Got Covid during vacation

Here now--- leaving Thurs--- and just sharing info--- not trying to frighten anyone--- there are so many people sick here right now. Everywhere we go, we hear someone speaking about themselves, or a relative, that had to stay back at the room sick, or has just gotten over being sick. We starting wearing masks inside, (transportation/food court) and on crowded waiting queues (rides/attractions)
Here now--- leaving Thurs--- and just sharing info--- not trying to frighten anyone--- there are so many people sick here right now. Everywhere we go, we hear someone speaking about themselves, or a relative, that had to stay back at the room sick, or has just gotten over being sick. We starting wearing masks inside, (transportation/food court) and on crowded waiting queues (rides/attractions)
I agree. We just got home this past Friday from 2 weeks in Disney and I tested positive for covid on Sunday. When we got down there and got on the Mears motorcoach, there was a guy coughing and hacking the WHOLE ride. I was so nervous the entire trip that one of us would go down mid trip. People were just coughing and blowing noses all over the place. By the end, I was actually ready to come home. Then, our plane ride home the family in front of us were coughing the whole flight, no masks. I felt terrible Sunday and Monday and started feeling a little better yesterday. Today, its much more like just a cold. But, either way with the heat and humidity, being sick down there in a hotel room would have been even more misery for me...ugh😕 Stay safe out there everyone.
I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm curious, since you weren't having symptoms, how did you know to test? Was it because your toddler wasn't feeling well? I hope he/she recovers quickly and the rest of you stay healthy.
Yeah, our toddler was warm and more tired that normal. He had a slight fever for one day but that was it. No other symptoms. He tested positive and so we tested the rest of our party which also tested positive. Otherwise we wouldn't have known at all.
Yeah, our toddler was warm and more tired that normal. He had a slight fever for one day but that was it. No other symptoms. He tested positive and so we tested the rest of our party which also tested positive. Otherwise we wouldn't have known at all.

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope everyone is healthy now!
Just had an experience with this. Was staying at BWV on points.

Bottom line, Disney gave me 3 single day park hoppers for my unused days on my current hopper. They are good for 3 years and are not upgradeable. But if you want this possible compensation, you will need to notify the hotel when you test positive and they will shut your current ticket off for the next 5 days.


Tested positive on Thursday 8/4. After video discussion with doctor, determined my symptoms started 8/2. Self-isolated in room.

Friday 8/5, had DND on door. Housekeeping called and asked when they could come in. Not sure why as this was not our trash and towel day. Advised I was isolating due to positive Covid test. Was told someone would call me back to check on me later. No call received.

Saturday 8/6, still isolating, Housekeeping calls again, this time it IS our trash and towel day, also said they needed to do visual inspection. Again advised I was isolating due to positive Covid test. Again told someone would call and check on me.

This time I do get a call about an hour later from a manager. She advises me they will be shutting off my ticket access for an additional 5 days (we still had over a week left on trip). I could re-enter park Friday 8/12. This did not sit well with me as it would mean Friday was really day 10 for the purposes of calculating isolation/mask requirements and CDC guidelines stated I could leave isolation on day 6 if symptoms were improving (and they were actually gone by this point). Manager stated they could not start 5 day period until tomorrow because they were just notified. I explained I did notify them Friday of my positive test Thursday. She asked who I told, and I explained about the phone call from Housekeeping the day before. She said nobody told her, I repeated I told them. So now she says I will be shut off until Wednesday. Better, but still not thrilled. She informs me someone will contact me via text with further info and to answer any questions. I asked about my unused ticket days and she said no cash refund, but they will issue tickets for the unused days.

Later that day I get a text advising me my ticket will now be active Tuesday. I did not ask why there was a change, but my guess is they saw I had not been in a park since the prior Wednesday and so counted that as my day 0, which would mean my 5 day isolation requirement per Disney would run through Monday.

I wanted to rearrange a park reservation day and ADR and they took care of that, even though the park we wanted the reservation for on the new day showed no availability.

I was able to use my ticket on Tuesday as promised.

Upon checkout, I had used 6 of my 10 hopper days, and the rest of my family had used 9 of 10. I texted and asked if I needed to stop by the front desk to deal with my unused days and they replied they would take care of it, issuing 4 single day hoppers to me, and 1 to each of the rest of the party, all would show on the App. However, we planned to go to Epcot after checkout so I told her I would only need the 3 days for myself. She said they would show within an hour, and they did. I asked if they were upgradeable and was told no, which makes sense.

So again, bottom line, when it comes to park tickets they do have a policy in place and it is possible to get some replacement tickets. But you will need to notify them of your positive test and have your current ticket shut off for the next 5 days.
I came home from Disney and tested positive for Covid two days later. Be careful all.
We got covid on day six of a weeklong vacation in mid August and dealt with it by flying home early with N95 masks on. Anecdotally, a LOT of people have been picking up covid at WDW lately.
Starting to worry …seems like everybody feels like they want to believe it is their allergy acting up! I can’t tell you how many times I have heard those words lately .
Sorry for everybody that has tested positive and thank you for reporting as a decent fair warning to remember . Just in case …
I tested positive after returning from a 5 day WDW trip last week. Took me out of work for a couple of days.

My wife and kids were fine, because they tested positive a couple months ago (in June, while I was on a business trip)...they may have been exposed from another child returning from a trip from WDW. And two (2) of my friends had members of their family test positive after WDW trips in July and August, respectively.

I masked up on the plane (both directions) and as much as tolerable in the parks (high heat and humidity).

Just consider it a parting gift from Mickey and don't plan anything important the week following your return just in case.

Can't say 100% it was from Disney/Orlando, but haven't left the house since returning, and tested positive three days after landing so it had to be sometime during the trip or travel.
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I tested positive after returning from a 5 day WDW trip last week. Took me out of work for a couple of days.

My wife and kids were fine, because they tested positive a couple months ago (in June, while I was on a business trip)...they may have been exposed from another child returning from a trip from WDW. And two (2) of my friends had members of their family test positive after WDW trips in July and August, respectively.

I masked up on the plane (both directions) and as much as tolerable in the parks (high heat and humidity).

Just consider it a parting gift from Mickey and don't plan anything important the week following your return just in case.

Can't say 100% it was from Disney/Orlando, but haven't left the house since returning, and tested positive three days after landing so it had to be sometime during the trip or travel.
I am pretty nervous to hear this. DH has a lung disorder and is high risk. He usually wears a mask along with oxygen. We plan on wearing masks at the airport, on the plane, and at WDW where crowds are gathering. Since he will be wearing his oxygen along with the mask, we are hoping that he won't get much exposure. We will be sure to keep using hand sanitizer throughout the day.
I am pretty nervous to hear this. DH has a lung disorder and is high risk. He usually wears a mask along with oxygen. We plan on wearing masks at the airport, on the plane, and at WDW where crowds are gathering. Since he will be wearing his oxygen along with the mask, we are hoping that he won't get much exposure. We will be sure to keep using hand sanitizer throughout the day.
Yea - my intent wasn't to scare anyone, just share some recent experiences - my data is entirely anecdotal, so take it with a grain of salt.

We tried to wear masks as much as possible, but the vast majority of other guests were not (as is their right, to be sure). We did not wear them at our resort/pool day, or generally while at the hotel (Swan Reserve) since we were rarely outside of the room.

Even with G+ and Mobile Order, there were times when we were packed in close - for example, we had a ride breakdown and were stuck in the queue until they dumped it (probably 20 minutes), we shielded from the rain a couple of times with many other people like in the shops at Norway at Epicot, waiting in a full queue for a bus and then the bus ride itself, and even just eating in a QS restaurant had folks fairly close at tables adjacent. We did wash hands/use our own sanitizer as much as possible. I'd say overall it was a success since I'm the only one who got sick, and the family was spared.

Wish you all the best for a safe and healthy trip!
Regarding people who are obviously unwell yet still flying, traveling, etc. Remember that the newest variant of Omicron gives false-negatives on about 35% of the at-home tests. I was sick as a dog when DH was positive (and not very ill) but kept testing negative with my at-home tests. My employer finally asked if I'd go be tested by PCR, and sure enough, I was positive- even though I'd tested negative at home on the same day. People might have tested negative and think "it's just a cold" and keep on going. I'm going to WDW in November and plan on wearing a mask the entire time: In the airport, on the plane, in the parks. Hopefully if I do TS meals (it's a solo trip so I might not) I'll be able to sit far enough away from everyone else.
We went in Mid August for a week wore masks on the plane only as we do no matter were we fly and none of us got sick. Same with our trip last year when Disney had Masks rules indoors we had a group of 10 none of us got sick we only wore masks where we had to. Personally I think planes are the cause for most.
The at home tests or rapid tests only test if you are contagious or shedding the virus the PCR can test positive for weeks after you have recovered.
Covid hit us on the 5th day of our 12 day trip. We did not have it when we arrived. Does Disney offer any type of refunds or anything since we can't use a week of park tickets or our hotel (we're planning on driving back)?
Wow that is so frustrating. Sorry to hear about that.


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