY Manatee! So when I was crying, Brandon got up and got me Fluffy, who lives with my other stuffed animals on the floor in front of my bookcase, and gave him to me, and I've been sleeping with him ever since! I felt so horrible for neglecting Fluffy. I am such a loser sometimes. :rotfl:
YES! That is definitely why it was so enjoyable...even though I have already finished college it still really hit home for me. I could not keep myself from crying at certain points. Such a great movie. :thumbsup2:thumbsup2

THEY ARE SUCH GENIUSES, I CAN'T EVEN DEAL WITH IT. I just can't stop thinking about the movie and I wrote this big emotional thing on my blog and like I can't handle how good it was and I am just in love with it and I want to watch it over and over on a loop and just laugh and cry forever omgggggg.
Everything you said about TS3 is so right. I agree, I think Pixar waited for our generation to grow up so we could relate to Andy. I cried during the ending too! I mean, how couldn't I?! I am such an emotional sap, so of course it got to me.
I really can't WAIT to see TS3. I'm hoping to see it sometime this week...And the fact that everyone is giving it such great reviews makes me want to see it all the more :goodvibes
I hope you get to see it soon, because it really is as good as everybody is saying. It's easily become one of my favorite movies of all time. And that's after only seeing it once.

I love your review of Toy Story 3!!! :cool1: Makes me want to actually drop what I'm doing and go see it...unfortunately, that's not possible, considering my DH went back to work tonight and won't be home til 11. :( I'm HOPING for Friday night, if he's working days and if not, definitely Saturday!

So when I was watching Toy Story 2 a few days ago and I cried when Jessie thought about Emily, I thought about my dog, Fluffy, that I've had since I was a baby...Fluffy is MY Manatee! So when I was crying, Brandon got up and got me Fluffy, who lives with my other stuffed animals on the floor in front of my bookcase, and gave him to me, and I've been sleeping with him ever since! I felt so horrible for neglecting Fluffy. I am such a loser sometimes. :rotfl:
I know what you mean. I was 9 when Toy Story 2 came out and I felt sooooo guilty for neglecting my toys that I implemented a plan to play with them each for an equal amount of time every day. I was very serious about not hurting anyone's feelings. :laughing:

And then, when I got home from Toy Story 3, I went to my closet and pulled out a box of my old toys and just sat there with them for a little while. I really missed those guys!!

YES! That is definitely why it was so enjoyable...even though I have already finished college it still really hit home for me. I could not keep myself from crying at certain points. Such a great movie. :thumbsup2:thumbsup2
I don't know how anyone could keep themselves from crying. It's just so emotional!


THEY ARE SUCH GENIUSES, I CAN'T EVEN DEAL WITH IT. I just can't stop thinking about the movie and I wrote this big emotional thing on my blog and like I can't handle how good it was and I am just in love with it and I want to watch it over and over on a loop and just laugh and cry forever omgggggg.
I'm so glad you saw it!!

Yesterday, I kept thinking about the movie a lot, and every time, I burst into tears. I was taking a shower and was like, "I used to play with TOYS in the bathtub!!!" And then cried buckets of tears. And then I was reading an article on Entertainment Weekly's website and a bunch of people were leaving comments about when they cried, so of course I cried again. Then I ate Toy Story Cheez-Its and cried. Then, during dinner, I wondered how all of my old toys that we gave away are doing and cried. I hope they have a Bonnie to take care of them!! Then last night I sat in bed with my Manatee and cried. I was just like "HOW DID I GET SO OLD!!?!?! I NEED TO STOP GROWING UP. I TURN 20 IN TWO WEEKS!! I CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS ANYMORE!!" It was quite the day.

Everything you said about TS3 is so right. I agree, I think Pixar waited for our generation to grow up so we could relate to Andy. I cried during the ending too! I mean, how couldn't I?! I am such an emotional sap, so of course it got to me.
Oh, I'm a TOTAL sap too. I cry at just about everything, happy or sad. I went in to Toy Story 3 knowing I would cry, I just didn't think I'd be completely blubbering and making all sorts of weird crying noises. :laughing:
Hello, everyone!! I'm just swinging by really quickly to deliver some important news............

EXACTLY ONE MONTH FROM TODAY I WILL BE AT WALT DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think this calls for a impromptu virtual dance party. So crank up some tunes and join me!! I strongly suggest the song 5, 6, 7, 8 by Steps because that is what I am listening to as part of my Cheesy Pop Music playlist. If you don't remember the wonder that is Steps, Youtube it, Stat!!

My boot scootin' baby is drivin' me crazy
My obsession from a western - my dance floor date
My rodeo romeo, a cowboy god from head to toe
Wanna make you mine better get in line

:dance3: :dance3: :dance3:
party: party: party:
:jumping1: :jumping1:

It's safe to say that I am QUITE EXCTIED. So excited that I've started picking out what I want to wear each day of the trip. I usually don't do that until, like, a few days before we leave.

That said, I will never become an early packer. I wait to start packing until a few hours before we leave. Partially because I know if I pack early, I will be un-packing and re-packing several times before we leave. I have a hard time making final decisions. If you wait until the last possible minute, the clothing decisions get made for you! But yeah, I'm a last-minute packer...and I don't see that ever changing. :upsidedow

I don't know if I have shared with y'all the trials and tribulations of my broken camera. I'm too lazy to read back through my own thread, so I'll just share them. A year and a half ago, at the Ohio State/Michigan football game, my camera took a tumble down a few cement stairs. I'm normally really good about not dropping electronics, but it was REALLY COLD that day. So cold that I had two pairs of gloves on and barely had use of my hands. But of course, I wanted to take pictures...I was at my first Ohio State/Michigan game...that's a picture worthy occasion.

Anyway, during it's tumble, the part of the camera that holds in the batteries chipped, so the batteries don't completely stay in place. You either have to hold it shut, or, at my dad's wonderful advice, tape it closed. I've been using the tape method.

Then, earlier this year, the lense cover thing-y started getting stuck. You now have to physically push it completely open every once in a while. It's incredibly annoying. So basically, my camera is on its last leg. And I REALLY need a new one. And I was hoping to buy a new one before our trip.

BUT...I'm moving into a house at school in the fall with some of my friends, and I have a million things I need to buy for that, so I'm going to try and make do with my semi-broken camera. I tested it the other night, and the quality of pictures hasn't gone down...The camera just looks kind of stupid. And yes, I will be sure to use my dad's camera to take a picture of my messed up camera. Or pictures of me attempting to use said camera and getting frustrated. Because I know I will. I mean, I'm not going to go all Kate Gosselin on it, but that camera drives me nuts.

Anyway, that's all for this random update. I'm working on the next REAL update which is about the place that's like my second home, Clearwater Beach. I will hopefully post it in the next couple of days.

Until then, here's a teaser pic...

Yay, one month!!!!! :dance3: :banana: :cheer2:

I would not even consider packing a month before I left...I don't even get the people who start packing a week before they leave! :confused3 I don't have enough clothes to even think about doing that...and even if I did, I'm such an OCD freak when it comes to packing, that I'd drive myself crazy checking and rechecking that I put everything in there. I'm SO paranoid when it comes to packing, I always think I'm going to forget something really important, like underwear and my whole trip will be ruined! So yeah, I totally understand being a last minute packer! :laughing:

That's too bad about your camera...maybe you will be able to get a new one before you go, try to find one on sale or something! I know that would drive me crazy, trying to hold a camera together at Disney! :rotfl:

That's a really beautiful beach...I have yet to see water like that in my life! I'm used to the horrifying water of Long Island Sound, I can't even imagine what it must be like to see clear water! :)
One month, one month! :cool1:

Clearwater Beach is so beautiful! I'm with Nermel, being from NY we don't have access to beaches like the ones in FL.
Let's hope the oil spill doesn't affect that beautiful beach :sad2:
I hope not! I mean, Clearwater is near Tampa, so it's a bit further from the actual spill, but if they can't figure out a way to stop this thing anytime soon, you never know what might happen. :confused3

Yay, one month!!!!! :dance3: :banana: :cheer2:

I would not even consider packing a month before I left...I don't even get the people who start packing a week before they leave! :confused3 I don't have enough clothes to even think about doing that...and even if I did, I'm such an OCD freak when it comes to packing, that I'd drive myself crazy checking and rechecking that I put everything in there. I'm SO paranoid when it comes to packing, I always think I'm going to forget something really important, like underwear and my whole trip will be ruined! So yeah, I totally understand being a last minute packer! :laughing:

That's too bad about your camera...maybe you will be able to get a new one before you go, try to find one on sale or something! I know that would drive me crazy, trying to hold a camera together at Disney! :rotfl:

That's a really beautiful beach...I have yet to see water like that in my life! I'm used to the horrifying water of Long Island Sound, I can't even imagine what it must be like to see clear water! :)
I'm definitely going to be on the lookout for a good camera on sale, but we'll see if I can find one I like.

And yes, it IS a beautiful beach!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! Being from Ohio, I go to the Lake Erie beaches every once in a while, but they are really gross so I never go in the water. So it's nice to actually go to a beach where I don't feel like I need a HAZMAT shower before I leave. ;)

:woohoo: for one month!!! :woohoo:

:dance3:you'll be there before you know it!! :dance3:
One month, one month! :cool1:

Clearwater Beach is so beautiful! I'm with Nermel, being from NY we don't have access to beaches like the ones in FL.
It's gorgeous. And super relaxing. You wouldn't think it would be considering how busy it always is, but with my ipod on, I enter a completely relaxed state. It's WONDERFUL!!
Yesterday, I kept thinking about the movie a lot, and every time, I burst into tears. I was taking a shower and was like, "I used to play with TOYS in the bathtub!!!" And then cried buckets of tears. And then I was reading an article on Entertainment Weekly's website and a bunch of people were leaving comments about when they cried, so of course I cried again. Then I ate Toy Story Cheez-Its and cried. Then, during dinner, I wondered how all of my old toys that we gave away are doing and cried. I hope they have a Bonnie to take care of them!! Then last night I sat in bed with my Manatee and cried. I was just like "HOW DID I GET SO OLD!!?!?! I NEED TO STOP GROWING UP. I TURN 20 IN TWO WEEKS!! I CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS ANYMORE!!" It was quite the day.

Oh my God, I can't stop thinking about it either, it's driving me crazy. I want the DVD soooooo bad. The whole "How did I get so old" thing has been getting to me BIG TIME. Like I really can't handle it. And I know people much older would probably read this and say "Oh... just WAIT" but I don't care. I still feel like such a kid. That is why the movie got to me so much.


and OMG!!! ONE MONTH!!!!!!!! :dance3::dance3::dance3: I'm so jealous I could die!! I want to go so bad oh MY GOD. But i'm so excited for you!!! SOOOO FAB!! Brilliant Jon & Kate + 8 reference by the way!!
Maybe you can find a good camera on ebay for a good price. I recently switched to an SLR, but I still love my Nikon coolpix point and shoot. You might find someone has upgraded and is selling an older model or even a duplicate of your camera.

You have less than a month now! :cool1:

Oh my God, I can't stop thinking about it either, it's driving me crazy. I want the DVD soooooo bad. The whole "How did I get so old" thing has been getting to me BIG TIME. Like I really can't handle it. And I know people much older would probably read this and say "Oh... just WAIT" but I don't care. I still feel like such a kid. That is why the movie got to me so much.


and OMG!!! ONE MONTH!!!!!!!! :dance3::dance3::dance3: I'm so jealous I could die!! I want to go so bad oh MY GOD. But i'm so excited for you!!! SOOOO FAB!! Brilliant Jon & Kate + 8 reference by the way!!
Yes, they do have Toy Story Cheez-its. They are delicious. And have the characters faces imprinted in them. It makes them so much more exciting to eat!! :laughing:

And I was hoping someone would catch my J&K + 8 reference, so THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

Maybe you can find a good camera on ebay for a good price. I recently switched to an SLR, but I still love my Nikon coolpix point and shoot. You might find someone has upgraded and is selling an older model or even a duplicate of your camera.

You have less than a month now! :cool1:

Oooo that's a good idea! I'll definitely have to check ebay. :goodvibes


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