Good Conscience?

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One persons "abhorrent" law is another persons "glad to see it" law.
Everyone is free to decide which side of an issue they agree with but NO ONE has the right to demand that other people must agree with their side "or else".
That's called absolutism and is, in and of itself, an evil concept.
Absolutely. Which is why I choose not to support any government/state/business that has abhorrent laws to me.
If you believe that your opinion is the only correct one and that your personal autonomy is more important that that of others, you are sadly mistaken.
You have the right to be upset, boycott anyone or any place, cry, scream at the Moon, or do any number of other silly things to protest the actions of States that enact laws that you disagree with or that offends your sensibilities.
Your 12,000 will not be missed by FL, or any other state for that matter.
But start multiplying that $12,000 by the 67% of the US that do not support the new legislation being proposed and the state just might start feeling the effects.
If you believe that your opinion is the only correct one and that your personal autonomy is more important that that of others, you are sadly mistaken.
You have the right to be upset, boycott anyone or any place, cry, scream at the Moon, or do any number of other silly things to protest the actions of States that enact laws that you disagree with or that offends your sensibilities.
Your 12,000 will not be missed by FL, or any other state for that matter.

Cry and scream at the moon? lol If anyone is freaking out it seems to be you. I enjoy it though, keep it up.

You're right they wouldn't miss my 12000, because this is not a thread about organizing a boycott, how would they even know?? This is about someone making a personal decision to spend their money elsewhere.

No worries about any other state (besides Georgia, who is actually getting a boycott from the movie industry) trying to pass draconian laws, they call them fly over states for a reason, they were not going to get anyone's money anyway.
I will never visit Georgia or Alabama, but there wasn't anything there that I wanted to see anyway. And with Florida, it's expensive to fly out there and I live somewhat close to Disneyland so it won't be much of a loss for me.
Bull. This takes the rights away of all the people who cannot afford to go to other states. This means the right to choose is only for the well off.

And Georgia's law says if you go to another state you can still be prosecuted. So that throws your theory right out the window.

I respectfully disagree. Our entire country was founded on states and local governments having the right to have rules stricter than the Federal government. It filters all the way down to our CCRs in our subdivisions. My subdivision allows you to park your car on the street or in your driveway. Another subdivision here bans cars even having cars in the driveway between sunset and sunrise. You don't those rules, you are free to live in a subdivision without that restriction .
While I don't consider me spending my money in other places a boycott, just me spending my hard earned money where I see fit, if those merchants with the hotel/store with knick knacks/farms all of sudden start feeling a decline in their lively hood, it may prompt them to do a little research whether the person they voted into office making the rules really in it for their interests. Kind of like what is happening in the mid west and the farmers right now. It may not change anyone's mind which is fine. I respect anyone's point of view as long as they are informed and not getting info from twitter (any side.) Everyone has a right to their views just as I have a right where to spend my money. Respect does not equal support.

Consequently, I feel absolutely no guilt in withholding my money from a country/state/business that has truly abhorrent to me laws or business practices.
And that is your right.
Would you, in good conscience, be able to spend your hard earned vacation money in a state that passed a bill you find completely abhorrent? Something really extreme.

Could you spend your money somewhere in the state, a county or a place, that stood up against this abhorrent bill?

No, which is why going to certain states right now is out of the question. I'm also actively avoiding companies (as much as I can, anyways) that have base operations in those states.

My state is talking about becoming one of those states (well, one guy is; guess he's special and gets first hand knowledge)...which is why you've popped this question up, is my guess...
No, which is why going to certain states right now is out of the question. I'm also actively avoiding companies (as much as I can, anyways) that have base operations in those states.

My state is talking about becoming one of those states (well, one guy is; guess he's special and gets first hand knowledge)...which is why you've popped this question up, is my guess...
Yes and no, I wanted to know what other people do and it could be directed at anyone. There are lots of blue states that I assume bug some people, do people avoid these states?
Yes and no, I wanted to know what other people do and it could be directed at anyone. There are lots of blue states that I assume bug some people, do people avoid these states?

And that's a fair question.

I live in a red state - not one of the ones mentioned (yet), & I tend toward the politically conservative side of things.

I really disagreed w/ some of the recent legislation in New York & New Jersey around the same issue w/ which some are now disagreeing, but for the opposite reasons, in the southern states mentioned.

(And, again, as I mentioned in my other post, I feel like the recent legislation in these southern states is a, perhaps, overboard reaction... some states went way too far one way, & other states are now going way too far in the other direction.)

Watching the politicians & other leaders actually cheer in New York when the legislation passed sickened me & probably rose within me the same kind of feelings others have for Georgia & Alabama. For me, it's one thing to pass the legislation. It's quite another thing to cheer so victoriously & loudly for an issue which should really be a solemn, reverent one, no matter what side on which you fall.

That said, I have no plans to avoid New York or New Jersey. Granted, because of where I live, unless I plan a specific trip to the Northeast, my every day path is not going to cross w/ either of those 2 states. I won't need to drive through the states in order to get to my destination. However, if the opportunity presents itself, I'll visit either or both states. There are probably other states that have laws w/ which I disagree as well, & I don't plan to avoid them either. I am for states' individual rights & governing freedoms, so I have to acknowledge that I'm not going to agree w/ every law of every state.

I love America, & I feel that each of our 50 states has so much more to offer than just politics & bi-partisan legislation.
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